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Transaction rolled back because it has been marked as rollback-only


public void foo() {
catch (RuntimeException re) {
// caught but not throw further

public void bar() {
如果foo在调用bar的时候,bar抛出RuntimeException,Spring在bar return时将Transactional标记为Rollback only, 而foo捕获了bar的RuntimeException,所以Spring将会commit foo的事务,但是foo和bar使用的是同一事务,因此在commit foo事务时,将会抛出UnexpectedRollbackException。注意:如果foo和bar在同一class中,不会出现这种情况,因为:

Since this mechanism is based on proxies, only 'external' method calls coming in through the proxy will be intercepted. This means that 'self-invocation', i.e. a method within the target object calling some other method of the target object, won't lead to an actual transaction at runtime even if the invoked method is marked with @Transactional!

可以通过配置log4j来debug Spring事务获取情况:
To delve more into it I would turn up your log4j logging to debug and also look at what ExerciseModuleController is doing at line 91, e.g.: add a logger for org.springframework.transaction


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