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MapReduce 编程模型在日志分析方面的应用

日志分析往往是商业智能的基础,而日益增长的日志信息条目使得大规模数据处理平台的出现成为必然。MapReduce 处理数据的有效性为日志分析提供了可靠的后盾。

本文将以对访问网页用户的日志进行分析,进而挖掘出用户兴趣点这一完整流程为例,详细解释 MapReduce 模型的对应实现,涵盖在 MapReduce 编程中对于特殊问题的处理技巧,比如机器学习算法、排序算法、索引机制、连接机制等。文章分三部分展开:首先介绍 MapReduce 编程模型,对其原理、对任务处理流程以及适用情况进行介绍;接下来描述了日志分析的例子 - 用户兴趣点挖掘的处理流程;最后对处理流程的几个模块分别进行了 MapReduce 的实现。本文的目的在于通过 MapReduce 在日志分析领域的具体实现,使读者对 MapReduce 对实际问题的处理有较为形象的认识。


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java - Difference between Jax-ws, axis2, cxf - Stack Overflow

JDK1.6 已经绑定了JAX-WS的实现,webservice开发可以不需要任何第三方的jar依赖,特别是webservice客户端,通过wsimport工具或者手工编写客户端即可完成。

What is the difference between JAX-WS, axis2, cxf? All three can be used to create webservices in java.As of i know JAX-WS is a specification and axis2 and cxf are implementations. But Java 1.6 has implementation of JAx-WS if i am not wrong. So one can use java 1.6 to develop jax-ws web services without using axis2, cxf? Then what is the use of axis2, cxf?


The JAX-WS implementation built into the JDK really is just the basic soap stuff. If you need any of the more complex WS-* things like WS-Security, WS-RM, WS-Policy, etc..., you need to use one of the alternatives like CXF or Metro or Axis2. It can also depend on what you are trying to integrate with. For example, CXF has top notch Spring support as well as very good OSGi support.

CXF also has other things besides just JAX-WS. It has a compliant JAX-RS implementation as well and supports exposing services as both REST and SOAP very well. Has a W3C compliant SOAP/JMS implementation if that type of things is required. Basically, lots of stuff not available from the in-jdk JAX-WS impl.

Also see:

Difference between Apache CXF and Axis



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