
标签: 社交游戏 平台 异步性 机制 激发因素 | 发表时间:2011-08-18 17:54 | 作者:fanbinzhen 和谐牌河蟹

作者:Tami Baribeau



目前,多数社交游戏存在与社交网络中。你在已经存在朋友的地方玩游戏。通过这项服务,你已经同朋友产生了联系,与他们一起玩游戏只是个功能。这与AOL Chat和《第二人生》有所不同,在这些游戏中,你登陆与从未见过的陌生人或者在这些服务中结交的朋友进行互动。社交游戏借用的是你现存的友谊,让你能够以这份友谊为基础来做某些事情。至于他们在其中扮演的角色有多重要,这就是另一回事了。

City of Eternals(from games.com)

City of Eternals(from games.com)

这并不意味着社交游戏仅限于Facebook平台。Ohai的《City of Eternals》在他们自己的站点上使用Facebook Connect来实现上述目标。无论玩家是否通过Facebook来玩游戏,《City of Eternals》都可以算作是真正的社交游戏。而且,社交游戏并不一定需要同步即时互动。iPhone流行游戏《Words With Friends》允许你通过社交网络将自己同已经认识的人联系起来,每天和他们玩类似《Scrabble》的游戏。这款游戏使用信息推送技术提醒你做出行动。这也是款社交游戏,因为游戏构建于你已经拥有好友这个平台之上。


纵观Facebook游戏,你会看到其中有大量的朋友邀请和朋友推荐设计,但是很少发生真正的即时对话。在线聊天并非新技术,人们已经使用了很长时间。为何Facebook游戏开发者现在不使用这项技术了呢?因为我们已经有其他选择。即时互动并非玩家心中期待获得的功能。互动方式可能随时间流逝而改变,之前提到的《City of Eternals》正是朝着新的方向发展。我们尝试在应用中融入多玩家空间,这对玩家群体来说是个新奇的功能。这并非改变游戏的因素,游戏也未必会因此新功能就发生改变。我们已经拥有了在线即时聊天,但是很多人希望尝试在别人不在线时与他人交流。很有趣的是,我发现许多休闲游戏玩家会关掉自己的Facebook IM(游戏邦注:Facebook中的即时聊天工具)。









与上述所说的机制一样,动机也是个很强大的因素。在《Bubble Island》或《宝石迷阵:闪电战》之类的游戏中,你的好友还有个作用:你可以在排行榜上向他们炫耀。查看他们在排行榜上的位置以及他们正在尝试超越你,这是个核心游戏机制。我曾经说过,如果没有这个功能,那么Facebook上的谜题游戏将变得毫无意义。在这些游戏中,社会认同和相互攀比就是游戏的核心。另外,反馈也是至关重要的内容。



Writing Sample – Defining “Social” in Social Games

Tami Baribeau

When most people think of the word social, they think talking to people. They think joining up with people, communicating, getting to know other people. You know, socializing. That’s fairly standard. So when you think of social gaming, this is what it means right? A game where people hang out in a multiplayer space and get to know each other. Well, that’s not actually entirely accurate.

In social games, social is the ‘platform’

Social games as they exist right now (for the most part) exist on social networks. You play them where your friends live. You are already connected with people on this service, and gaming with them is a feature. This is different than AOL Chat, or even Second Life – where you log in and interact with new people you’ve never met, or friends you’ve met on those services. Social gaming takes your pre-existing friendships and gives you something to do with them. How big of a role they play is another story.

This doesn’t mean they’re limited to Facebook games. Ohai’s City of Eternals, is using Facebook Connect on their own site to accomplish this very thing. City of Eternals is very much a social game, whether or not players are actually on it through Facebook or not. And social games don’t have to involve synchronous real-time interaction. A popular iPhone app, Words With Friends, allows you to connect with people you already know by broadcasting on social networks and play a Scrabble clone with them throughout the day – using push notification technology to alert you of your turns. This is a social game, too. It’s built on your platform of friends you already have.

In social games, real-time interaction is not the norm

Throughout Facebook games, you will see a whole lot of inviting friends and recommending to friends – but very little actual real-time conversation going on. Live chat isn’t new technology, people have been doing it for a long time. Why aren’t Facebook game developers using a lot more of it now? Well, they don’t have to. It isn’t an expected feature. This could evolve over time, as games like the aforementioned City of Eternals are heading in that direction. We tried a multiplayer space in our app, and it was a bonus feature to the playerbase. It wasn’t a game changer, and it certainly wasn’t necessary. We have live chat, but if you try to chat with a player on their island, sometimes they’re scared and log off. Interestingly enough, I’ve noticed a lot of casual game players turn off their Facebook IM as well.

While traditional MMO gamers might be real familiar with logging in to their MMO of choice and chatting it up with their guildies and establishing relationships, that’s actually not a driving feature in social games. This is a big difference between social games and MMOs. When MMO developers talk about “putting social game features into their games”, I sigh when it is referring to synchronous features – because that’s missing the point. MMOs already do that well.

In social games, social is a mechanic

So if these games use friends, but players are not hanging out and chatting with them – what good are friends in the first place? Why build upon a social network if people are being “antisocial”? Well, let’s face it. Social gamers are, frankly, a bit selfish. They’re logging in for short spurts throughout the day, perhaps on their lunch break, tending to their farm or zoo, and logging off. Social games are such tight and directed experiences that your play session is mapped out before you log in.

Friends are used for the following purposes: viral growth, engagement, and session length. Virally, you need friends to be a mechanic because you need your players to invite people. Popular apps don’t just reward you for inviting friends, they all but demand it (within Facebook’s Terms of Service, of course). Good social game developers are looking at all the ways that players are selfish and designing their game around that. Examples:

Players love receiving gifts, so a fundamental way to grow games virally is by gifting. Players don’t send gifts because they are sweethearts who want to share with people, they share gifts because they want to receive one back. Gifting, receiving gifts, placing and arranging gifts is a core social game mechanic currently – because it hits on viral efforts hard, and works for engagement as well.

Players invite neighbors to the game to be permanent additions to the bottom of their game client, so they can easily access their neighbor’s farm or zoo or island. This isn’t because they genuinely care about what their friend’s creations look like – it’s because they get leveling and coin bonuses if they visit their neighbors. Try increasing the difficulty of earning this visiting reward, once, you’ll see. Players aren’t visiting for fun, they visit to get something. This is where session length comes in. Visiting neighbors takes a lot of time, but hey, as long as I *get* something…

To sum this section up, you invite your friends to the app because it benefits you. You gift them because it benefits you. You visit their creations because it benefits you. You post to your Facebook wall because it benefits you. These are social mechanics. Seems a bit backward, doesn’t it?

In social games, social is a motivator

Tying in with the previous point about social games being a mechanic, motivation is another strong factor. In a game like Bubble Island, or Bejeweled Blitz – your friends serve one purpose: bragging rights on a leaderboard. Seeing their names there and seeing that they’re beating you – this is a core game mechanic. I’d argue that there is no point in putting a puzzle game on Facebook without this feature. Social proof and comparison is everything in these games. Well, almost…feedback is crucial too.

It doesn’t have to be a puzzle game, either. Having a neighbor bar below Farmville showing me that my friends are level 35 and I’m only 15 makes me want to level up and pass him. It shows me what is possible. It gives me a concrete goal. My life will not be complete unless I pass him. Well, I won’t go that far… (Source: tamibaribeau.com)

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有人问了一个有趣的问题:你认为 Facebook游戏对玩家还有价值吗. 如果隐私得到保护,你还会申请另一个账号吗. 答案当然是Yes,以下就是详细解答:. 首先你需要忘记一点,Facebook游戏不是只有类似Farmville这样一种游戏类型,如果说Facebook的所有游戏都和Farmville一样,无异于说所有的PC游戏都和多玩PC游戏Solitaire一样,Facebook也有好坏之分,每个人眼中的好坏也有不同的定义,或许有的游戏在你看来很差,但在别人看来却好.


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作者:Tami Baribeau. 多数人在提到“社交”这个词时,都会想到是与他人交谈. 他们对这个词的认识是结交其他人并与这些人交流. 但是,如果你认为社交游戏只是玩家在多人空间中互相结识的游戏的话,就不算是完全准确的想法了. 在社交游戏中,社交是“平台”. 目前,多数社交游戏存在与社交网络中. 通过这项服务,你已经同朋友产生了联系,与他们一起玩游戏只是个功能.


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移动社交游戏商OpenFeint已经在过去的2个月又增加了230款游戏,Android Market的免费游戏排行榜Top 100中有24个使用他们的社区. 目前在Android Market里面总共有他们的700款游戏了,利用这个优势可以铺开更多新功能,包括补充玩家的资料,状态信息以及建立起一个玩家信息的壁垒.


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社交游戏已经成为一种社会现象,其渗透力惊人,社会影响不可低估. 对此,各人可能裹贬不一,其实游戏本是人的天性,只要不影响工作生活,借此减轻压力舒缓身心,也算获得一种价值. oBizMedia 制作的这幅信息图通过各种数据,展示了社交游戏对网络生活,甚至是现实生活的巨大影响. 20 % 的美国人曾在一个社交网络上玩过一个游戏,这些人中,35% 的人没有玩过任何视频游戏.

Google+ Games 社交游戏推出,附hosts与介绍

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作为一款与Facebook抗衡的社交产品,Google+ 终于在今早推出了自己的游戏平台——Google+ Games,支持Angry Birds,Crime City等16款游戏. 由于目前还在测试中,不是所有的用户都能使用此服务,如果你的G+ 里面出现了“游戏”按钮,表明你已经幸运地列入了测试范围,赶紧进来玩玩吧.


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社交游戏一直是一大热门,但社交游戏究竟是什么. 带着这个问题,我咨询了众多游戏界杰出人士. 他们给出了关于社交游戏的一些定义. John Romero,游戏设计师. 我认为社交游戏应该是循序渐进的学习曲线,易于理解的用户界面,基于社交网络之上,以非常有意义的方式在游戏中发挥你们友谊的作用. 我们还处在这类游戏的初始阶段,正在以豁出去的速度学习游戏模式方面的知识,和其他游戏设计师一样希望抢占最大的游戏市场份额,整个过程非常令人兴奋.


- EK - FeedzShare
来自: 战略航空军元帅的旗舰 - FeedzShare  . 发布时间:2011年06月27日,  已有 3 人推荐. 每个session要足够短但与此同时长时间玩耍也不会产生厌烦感. 这篇本来是另一个理论系列中的一部分,发现写得有点多了,索性独立成章征求一下大家对这个话题的意见,权当抛砖引玉了. 对于战略航空军旗舰的各位常客,我恐怕还真得先介绍一下社交游戏.