译者 Y.Gwendoline
25 Awesome Keyboard Shortcuts for Photoshop That You May Not Know
Martin Perhiniak
文/马丁 佩西尼亚克
This is a list of the most useful default Photoshop keyboard shortcuts that you can use them to speed up your workflow. Some of them are rarely mentioned, some are more common and some are only available in Photoshop CS5. I hope everyone will find some new and useful shortcuts in this article. So let"s get started!
1. Drag-Zoom
1. 拖拽-缩放
Command/Ctrl + Space + Click and Drag Left or Right. Fastest way to zoom in and out with one keyboard shortcut (only in CS5 and only with GPU enabled).
Command/Ctrl + Space + 单击左键,并且左右拖拽。(译注:Command为MAC按键。)
这是用快捷键缩放的最快方法(CS5适用,且需GPU图形处理器Graphics Processing Unit在激活状态下。)
2. HUD Color Picker
2. HUD颜色选择器
Alt + Shift + Right Click (Win) or Control + Option + Cmd + Click (Mac). Gorgeous color picker with a color wheel (only in CS5 and only with GPU enabled). Preferences are under General tab.
Alt + Shift + 单击右键 (Win) 或者 Control + Option + Cmd +单击 (Mac).
3. Bird’s Eye View
3. 调出鸟瞰视角
Hold Down H + Click, Reposition View and Let Go of the Mouse to Zoom Back). Works great with large images, when you need to work closely. Fast way to fit the image to screen and then zoom back into another area with the previous zoom ratio quickly.
4. Brush Size & Hardness
Ctrl + Alt + Right Click (Win) or Control + Option + Click (Mac). Drag your mouse to right/left to change the size and up/down to change the hardness. It only works with CS5 in both directions. In CS4 only the size change works. You can change the color of the brush preview under Preferences/Cursors. You also need GPU turned on under the Performance tab to be able to see the brush preview.
Ctrl + Alt + 单击右键 (Win)
Control + Option + 单击左键(Mac)
5. Draw Straight Lines
5. 如何画直线
Hold Down Shift. Works with nearly every drawing tool.
6. Move
6. 移动
Hold Down Command/Ctrl. Fastest way to move something quickly and then switch back to the previous tool.
7. Pan (Shift + Space) and Zoom Simultaneously in all Documents
7. 在所有图档中让取景(Shift + Space)和缩放同时并行
Shift + Ctrl + Space (Win) or Shift + Command + Space (Mac). Best way to compare or work on more than images at the same time.
Shift + Ctrl + Space (Win)
Shift + Command + Space (Mac)。
8. Hide Panels
8. 隐藏面板
Hit Tab. You can always show them again by pressing Tab once more, or just simply hover over the edges to show the panels and toolbar temporarily.
9. Full Screen Preview of Files From Mini-Bridge
9. 在Mini-Bridge里进行全屏预览
Space and Then Arrow Keys. It works the same way as in Bridge. Make sure that you deselect the images in MiniBridge or collapse the panel when you continue working in Photoshop.
和在Bridge里的操作一样。但你得确定没有在Mini-Bridge里勾选任何图片,或者PS仍在工作时把Mini-Bridge的小面板给叉了。(译注:CS5将Adobe Bridge精简成一个PS应用扩展,快捷简便。)
10. Text Size
10. 调整文本大小
Command/Ctrl + Shift + . or , you can use it for selected text. It won’t work by only selecting the text layer.
Command/Ctrl + Shift + 文字内容,你可以用这个快捷键来选取文本。但只选择了文字图层,而没有用光标选取文字的话是行不通的。
11. All Caps for Text
11. 将文本转换为大写字母
Command/Ctrl + Shift + K. Quick way to switch between lowercase and uppercase text. Make sure you type without Caps lock to be able to use this.
Command/Ctrl + Shift + K. 这个快捷键能快速转换文字的大小写。在用这个之前要确定你的大写锁处在关闭状态。
12. Tracking and Kerning
12. 跟随和字间距
Alt/Option + Left and Right Arrow Keys. Useful way to make equalize the distance between characters. If you select a word, a line or a whole paragraph then you change the Tracking. If you click between two characters you change the Kerning.
Alt/Option +左右方向键。能够快速有效地统一字符间距。选择字词句段之后就可以直接调整字符的跟随值,在两个字之间点击就可以调整字间距。
13. Leading
13. 行距
Alt/Option + Up and Down Arrow Keys. Quickly change the distance between selected lines.
Alt/Option + 上下方向键,可以快速调整所选文字的行距。
14. Baseline Shift
14. 基线偏移
Alt/Option + Shift + Up and Down Arrow Keys. Easy way to use one text layer but have different positions for the text.
Alt/Option + Shift +上下方向键,轻松让你在同一文字图层上将文字任意摆放到不同位置。
15. Fill
15. 填充
Command/Ctrl + Backspace – Foreground Color, Alt/Option + Backspace – Background Color, Shift + Backspace – Fill Options. Great way to fill color into selections or change the color of text and vector shape layers.
Command/Ctrl +退格键 – 前景色
Alt/Option + 退格键 – 背景色
Shift + Backspace –填充选项
16. Reset Any Dialog Box
16. 重置任意对话框
Alt/Option + Click on Cancel. Instead of canceling a dialog box and returning to it try Reset and save time and effort.
Alt/Option +点击取消按钮
以前要关闭对话框后再打开一遍才能重新更改设定,现在有了这个快捷方式,可以直接重置选项,节省时间精力了吧。17. Changing Opacity and Fill Opacity
17. 调整透明度和透明填充
Numeric Keys, Shift + Numeric Keys. This will change the opacity and fill of the selected layer (or even more than one layer at the same time in CS5) and it will change opacity and fill of the tool if you select a drawing tool.
数字键, Shift + 数字键
此法可以调整透明度,并且在选定图层上进行透明填充(在CS5里可同时适用于多个图层),填充时使用任何绘图工具即可。18. Invert Colors of Selected Layer or Layer’s Pixel Mask
18. 将所选图层或图层的像素蒙版反相
Command/Ctrl + I. This is a fast way to invert visible parts of a layer if you invert the colours of the layer mask.
Command/Ctrl + I
19. Switch to Precise Cursors for Drawing Tools
19. 让绘图工具的光标精确化
Hit Caps Lock. If you don’t want to see the edges of the brush you can switch to precise mode easily by having Caps lock on.
如果你不想在用笔刷时看到它的轮廓,按下大写锁就能轻松转将画笔的光标换到精确模式。20. Reset Preferences
20. 重置参数选项
Ctrl + Alt + Shift (Win) or Command + Option + Shift (Mac) When Loading Photoshop. If you want to start with the default settings and user interface hold down these buttons while Photoshop is loading.
Ctrl + Alt + Shift (Win)
Command + Option + Shift (Mac)
如果你想让PS以默认所有设置和界面来启动,那么在启动的时候按下这几个键就行了。21. Switch Foreground/Background Colours
21. 转换前景、背景色
Press (X). Fast way to switch between the selected colour.
22. Mask View
22. 蒙版模式
Alt/Option + Click on a Layer Mask. Great way to clean up the mask after you save it from a selection. Using it again will switch back to normal view again.
Alt/Option + 点击图层蒙版
23. Disable Mask
23. 禁用蒙版
Shift + Click on a Layer Mask. You can quickly show the original contents of the layer with this keyboard shortcut. Using it again will enable the mask again.
Shift + 点击图层蒙版
24. Intersection of Selections
24. 交叉选择
Alt/Option + Shift + Click With a Selection Tool Over Another Overlapping Selection. Easy way to keep only a specific part of a selection.
Alt/Option + Shift + 使用选择工具点击重复选择区域,轻松让你更精确地进行选择。
25. Merge All Visible Layers to a New Layer
25. 合并可见图层为一个新图层
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E (Win) or Command + Option + Shift + E. If you want to keep all your layers but you also need to merge them together to be able to use something you can convert them all into one Smart object or use this keyboard shortcut to make a duplicate merged layer.
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E (Win)
Command + Option + Shift + E(Mac)
Of course you can use Photoshop without keyboard shortcuts, but you can be much faster and productive if you spend a little time on getting used to have one of your hands over the keyboard all the time and memorize some of these combinations. Feel free to include some other useful shortcuts in the comments section.