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Tip #1 – Evaluate Local Variables


Primarily, specific to IE, because local variables are found based on the most to the least specific scope and can pass through multiple levels of scope, the look-ups can result in generic queries. When defining the function scope, within a local variable without a preceding var declaration, it is important to precede each variable with var in order to define the current scope in order to prevent the look-up and to speed up the code.

Tip #2 – Create shortcut codes to speed up coding


For useful codes that are constantly being used, speeding up the coding process can be achieved by creating shortcuts for longer codes, for example, document.getElementById. By creating a shortcut, longer scripts will not take as long to code and will save time in the overall process.

Tip #3 –Manipulate element fragments before adding them to DOM


Before placing the elements to the DOM, ensure that all tweaks have been performed in order to improve JavaScript performance. This will eliminate the need to set aside Prepend or Append jQuery APIs.

Tip #4 – Save bytes by using Minification


Reduce the file size of your JavaScript documents by removing characters (tabs, source code documents, spaces etc.) without changing the functionality of the file.

There are a number of minification tools that can assist in this process, and have the ability to reverse the minification. Minification is the process of removing all unnecessary characters from source code, without changing its functionality.

Tip #5 –Don’t use nested loops if not required


Avoid unwanted loops, such as for/while, in order to keep the JavaScript linear and to prevent from having to go through thousands of objects. Unwanted loops can cause the browser to work harder to process the codes and can slow down the process.

Tip #6 – Cache objects to increase performance


Many times, scripts will be repeatedly used to access a certain object. By storing a repeated access object inside a user defined variable, as well as using a variable in subsequent references to that object, performance improvement can be achieved immediately.

Tip #7 – Use a .js file to cache scripts


By using this technique, increased performance can be achieved because it allows the browser to load the script once and will only recall it from cache should the page be reloaded or revisited.

Tip #8 – Place JavaScript at the bottom of the page


Placing the scripts as low as possible in the page will increase the rendering progress, and also increase download parallelization. The result is that the page will seem to load faster, and in some cases it can also save on the total amount of code needed.

Tip #9 – Use jQuery as a framework


Used for the scripting of HTML, jQuery is an easy to use JavaScript library that can help to speed up any website. jQuery provides a large number of plug-ins that can quickly be used, by even novice programmers.

Tip #10 – Compress your files with GZip


GZip can reduce a JavaScript file considerably, saving bandwidth, and accelerate the response time. JavaScript files can be very large, and without compression, it can bog down any website. Smaller files provide a faster and more satisfying web experience.

Tip #11- Don’t use “With” keyword


The “With” keyword is considered a black-sheep because it suffers from several flaws that can be very frustrating. Although it makes the process of working with local properties simpler, “With” can make looking up variables in other scopes more expensive.

Tip #12 – Minimize requests for HTTP


Minimize HTTP requests to render pages by combining external files and including JavaScript directly within XHTML pages. Each time a unique HTTP takes a trip to a server, the result is a large number of delays.

Tip #13 – Implement Event Delegation


With Event Delegation, it becomes easier to use a single event handler to manage a type of event for the entire page. Without using Event Delegation, large web applications can grind to a halt because of too many event handlers. Benefits of Event Delegation include; less functionality to manage, fewer ties between code and DOM, and less memory required to process.

Tip #14 – Don’t use the same script twice


Duplicate scripts will have a significant impact on performance. Duplicate scripts will create unnecessary requests on HTTP, especially in the IE browser. Using a SCRIPT tag, in an HTML page, will help to avoid accidentally duplicating scripts.

Tip #15 – Remove Double Dollar $$


Using “double dollar $$” function is not necessarily needed, when it comes to improving the speed of a website.

Tip #16 – Creating reference variables


When working with a specific node repeatedly, it is best to define a variable with that particular note, instead of switching to it repeatedly. This is not a significant enhancement but it can have a bigger impact on a large scale.

Tip #17 – Increase speed of Object Detection


A more efficient method to using Object Detection is to use a code created dynamically based off of object detection, rather than performing object detection inside of a function.

Tip #18 – Write effective Loops


Depending on the browser, the method used to write Loops can have a great effect on the performance of a site. Improper writing of loops can slow down pages with lots of queries and running a number of loops in parallel.

Tip #19 – Shorten Scope Chains


Global scopes can be slow, because each time a function executes, it cause a temporary calling scope to be created. JavaScript searchers for the first item in the scope chain, and if it doesn’t find the variable, it swells up the chain until it hits the global object.

Tip #20 – Index directly to NodeLists


NodeLists are live and can take up a lot of memory, as they are updated when an underlying document changes. Its quicker to index directly into a list, as a browser will not need to create a node list object.

Tip #21 – Don’t use ‘eval’


Although the “eval” function is a good method to run arbitrary code, each string that is passed to the eval function has to be parsed and executed on-the-fly. This cost has to be paid every time the execution reaches an eval function call.

Tip #22 – Use Function Inlining


Function Inlining helps to eliminate call costs, and replaces a function call with the body of the called function. In JavaScript, performing a function call is an expensive operation because it takes several preparatory steps to perform: allocating space for parameters, copying the parameters, and resolving the function name.

Tip #23 – Implement Common Sub-expression Elimination (CSE)


Common sub-expression elimination (CSE) is a performance-targeted compiler optimization technique that searches for instances of identical expressions and replaces them with a single variable holding the computed value. You can expect that using a single local variable for a common sub-expression will always be faster than leaving the code unchanged.

Tip #24 – Build DOM node and all its sub-nodes offline


When adding complex content such as tables to a site, performance is improved by adding complex sub-trees offline.

Tip #25 – Try not to use global variables


Because the scripting engine needs to look through the scope, when referencing global variables from within function or another scope, the variable will be destroyed when the local scope is lost. If variables in global scope cannot persist through the lifetime of the script, the performance will be improved.

Tip #26 – Use primitive functions operations vs. function calls


Improved speed can be achieved in performance critical loops and functions by using equivalent primitive functions instead of function calls.

Tip #27 – Don’t retain alive references of other documents


By not retaining alive references of other documents after the script has finished with them, faster performance will be achieved. This is because any references to those objects from that document are not to be kept in its entire DOM tree, and the scripting environment will not be kept alive in RAM. Thus the document itself is no longer loaded.

Tip #28 – Use XMLHttpRequest


XMLHttpRequest helps to reduce the amount of content coming from the server, and avoids the performance impact of destroying and recreating the scripting environment in between page loads. Its is important to ensure that XMLHttpRequest is supported, or otherwise it can lead to problems and confusion.

Tip #29 – Avoid using try-catch-finally


Whenever the catch clause is executed, where the caught exception object is assigned to a variable, “try-catch-finally” creates a new variable in the current scope at runtime. A number of browsers do not handle this process efficiently because the variable is created and destroyed at runtime. Avoid it!

Tip #30 – Don’t misuse for-in


Because the “for-in” loop requires the script engine to build a list of all the enumerable properties, coding inside for loop does not modify the array. It iterates pre-compute the length of the array into a variable len inside for loop scope.


回流与重绘:CSS性能让JavaScript变慢? « 张鑫旭-鑫空间-鑫生活


第一次让我开始思考关于回流(reflows)与重绘(repaints)的问题是在和ParisWeb上的Mr. Glazman做一个firey交换的时候。我可能有一些顽固,但是我确实听了他的一些理论。:)Stoyan和我开始讨论如何量化这个问题。

展望性能社区,除了一些典型的黑盒实验外,需要与浏览器厂商有更多的合作。对于性能,浏览器制造者知道哪些是重要的,哪些是不相干的。Opera列出“reflow和repaint是减缓JavaScript的三大主要原因之一”一文,所以其肯定值得一看。// zxx: Firefox浏览器相关内容可以看这里;Safari可以看这里

让我们从一些背景资料开始,当一个元素的外观的可见性visibility发生改变的时候,重绘(repaint)也随之发生,但是不影响布局。类似的例子包括:outline, visibility, or background color。根据Opera浏览器,重绘的代价是高昂的,因为浏览器必须验证DOM树上其他节点元素的可见性。而回流更是性能的关键因为其变化涉及到部分页面(或是整个页面)的布局。一个元素的回流导致了其所有子元素以及DOM中紧随其后的祖先元素的随后的回流。



<div class="error">

在上面的HTML片段中,对该段落(<p>标签)回流将会引发强烈的回流,因为它是一个子节点。这也导致了祖先的回流(div.error和body – 视浏览器而定)。此外,h5和ol也会有简单的回流,因为其在DOM中在回流元素之后。就Opera而言,大部分的回流将导致页面的重新渲染。

Opera原文:Reflows are very expensive in terms of performance, and is one of the main causes of slow DOM scripts, especially on devices with low processing power, such as phones. In many cases, they are equivalent to laying out the entire page again.



  1. 调整窗口大小(Resizing the window)
  2. 改变字体(Changing the font)
  3. 增加或者移除样式表(Adding or removing a stylesheet)
  4. 内容变化,比如用户在input框中输入文字(Content changes, such as a user typing text in
    an input box)
  5. 激活 CSS 伪类,比如 :hover (IE 中为兄弟结点伪类的激活)(Activation of CSS pseudo classes such as :hover (in IE the activation of the pseudo class of a sibling))
  6. 操作 class 属性(Manipulating the class attribute)
  7. 脚本操作 DOM(A script manipulating the DOM)
  8. 计算 offsetWidth 和 offsetHeight 属性(Calculating offsetWidth and offsetHeight)
  9. 设置 style 属性的值 (Setting a property of the style attribute)



注意:这里我限定了自己只能讨论CSS对回流的影响,如果您是一位JavaScript程序员,我是推荐您读一下我的reflow链接(zxx: 原作者收藏标记的一些关于reflow的一些文章或页面链接),有一些非常好的东西,没有直接关系到CSS。

  1. 如果想设定元素的样式,通过改变元素的 class 名 (尽可能在 DOM 树的最末端)(Change classes on the element you wish to style (as low in the dom tree as possible))
  2. 避免设置多项内联样式(Avoid setting multiple inline styles)
  3. 应用元素的动画,使用 position 属性的 fixed 值或 absolute 值(Apply animations to elements that are position fixed or absolute)
  4. 权衡平滑和速度(Trade smoothness for speed)
  5. 避免使用table布局(Avoid tables for layout)
  6. 避免使用CSS的JavaScript表达式 (仅 IE 浏览器)(Avoid JavaScript expressions in the CSS (IE only))
















避免使用table布局。可能您需要其它些避免使用table的理由,在布局完全建立之前,table经常需要多个关口,因为table是个和罕见的可以影响在它们之前已经进入的DOM元素的显示的元素。想象一下,因为表格最后一个单元格的内容过宽而导致纵列大小完全改变。这就是为什么所有的浏览器都逐步地不支持table表格的渲染(感谢Bill Scott提供)。然而有另外一个原因为什么表格布局时很糟糕的主意,根据Mozilla,即使一些小的变化将导致表格(table)中的所有其他节点回流。

Jenny Donnelly, YUI 数据表格 widget的所有者,建议使用数据表格的固定布局以便更有效的布局算法,任何表格-布局的值除了”auto”将引发一个固定布局,根据CSS2.1规范,这将允许表格一行一行的呈递。Quirksmode显示,大部分的浏览器对表格布局属性支持良好。

In this manner, the user agent can begin to lay out the table once the entire first row has been received. Cells in subsequent rows do not affect column widths. Any cell that has content that overflows uses the ‘overflow’ property to determine whether to clip the overflow content.

固定布局, CSS 2.1 规范

This algorithm may be inefficient since it requires the user agent to have access to all the content in the table before determining the final layout and may demand more than one pass.

自动布局, CSS 2.1 规范








也许你是一个视觉关注者,这些视频通过很酷的方式将回流过程可视化展示出来。//zxx: youtube视频,想看,需翻墙。

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJtBUHyNBxs
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTnIxIA5KGw
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dndeRnzkJDU




模拟图 >> 张鑫旭-鑫空间-鑫生活



最近有小部分工具产生了一些波澜,Stoyan Stefanov和我已经一直在寻找好的方法来测量回流与重绘,这里有一些(尽管比较早)。要当心,有的在我正确使用之前把浏览器给搞跛了。大部分情况下,你需要每晚安装下最新的版本。

当Mozilla公开MozAfterPaint Firefox API时,互联网界议论纷纷。

  • 更新:Google的Lindsey Simon写了个可以在任意浏览器下测试回流时间的书签工具。非常的赞,注意:所有的震动都是正常的。//zxx: 我测试此链接为500错误
  • John Resig写了个书签工具来可视化绘制事件。
  • Kyle Scholz创建了一个工具用来在页面加载之前可视化绘制事件
  • Yoono的Alex创建了XUL分析工具





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JVM GC日志和内存DUMP参数配置 - Java实践 - ITeye技术网站

    本文参数配置基于各厂商的JDK 6.0版本,低版本或高版本的参数有可能不同。各厂商JVM GC日志和内存DUMP参数配置如下: 
(1)Oracle  JVM
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError  -XX:+HeapDumpOnCtrlBreak   
-XverboseGClog: ${目录}/mananged1_gc.log 


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