
标签: 婚礼场地 拍摄 技巧 | 发表时间:2011-08-07 01:57 | 作者:morejoyphoto A.K.

来源10 Tips to Improve Your Wedding Venue and Detail Shots

The bride and groom have invested thousands of dollars to make sure their wedding venues and details are gorgeous; and it’s our job as photographers to make sure we capture it with the same attention to detail that the coordinators and bride had when setting it up. Among other tasks, we need to maintain the natural ambiance with the right lighting techniques. We need to capture each item, from the place settings to the centerpieces, with techniques that show the beauty of the entire scene in some images and show the small detail in others. Here are 10 ways to improve your wedding venue and detail shots.


1) Use Long Exposures A venue is rarely entirely empty; and we can’t waste precious seconds waiting for people to clear the room. In this situation, it’s best to strap your camera onto the tripod and use a long exposure. Exposing for 10-30 seconds can essentially erase anyone moving in the scene so that guy lighting the candles or pouring the water isn’t visible.


2) Use Smaller Apertures Using smaller apertures creates a nice star burst for any lights in the scene, adding interest to the image. You’ll use this technique in conjunction with using longer exposures in most situations, so you’ll need your tripod.


3) Use Shallow Depth-of-Field Isolate a centerpiece or other main subject with a shallow depth of field. This also creates nice bokeh for any of the lights in the background.


4) Shoot Down Rows Shooting down a row of flowers, centerpieces or even bottles of alcohol is an interesting composition that you should look for in your detail shots.


5) Isolate Your Subject with Light Look for opportunities to isolate your subject with light, as in shown in the following image.



6) Use Foregrounds Using foregrounds in your compositions is a great way to add an element of interest to your image. The shallow depth of field as well as the natural framing focuses the eyes on the subject.


7) Find Reflections Utilizing reflections adds dimension and depth to your image. This is perfect for cakes and other items that are well decorated on all sides.


08) Watch for Symmetry Symmetry is everywhere. It’s just a matter of finding it and shooting from the right angles with the right focal lengths.


09) Get to Higher Ground If you can get to a balcony and strap on a wide-angle lens, you’ll be able to get some unique perspectives on a scene.


10) Consider HDRs If you’re comfortable with HDR photography, this technique can add a lot of detail and tonal range to your images.


We hope you’ve learned a few things from this article and we welcome your feedback in the comments.


© Christophoer Lin

Christophoer Lin

About the Author

Article written by Christopher Lin, of Lin and Jirsa, Los Angeles Wedding Photography. Chris has been shooting weddings for four years in the Los Angeles area. His passion for photography, teaching, and business has also led him to co-found SLR Lounge, a photography tutorials site and UNDFIND, makers of designer camera bags.






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