
标签: applying.stackexchange.com 留学问答 | 发表时间:2011-08-17 01:49 | 作者:李笑来 Guan


I’m not sure if it’s just me, but something seems a little odd about this proposal. It was created two days ago, and it’s already in the commitment stage? Also, if you look at the on-topic questions the top 5 are 20-0-1. For off-topic they’re mostly 0-20-1. This just screams of someone doing something fishy. Could someone look into this please and confirm whether it’s legitimate or not?

本来倒也没什么,可是看了看标题,“Whoa, What the”,有点无奈——这都什么素质么!要骂人就骂得痛快一点么,要不要我给你补上?“What the fuck!”


What the (fuck)? — Is that the way stackexchange welcomes new comers?

I got excited when I knew about Area 51 several days ago, and especially energized after reading one of blog posts of Jeff Atwood:

Our original idea of making the Internet a better place to get expert answers to your programming questions suddenly seemed too small. Programming questions? We asked. Why just programming questions? Why not every question under the sun? And who says we can’t run for Vice President of the United States of America?

And I asked myself, does “why not every question under the sun?” means I can propose a site in a language other than English? It seemed to me the answer is an absolute YES. So I did a little homework and made the proposal.

Please do not get surprised when you (DForck42 and Dori) see this proposal passed through the definition phase within merely two days, which is simply because my twitter account (@xiaolai) has nearly 30,000 followers, and my blog (www.lixiaolai.com) has at least 6,000 visitors per day. I’ve written three detailed instruction posts on my blog, and plan to write more.

New comers from China may well be sort of ignorant of rules on Area 51, but please be patient, since we are learning, just as anyone else in this community.

And Dori, with all due respects, please do not delete any comment on this proposal. Deleting them without any explanation only confuses new comers, doesn’t it? I’ve tried so hard to dig rules from Area 51, where has little straight forward instruction. In fact, what I’ve learned is from another domain: http://blog.stackoverflow.com/, albeit you might feel that’s “natural”.

And please do not be judgmental so easily, on what ground can you tell “It’s unlikely that they would pass Good Subjective, Bad Subjective.” and “It’s unlikely that they would pass Real Questions Have Answers.“?

Just give us a change to learn. PLEASE.

[email protected]


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