离开你的Windows 安乐窝
Troy 写了一篇文章,主题为“PC 用户应抛弃Windows,投奔Linux 操作系统。” 大家一旦切换到Linux 系统下,就不用购买什么杀毒软件了。该篇文章得到了热烈的讨论,更有趣的是大家的回复。
10: What’s Linux?(啥子是Linux,木有听过。。。)
9: Will it run on Windows?(可以运行在WIndows系统上吗?)
8: You mean I can’t use my internet explorer?(使用Linux就不能用IE了?那我就。。。)
7: I just want to stick with what my computer came with.(我只想用俺电脑自带的系统,不想用别的)
6: All I do is email and internet anyway so I don’t need anything new.(俺就是发发邮件,上上网,没别的需求)
5: It looks different(看起来不得一样啊)
4: I just use Google(我只用Google,不用别的)
3: I just use facebook(我只用facebook,不用别的)
2: I don’t get a box?
1: Will it run my Windows?(可以在windows上运行吗?)
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