
标签: 相机 性格 | 发表时间:2011-03-25 11:07 | 作者:changfufu badseeds

来源What Your Choice Of Camera Says About You

Freelance photographer/journalist/comedian Gordon Lewis has published his hilarious observations of the various camera tribes, coming to several very funny conclusions. Those lacking senses of humour should probably not read on.

自由摄影师/撰稿人/喜剧演员戈登路易斯(Gordon Lewis)发表了他对于各牌子相机粉丝团的有趣观察,得出几个令人捧腹的结论。缺乏幽默感的读者可以就此打住,无需继续阅读。

Just as the clothes you choose to wear, the food you like to eat, and the people you associate with say something about you, so does the camera system you buy into. The following observations are based on close association with the various groups of camera owners and from having belonged to each group at one time or another. Those who belong to the “lacking any sense of humour” or “offended at the drop of a hat” groups are strongly advised to read no further.


Canon owners


You appreciate the benefits of owning a camera system that leads in cutting-edge digital imaging technology and that offers a wealth of body, lens, and accessory options for every level of photographer, from lowly consumer to top professional. You will switch to Nikon.


Nikon owners


You appreciate the benefits of owning a camera system that leads in cutting-edge digital imaging technology and that offers a wealth of body, lens, and accessory options for every level of photographer, from lowly consumer to top professional. You will switch to Canon.


Sony owners


You believe that Sony’s innovations in consumer electronics and video technology, its leadership in digital imaging chip production, its in-body image stabilisation, and its use of Zeiss optics results in a unique design synergy and products of exceptional value-because that’s what it says in the product literature. You also believe in astrology, UFOs and the Easter bunny.


Pentax owners


You’re the sort of person who would buy a $US1500 DSLR body so your stash of thread-mount, K-mount and M-mount lenses from decades ago (collectively worth $US75 at the markets or garage sale) won’t go to waste; either that, or you’ve never heard of a Spotmatic, Pentax LX or Takumar, you just think you look cool sporting a day-glo red camera that takes real pictures. You think people are laughing with you, not at you.


Olympus owners


You’re the sort of person who buys North Korean beer, Peruvian underwear and French cars, not because you actually like them but because no one else does. When people question your choice of camera system you respond that Olympus images have a certain “soul” and that photographs are what matter, not the camera. You have no friends.


Leica owners


You know that no other camera other than a Hasselblad gains as much instant respect among the cognoscenti as a Leica. Although this relieves the pressure of demonstrating actual photographic prowess, it increases the need to be familiar with the subtle differences in visual signature between an Elmar, Elmarit, Summitar, Summicron and Summilux. You are either stinking rich, living in your mother’s basement, or one lens purchase away from a divorce.

你知道除了哈苏以外,没有哪个相机像徕卡那样能瞬间赢得行家的尊敬。虽然这缓解了你展示高超摄影技术的鸭梨,但你需要拥有能分辨Elmar, Elmarit, Summitar, Summicron和Summilux 这些个名字的鹰眼。你要么钱多得发臭,要么住在你妈妈的地下室里,要么因为购买一个镜头导致离婚。

Panasonic, Fuji and Samsung owners should be relieved rather than offended that they were not included. Comments are welcome as long as they are civil. Extra points will be given for self-deprecation.




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- badseeds - 译言-每日精品译文推荐
来源What Your Choice Of Camera Says About You. 自由摄影师/撰稿人/喜剧演员戈登路易斯(Gordon Lewis)发表了他对于各牌子相机粉丝团的有趣观察,得出几个令人捧腹的结论. 缺乏幽默感的读者可以就此打住,无需继续阅读. Just as the clothes you choose to wear, the food you like to eat, and the people you associate with say something about you, so does the camera system you buy into.

手抛球相机:Ball Camera

- 阳阳 - 爱…稀奇~{新鲜:科技:创意:有趣}
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- Paul - 果壳网 guokr.com - 果壳网
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- Desmond - 科学松鼠会
从2010年开始,江苏卫视的《非诚勿扰》红遍大江南北,节目中那位留着个性光头、时常发出惊人之语的“心理专家”乐嘉也随之声名鹊起. 根据网上的信息,他是“中国性格色彩培训中心”的创始人,开创了一套“FPA(Four-colors Personality Analysis)性格色彩学”. 这套理论区分了四种性格类型:红色、黄色、蓝色、绿色,认为这四种人在动机上存在根本的差异,并具体分析了他们的个性特征、优势弱点等等.


- - Starming星光社最新更新
             当你初次结交一位美国人,他会对你侃侃而谈,甚至滔滔不绝,使你毫无拘束之感;当你走在街上,对陌生人无意.多看了几眼,他也许会向你微笑着点头致意,或者招呼一声“哈罗”;如果你的车子在路上抛了锚,会有热心人过来帮你修理;如果你在大街上迷了路,也会有人热心地为你指点. 旅游胜地夏威夷岛上的居民尤以好客著称.


- - IT瘾-zhihu
前几天我看到了一个非常扎心的、关于内向者的漫画:. 你身边有没有像漫画里这样的内向者. 在一群人的聚会闲聊时,显得很笨拙或者冷漠;. 比起和同事们聚餐,更愿意自己待在家里;. 如果被逼无奈一定要参加集体活动,那之后一定会花一些时间恢复情绪;. 他们并没有严重到社交焦虑的程度,只是对社交没有热情,更享受独处;.


- amadeuz - 增强视觉 | 计算机视觉 增强现实
Lancelot365向cvchina投递了他对光场相机和Lytro的看法.与君共享.. 前几个月,一个名为Lytro的相机是闹得轰轰烈烈,其“先拍照,后对焦”的理念及主要研发人华裔的身份都很能吸引眼球. 一开始我是对其不屑一顾的,心想我拍个大景深的照片PS里高斯模糊一下不是一样的效果么. 还要你融资五千万美刀开发一个相机.


- billconan - 玩意儿
Cloak Bags 为单反所设计的背包,特别之处就是底下不是封闭的,镜头是从下方露出的,打开背包就可以进行拍摄,不用麻烦的去取出,适合旅行途中方便的拍摄. 本文原始链接:http://www.cngadget.cn/cloak-bags.html. OutInside 跨界便携毛毡包. m square 创意旅行化妆包/洗漱包.


- roamlog - 理想生活实验室
排队站好、微笑看镜头的拍照方式已经太不新鲜了,如何迅雷不及掩耳盗铃儿响叮当地记录下生活中人们的真实一面已成为很多人追求的目标. 有了今天要介绍的这个装备,相信这一切都不再是问题啦,这个是……哎哎. 拿着弹弓偷袭妹子,可是弹弓上怎么还有一个镜头. 拉紧弹弓的皮筋,然后松手,怎么发出了相机的“喀嚓声”.


- Charles - 36氪
用Lytro拍出的照片不用调焦,你可以随时点击切换焦点. 还记得怀揣5000万美元、打算颠覆照相行业的光场照相机Lytro吗. 很快你就可以在市面上见到这种不用对焦的神奇相机了. Lytro是一家位于硅谷的创业公司,源于公司CEO Ren Ng在斯坦福的一项研究,其目标很简单:凭借其光场(light field)相机「硬件和软件」,Lytro可以从很多方面改变照相技术,因为有了它你无需对焦.