- 正版音乐
- 没有垃圾链接,只要有链接就可以播放期望的音乐
- Flash播放器,不管是Windows还是Linux,不管是FireFox还是IE,不管是Windows98还是Windows7都可以播放
- 速度非常稳定
- 几乎可以作为本地播放器,根本不需要下载播放器,不需要下载音乐文件
Tapestry5 Page Navigation页面生命周期方法调用流程
Tapestry5 is an open-source framework for creating dynamic, robust, highly scalable web applications in Java. Tapestry complements and builds upon the standard Java Servlet API, and so it works in any servlet container or application server.
This page demonstrates what methods are called, and when, in various situations.
It provides, and logs, every page lifecycle method, several render phase methods, and every component event handler method.
Here is what you will see in the logs if you configure log4j to record this page at debug level:
This page demonstrates what methods are called, and when, in various situations.
It provides, and logs, every page lifecycle method, several render phase methods, and every component event handler method.
Here is what you will see in the logs if you configure log4j to record this page at debug level:
When this page is first instantiated. |
pageLoaded() |
When Tapestry creates a URL to this page. Eg. as it renders a PageLink to this page. |
pageAttached() onPassivate() pageDetached() |
In response to a render request.
pageAttached() onActivate() ...setupRender() ...beginRender() ...getMessage() onPassivate() onPassivate() onPassivate() ...onPrepareForRender() ...onPrepare() ...afterRender() ...cleanupRender() pageDetached() |
In response to request from ActionLink. Eg. Home |
pageAttached() onActivate() ...onAction() ...Tapestry creates a URL to next page pageDetached() ...Tapestry redirects to render next page |
In response to request from EventLink. Eg. Home |
pageAttached() onActivate() ...onClicked() ...Tapestry creates a URL to next page pageDetached() ...Tapestry redirects to render next page |
pageAttached() onActivate() ...onPrepareForSubmit() ...onPrepare() ...onSelected() ...onValidateForm() ...onSuccess() ...onSubmit() ...Tapestry creates a URL to next page pageDetached() ...Tapestry redirects to render next page |
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