更新于:05-03 09:21


GitHub - winshining/nginx-http-flv-module: Media streaming server based on nginx-rtmp-module. In addtion to the features nginx-rtmp-module supplies, HTTP-FLV, GOP cache and VHOST are supported now.

于05-01 21:49 - -
MUSTbe enclosed by quotation marks, or arguments in url will be discarded (some shells not so smart will interpret "&" as "run in background").. ngx_rtmp_stat_modulemay not get statistics from a specified worker process in multi-processes mode, for HTTP requests are randomly distributed to worker processes.

饮鸩止渴还是轻装上阵?搜索巨人将关停 code search engine, Buzz, Jaiku, iGoogle features 等多项服务

于10-15 09:46 - 李慧 - Code Search 快报 Buzz Google 关停Jaiku
Google产品副总裁Bradley Horowitz在官方博客中宣布了该消息,以下是具体情况:. Code Search(代码搜索):可以在线搜索公开的源代码. 此项目将于2012年1月15日关闭,同时还将关闭Code Search API. Google Buzz 和Buzz API将于几周内关停, Google将专注于Google+.