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The SEO Professional's Guide to Waterfall Diagrams - Moz

For each row, the waterfall chart uses a multi-colored bar to show where the browser spent its time loading that resource, for example:


It's important to understand each phase of a request since you can improve the speed of your site by reducing the amount of time spent in each of these phases. Here is a brief overview:

  • DNS Lookup [Dark Green] - Before the browser can talk to a server it must do a DNS lookup to convert the hostname to an IP Address. There isn't much you can do about this, and luckily it doesn't happen for all requests.
  • Initial Connection [Orange] - Before the browser can send a request, it must create a TCP connection. This should only happen on the first few rows of the chart, otherwise there's a performance problem (more on this later).
  • SSL/TLS Negotiation [Purple] - If your page is loading resources securely over SSL/TLS, this is the time the browser spends setting up that connection. With Google now using HTTPS as asearch ranking factor, SSL/TLS negotiation is more and more common.
  • Time To First Byte (TTFB) [Green] - The TTFB is the time it takes for the request to travel to the server, for the server to process it, and for the first byte of the response to make it make to the browser. We will use the measurement to determine if your web server is underpowered or you need to use a CDN.
  • Downloading (Blue) - This is the time the browser spends downloading the response. The longer this phase is, the larger the resource is. Ideally you can control the length of this phase by optimizing the size of your content.

You will also notice a few other lines on the waterfall diagram. There is a green vertical line which shows when "Start Render" happens. As we discussed in our last article, until Start Render happens, the user is looking at a blank white screen. A large Start Render time will make the user feel like your site is slow and unresponsive. There are some additional data points in the waterfall, such as"Content Download", but these are more advanced topics beyond the scope of this article.


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货币贬值,个人应该如何使资产保值? - 知乎

我觉得这个问题的两个限定性条件是许多投资者都面临的情况: 1、作为一个普通人,2、如何用最简单可行的办法使资产保值。
1、配置银行理财。 银行理财产品说明书中标明具体收益率的,前面是否有”预期“两字不是很重要,都可以比较放心。就目前来讲,只要是收益率写到产品说明书上的,虽然有不少写着”非保本浮动收益“的字样,但这类理财一般是带有银行隐性担保的。就中国银行来说,风险评级为1-3级的基本就不需要担心了。目前不少理财能达到5%以上,不少中小股份制银行的理财还能上6%,抗通胀还是有一定成效的。门槛:一般5-10万起。 
2、债券。国人普遍投机心理比较重,所以不少人不知道其实还有债券这个抗通胀比较有效的投资工具。目前的证券交易所里有不少公司债券年化收益率达到7%以上的债券,投资者通过持有到期可以忽略价格波动风险,获得稳定的回报。虽然我国迄今为止没有任何债券违约事件,但是在选择债券的时候还是要进行一定的筛选,方法很简单,选择信用级别较高的债券、构建数量较多的债券组合即可。投资债券还有一个方法是买纯债券型基金。 债券和债券型基金的门槛都很低,1000元就可以,手续也很简单。如果买交易所债券,开个证券账户就可以很方便的买入。买债券型基金通过在银行开立基金账户即可。债券还有一个优势是灵活性好,可以随时卖出,且利息是按天计算的。 当然,债券不是什么时候都合适做,一般在加息周期中,债券并不是特别理想的投资标的,但是对于那种买入就持有到期的投资者来说,价格波动可以忽略,只要你对买入时所对于的到期收益率满意即可。简言之,买债券可以简单根据债券评级、债券的剩余期限、到期收益率来进行筛选并建立投资组合来分散风险。
3、分级基金的固定收益类份额。 这个玩意儿有点复杂,但是确实是非常的好:“一旦拥有,从此细水流长,抗通胀不用愁。” 我这个说法是针对分级基金中的部分基金、在目前价格水平下的一个描述,并非是固态的。 比如目前的银华稳进、银华金利,按照近期的价格买入,基本每年的年化收益率可以达到8%以上。每年年初分红母基金份额,只要及时赎回,就可以基本锁定其所规定的票面利率。建议大家好好研究一下,只要你搞明白以合适价格买入,从此一劳永逸,唯一需要做的是每年年初赎回一下所发放的红利即可。 推荐的品种:银华金利、银华稳进等。等待何时的价格买入即可。不过需要提醒一点:平时价格可能会有较大的波动,对短信投资者是价格风险。但是如果你是长线投资者,这个可以不在乎,因为红利发放是按照你所持有的份数来发的,和价格高低没有关系。
5、股票或股票型基金。我觉得我们没有必要妖魔化股票,也没必要妖魔化股票型基金。有一次听以为人大的教授讲到中国股市,觉得很有道理,他认为,如果你赞同两个观点,那么你就可以投资股市:1、中国经济在未来5-10年是否还会保持较快增长,比如年5%以上?2、股市从长期来看是否能反映股市的增长?。 我对这两个观点是持肯定的态度的,所以我会愿意投资股市。但是中国的股市由于波动很大,总是出现“过度反应和”反应不足“的现象,因此对于什么时候买入要求较高。可是其实说简单也简单,我觉得股市的买入时机可以通过两个方面来判断:1、定性。如果你发现周围人有不少在骂股市,在批评股市,周围听到不少非常悲观的观点,你就可以考虑开始分批买股票了。反之,如果大家都在说最近股市涨的很好,很多平时什么都不懂的人也想买股了,你就随时准备从股市撤退吧。 2、定量指标。可以根据市盈率,如果市盈率在15倍以下,你就可以逐步开始买入了。如果25倍以上,就要谨慎些了。 至于股票型基金,其实中国的市场还是有一部分长期跑赢市场的,这个不是我说的,是事实就是那样,所以不要不了解情况就轻易下结论。另外,如果你真的对基金经理们毫无信心,那买指数就行了。 股票和基金的门槛也很低,手续也简单。
6、黄金。 09年10年我也像部分客户推荐过买入黄金,但是2011年我基本就相对比较少推荐了。首先我觉得我对黄金还是相对缺乏了解,我不会推荐我不是很了解的东西。 但是今年年初我和一个基金公司的基金经理交流后,我觉得我可能大致把握了黄金的特点。 黄金其实既有货币属性,还有商品属性。就货币属性来说,他应该是稳健增值了。但其商品属性是受供求很大影响的,因此我们会发现黄金和石油等其他大宗商品有时候走势是相似。另外,大家先看以过去20年的黄金走势图:





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Here some open source product which manages docx/odt to pdf/html converters :

  • JODConverter : JODConverter automates conversions between office document formats using OpenOffice.org or LibreOffice. Supported formats include OpenDocument, PDF, RTF, HTML, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Flash. It can be used as a Java library, a command line tool, or a web application.
  • docx4jdocx4j is a Java library for creating and manipulating Microsoft Open XML (Word docx, Powerpoint pptx, and Excel xlsx) files. It is similar to Microsoft’s OpenXML SDK, but for Java. docx4j uses JAXB to create the in-memory object representation.
  • XDocReport which provides:

Here criteria that I think which are important for converters :

  • best renderer : the converter must not loose some formatting information.
  • fast : the converter must be the more fast.
  • less memory intensive to avoid OutOfMemory problem.
  • streaming: use InputStream/OutputStream instead of File. Using streaming instead of File, avoids some problems (hard disk is not used, no need to have write right on the hard disk)
  • easy to install: no need to install OpenOffice/LibreOffice, MS Word on the server to manage converter.

In this article I will introduce those 3 Java frameworks converters and I will compare it to give Pros/Cons for each framework and try to be more frankly because I’m one of XDocReport developer.



一、Adobe Acrobat JavaScript


 cText: "中华人民共和国",
 nTextAlign: app.constants.align.right,
 nHorizAlign: app.constants.align.right,
 nVertAlign: app.constants.align.top,
 nHorizValue: -72, nVertValue: -72


 cDIPath: "/C/watermark.pdf",

 nHorizAlign: app.constants.align.left,
 nVertAlign: app.constants.align.top,
 nHorizValue: 144, nVertValue: -72,
 nRotation: 45

这两种方法速度极快,操作PDF资源占用极小, 而且支持任何东西方语言。当然还有很多细节问题,例如字体等等,具体用法可参阅Adobe Acrobat Scripting developmenthttp://www.adobe.com/devnet/acrobat/pdfs/js_api_reference.pdf


下载itext 5.4.1,地址:http://itextpdf.com/download.php

import com.itextpdf.text.Document;  
import com.itextpdf.text.DocumentException;  
import com.itextpdf.text.Font;  
import com.itextpdf.text.Paragraph;  
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.BaseFont;  
import com.itextpdf.text.BaseColor;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfWriter; 
import com.itextpdf.text.DocumentException;  
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.BaseFont;  
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfContentByte;  
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfReader;  
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfStamper;

public static final String CHARACTOR_FONT_CH_FILE = "SIMHEI.TTF";  //黑体常规 

public static void AddWaterMark(String filename,String outPutFile,String waterText,
   String pdfTitle,String Subject,String Keywords,String Creator,
   String Author) throws  DocumentException,IOException{
  PdfReader.unethicalreading = true; 
  // 待加水印的文件  
        PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(filename);        
        // 加完水印的文件  
        PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(reader, new FileOutputStream(outPutFile));  

方法三:利用Apache pdfbox实现,下载地址:http://pdfbox.apache.org/


public static void main(String args[]){
            PDDocument document = PDDocument.load(musiqueFileName);
            List pages = doc.getDocumentCatalog().getAllPages();
            PDPage page = (PDPage) pages.get(0);  //给第一页加水印,如果需要全部加,那么循环即可
            PDPageContentStream contentStream = new PDPageContentStream(document, page,true,true);             
            contentStream.setFont( PDType1Font.TIMES_ITALIC, 12f );
            contentStream.moveTextPositionByAmount( 10,10 );
            String msg = "Hello World";

String image = "D:/img.jpg";
             PDXObjectImage ximage = null;
             if( image.toLowerCase().endsWith( ".jpg" ) )
                 ximage = new PDJpeg(document, new FileInputStream( image ) );
             else if (image.toLowerCase().endsWith(".tif") || image.toLowerCase().endsWith(".tiff"))
                 ximage = new PDCcitt(document, new RandomAccessFile(new File(image),"r"));              
                 throw new IOException( "Image type not supported:" + image );
            contentStream.drawImage( ximage, 0, 0);
            contentStream.close();  //这一句很重要,不关闭将无法写入
  catch (Exception e){




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