win7 快捷键

标签: win7 快捷键 | 发表时间:2011-08-06 12:55 | 作者:想梦想 Neolandscaper

From Desktop

Windows Key + Tab : Aero [press Tab to cycle between Windows]

Windows Key + E : Windows Explorer is launched.

Windows Key + R : Run Command is launched.

Windows Key + F : Search (which is there in previous Windows versions too)

Windows Key + X : Mobility Center

Windows Key + L : Lock Computer (It is there from the earlier versions as well)

Windows Key + U : Launches Ease of Access

Windows Key + P : Projector

Windows Key + T : Cycle Super Taskbar Items

Windows Key + S : OneNote Screen Clipping Tool [requires OneNote]

Windows Key + M : Minimize All Windows

Windows Key + D : Show/Hide Desktop

Windows Key + Up : Maximize Current Window

Windows Key + Down : Restore Down / Minimize Current Windows

Windows Key + Left : Tile Current Window to the Left

Windows Key + Right : Tile Current Windows to the Right

[Continue pressing the Left and Right keys to rotate the window as well]

Windows Key + # (# is any number) : Quickly Launch a new instance of the application in the Nth slot on the taskbar. Example Win+1 launches first pinned app, Win+2 launches second, etc.

Windows Key + = : Launches the Magnifier

Windows Key + Plus : Zoom in

Windows Key + Minus : Zooms out

Windows Key + Space : Peek at the desktop

From Windows Explorer

22. Alt + Up : Go up one level

23. Alt + Left/ Right : Back/ Forward

24. Alt + P : Show/hide Preview Pane

Taskbar modifiers

25. Shift + Click on icon : Open a new instance

26. Middle click on icon : Open a new instance

27. Ctrl + Shift + Click on icon : Open a new instance with Admin privileges

28. Shift + Right-click on icon : Show window menu (Restore / Minimize / Move / etc). Note: Normally you can just right-click on the window thumbnail to get this menu.

29. Shift + Right-click on grouped icon : Menu with Restore All / Minimize All / Close All, etc.

30. Ctrl + Click on grouped icon : Cycle between the windows (or tabs) in the group

Though some of them are there in previous versions of Windows, Windows 7 has incorporated many of them and have started many afresh.

Popularity: 2% [?]

作者: 想梦想 发表于 2011-08-06 12:55 原文链接

评论: 0 查看评论 发表评论

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win7 快捷键

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