
标签: windows 平台 文本编辑 | 发表时间:2011-10-19 02:02 | 作者:ZturnLynn vintone

译者 ZturnLynn

5 Powerful Text Editors for Windows



We have always tried to feature great software here at Lifehack.org. You know, the stuff to keep you guys and gals productive. You can say whatever you want to about Windows vs. Mac OS X. Maybe you like OS X for its “simplicity” or prefer Windows because you are a hardcore gamer. Either way, no one can deny that Windows has a huge 3rd party software base that users can tap into.

       我们在这儿介绍各种强大的软件,就是那些能让你们保持高效率的东西。告诉我们任何你希望看到的关于Windows或是Mac OS X的内容。或许你喜欢OS X,因为它的“简单”。也许你偏爱Windows,因为你是个游戏发烧友。总之,谁也不能否认Windows平台上有一个庞大的第三方软件库供用户遨游其中。

Even though I am a Mac owner, I work in Windows 7, 8 hours a day at the minimum. I have 3 versions of Windows installed virtually on my Mac and a separate machine for a real installation of Windows 7. Programming on Windows is my thing and is what I do “professionally” so I tamper with text day-in and day-out. It’s important to have an awesome text editor to work with.

       尽管我是Mac用户,但我每天至少对着Windows 7系统工作8个小时。实际上,在我的Mac上装有三个版本的Windows系统,还有另外一台机器上装着真正的Windows 7系统。在Windows平台上编程是我的工作,所以我每天和文本打交道。于是有个强大的文本编辑器就显得尤为重要。

Let’s take a look at 5 powerful text editors for Windows.


1.The venerable Notepad++

Notepad++ is an open source text editor that hosts a massive amount of features for everyday users as well as hackers. NP++ is written in C++ and for most text editing tasks it holds its own. There is text folding, excellent search features with regular expressions, support for syntax highlighting in every programming language you can think of, column editing, tabbed interface, conversions, and also a way for contributors to include plugins.If you are looking for a free (as in free beer) way of editing code and text, there may be no better than NP++ for Windows.




TextPad is a paid application for editing forms of text. It isn’t as robust in the coding realm as NP++, but it is excellent for writing or plain text editing. TextPad supports a tabbed interface, search capabilities, macros for completing common tasks, document selection sidebar interface, spell checking, etc.It’s a simple, small-footprint editor and priced at $27 with a free trial.



3.E Text Editor

With a tagline like “The Power of Textmate on Windows” it isn’t hard to guess what the E Text Editor is shooting for. Basically, E is a Textmate clone for Windows. Textmate is a super popular text editing and code handling app on Mac OS X that is beloved by many a coder.E supports Textmate snippets, bundles, version control, supports syntax highlighting for a ton of languages, has great search features, and can be used as a Unix scripting environment inside of Windows.There is a free trial while the full version is $46.95. Let’s hope that E doesn’t fall off the earth like its father app has.

3.E Text Editor

       正如标语所言,E Text Editor编辑器就是“Windows平台上的Textmate”,不难猜测E Text Editor的致力方向。基本上,E就是Textmate的复制品,只不过Textmate为Mac服务,E为Windows效劳。在Mac OS X上,Textmate是个用于文本编辑以及代码处理的超人气应用,深得许多程序员青睐。E支持Textmate snippets,bundles和版本控制,支持N种语言的语法高亮显示,有着强大的搜索功能,可以作为Windows下的Unix脚本坏境使用。它提供免费的试用版,完整版售价为46.95美元。希望E不要像“它爸”一样不思进取落入凡尘。


EmEditor is a powerful unicode text editor that does one thing really well; handles and opens extremely large text files. I’m talking about files that are several gigabytes large. I’m not sure the magic behind this editor but it can open huge files and allow users to search them as they are still being opened.If you don’t have a need to open and look at large files, EmEditor is sort of ho-hum as it doesn’t give the user anything extra than Notepad++ does. But, if you need your text editor to stop crashing when you are opening 100MB+ text files, then EmEditor is what you are looking for.There is a free trial and the full license costs $39.99.




In my experience, UltraEdit is one of the most, if not the most, powerful text editing programs on Windows or Mac. It was introduced to my while working my current gig and I have to say it’s pretty insane what the thing can do.It has a multi-row tabbed interface, script browser, macros, XML manager (to help you navigate XML files), give you a function list when working with source code, code syntax highlighting and more. The one thing that may get to you is that the UI is rather cluttered; but that can be remedied.It’s hard to believe the UltraEdit only costs $59.95 for either Windows or Mac because of all the features that it offers its users.



So, if you want to get some real work done on a Windows machine, these are the tools that you need to do it. If you want to get a lot of editing done for no price at all, I can’t suggest NotePad++ enough. But, in my experience, if you want a “professional grade” app for editing, UltraEdit may be the way to go. Either way, you are going to be using one of the best text editing apps that Windows has to offer.


*free software通常指自由软件而非免费软件。

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5个Windows平台上的强大的文本编辑器. 【译者:ZturnLynn】.        我们在这儿介绍各种强大的软件,就是那些能让你们保持高效率的东西. 告诉我们任何你希望看到的关于Windows或是Mac OS X的内容. 或许你喜欢OS X,因为它的“简单”. 也许你偏爱Windows,因为你是个游戏发烧友.

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- - 标点符
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