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Diagnosing java.lang.OutOfMemoryError ( 诊断Java内存溢出)


* Exception in thread “CompilerThread1″ java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: requested 793020 bytes for Chunk::new. Out of swap space?

Out of memory while reading in symbol table of /apps/bea/weblogic92/jdk1.5.0.18/opt/java1.5/jre/lib/PA_RISC2.0/server/libjvm.sl
( 0)  0xc8461230     [/apps/bea/weblogic92/jdk1.5.0.18/opt/java1.5/jre/lib/PA_RISC2.0/server/libjvm.sl]
( 1)  0xc80a5fec     [/apps/bea/weblogic92/jdk1.5.0.18/opt/java1.5/jre/lib/PA_RISC2.0/server/libjvm.sl]
( 2)  0xc7f00420     [/apps/bea/weblogic92/jdk1.5.0.18/opt/java1.5/jre/lib/PA_RISC2.0/server/libjvm.sl]
( 3)  0xc7f00ca0     [/apps/bea/weblogic92/jdk1.5.0.18/opt/java1.5/jre/lib/PA_RISC2.0/server/libjvm.sl]
( 4)  0xc8368d08     [/apps/bea/weblogic92/jdk1.5.0.18/opt/java1.5/jre/lib/PA_RISC2.0/server/libjvm.sl]
( 5)  0xc005b2e4   __pthread_body + 0×44  [/usr/lib/libpthread.1]
( 6)  0xc0065574   __pthread_start + 0×14  [/usr/lib/libpthread.1]
Java out of memory messages are marked with pid: 13828 in /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log.

Possible causes:
- not enough swap space left, or
- kernel parameter MAXDSIZ is very small.

Although it appears that an OutOfMemoryError is thrown this apparent exception is reported by the HotSpot VM code when an allocation from the native heap failed and the native heap may be close to exhaustion. The message indicates the size (in bytes) of the request that failed and also indicates what the memory is required for. In some cases the reason will be shown but in most cases the reason will be the name of a source module reporting the allocation failure. If an OutOfMemoryError with this error is thrown it may require using utilities on the operating system to diagnose the issue further. Examples of issues that may not be related to the application are when the operating system is configured with insufficient swap space, or when there is another process on the system that is consuming all memory resources. If neither of these issues is the cause then it is possible that the application is failed due to native leak; for example, application or library code is continuously allocating memory but is not releasing it to the operating system.
For more information: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5/pdf/jdk50_ts_guide.pdf

The recommendation for swap space size in the Solaris is that swap should be configured about 30% of physical RAM.

The following link has suggested a workaround to add ‘-XX:+UseDefaultStackSize -Xss256K’ parameter.


Add: -XX:CodeCacheMinimumFreeSpace=2M -XX:+ReservedCodeCacheSize=64M -XX:PermSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=384m (As per your other JVM settings)

Sun team needs to be involved for this issue. Usually such issues are solved by sun support.


* java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread
at java.lang.Thread.start0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Thread.start(Thread.java:574)
at weblogic.work.RequestManager.createThreadAndExecute(RequestManager.java:271)
at weblogic.work.RequestManager.executeIt(RequestManager.java:245)
at weblogic.work.ServerWorkManagerImpl.schedule(ServerWorkManagerImpl.java:142)

1) Set kernel parameter maxdsiz to a higher value
2) Reduce the current heap size.
3) Check the kernel values:  ulimit -a
4) If the NPROC soft limit is lower than the hard limit, increase it as needed: ulimit -u <new value>.
Check the Operating System documentation to make changes permanent at the OS configuration files.
5) Need to reduce the JVM stack size and the OS stack size both. Set the -xss in java options and set ulimit -s on the OS level.


* java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space
at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructors0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredConstructors(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Class.getConstructor0(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Class.getConstructor(Unknown Source)

Solution: Increase the max permgen space -XX:MaxPermSize=256m

There can be a leak in the permgen objects. If tuning parameters do not resolve the issue, we need to use the memory leak detector tools and find out which instances in the permgen space are not getting cleared.


* java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: allocLargeObjectOrArray – Object size: 372032, Num elements: 372012
* java.lang.outofmemoryerror: nativeGetNewTLA

Solution: -XXtlasize:128k -XXlargeobjectlimit:128k

If this does not solve the issue, we need to check in the application code for the large objects being created and not being destroyed. Take JRA Recording (Oracle JRockit) or use JConsole and memory leak detector tools (JMAP, JHAT) for analysis on the


* java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java Heap Space

Solution: First thing that needs to be checked is the gc logs. Need to check whether the garbage collection is happening properly. If the heap keeps gradually increasing even after full gc, tune the gc algorithms and check if the behavior is the same. Use memory leak detector tools for both sun jdk and JRockit to check which instances from the application are not getting destroyed.

If this is not the case and the application genuinely needs more memory, increase the heap size by using the parameters:
Example: -Xms2048m -Xmx2048m


* java.lang.StackOverflowError

Solution: Stack over flow error is usually generated due to a recursive call made by the application (infinite recursion), or its because of an attempt to allocate more memory on the stack than will fit. This is usually the result of creating local array variables that are far too large for the current stack.

For the first possibility, we need to check the application code as to where is the recursive call being made.
For the second possibility, we can increase the JVM stack size by the parameter : Example: -Xss512K



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在StakeOverflow上有这样一个贴子叫“Confessions of your worst WTF moment”(WTF就是What the fuck的缩写),挺有意思的,我摘几个小故事过来,希望大家在笑过之后能从中学到什么——所有的经验都是从错误中来的


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MocoSpace.com 是一家移动社交网站,有1200多万注册用户,每个月30亿的 PV ,是美国最大的移动社区。我们来看看 MocoSpace 是如何来架构他们的网站的。先来看看他们的统计数据,注意他们只有1个系统管理员,8个程序员,14台服务器(数据和原文来自  MOCOSPACE ARCHITECTURE – 3 BILLION MOBILE PAGE VIEWS A MONTH):


每月30亿 PV 
全美第4大流量的网站,继 MySpace, Facebook, Google 之后 
75% 手机 Web, 25% Web 
1200 万用户 
每天接受和发送450万 email 


CentOS + Red Hat 
Resin application server, Java Servlets, JavaServer Pages, Comet 
ActiveMQ’s job + message queue,Red Hat 集群做 HA 
Squid 静态内容缓存,曾试过 Varnish 但是 Varnish 不稳定 
JQuery + Ajax 
S3 用来存储用户照片和视频,现在用 Amazon S3 做外部存储是主流,EC2 用来做照片处理 
F5 BigIP 负载均衡,用 gzip 压缩所有页面 
Akamai CDN,每天 2TB 数据、2.5亿次请求。 
Nagios 用来警告,Zabbix 用来监测 
EMC SAN 用大量磁盘做 RAID 10 做需要高 IO 的数据库存储,用来替代高性能的 SSD,节省了大量成本 
PowerMTA 做邮件传送,用Barracuda 做 spam 和 firewall 
Subversion 做源代码控制,Hudson 做 continuous integration 
FFMPEG 用来做视频处理 
Selenium 用来自动测试浏览器 
5x Dell 1950, 2x dual core, 16G RAM(Web 服务器) 
5x Dell 6950/R905, 4x dual core, 32G RAM(Web 服务器) 
2x Sun Fire X4600 M2 Server, 8x quad core, 256G RAM(数据库服务器) 
2x Dell 6950, 4x dual core, 64G RAM(数据库服务器)



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