java注解应用实例 - Annotation, 自定义注解, 注解类规则
本文介绍了java的自定义注解及注解类编写的规则, 并通过实例来说明下如何使用java的注解. 实例演示了注解在类,构造方法,方法和字段的使用. 可以从这里下载到完成的工程代码:
1. Annotation型定义为@interface, 所有的Annotation会自动继承java.lang.Annotation这一接口,并且不能再去继承别的类或是接口.
2. 参数成员只能用public或默认(default)这两个访问权修饰
3. 参数成员只能用基本类型byte,short,char,int,long,float,double,boolean八种基本数据类型和String、Enum、Class、annotations等数据类型,以及这一些类型的数组.
4. 要获取类方法和字段的注解信息,必须通过Java的反射技术来获取 Annotation对象,因为你除此之外没有别的获取注解对象的方法
5. 注解也可以没有定义成员, 不过这样注解就没啥用了
自定义注解类时, 可以指定目标 (类、方法、字段, 构造函数等) , 注解的生命周期(运行时,class文件或者源码中有效), 是否将注解包含在javadoc中及是否允许子类继承父类中的注解, 具体如下:
1. @Target 表示该注解目标,可能的 ElemenetType 参数包括:
ElemenetType.CONSTRUCTOR 构造器声明
ElemenetType.FIELD 域声明(包括 enum 实例)
ElemenetType.LOCAL_VARIABLE 局部变量声明
ElemenetType.METHOD 方法声明
ElemenetType.PACKAGE 包声明
ElemenetType.PARAMETER 参数声明
ElemenetType.TYPE 类,接口(包括注解类型)或enum声明
2. @Retention 表示该注解的生命周期,可选的 RetentionPolicy 参数包括
RetentionPolicy.SOURCE 注解将被编译器丢弃
RetentionPolicy.CLASS 注解在class文件中可用,但会被VM丢弃
RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME VM将在运行期也保留注释,因此可以通过反射机制读取注解的信息
3. @Documented 指示将此注解包含在 javadoc 中
4. @Inherited 指示允许子类继承父类中的注解
好, 该介绍的介绍了, 看下自定义的注解应用实例:
1. 首先看下定义的注解类:
默认构造方法注解定义,[java] view plain copy
- package com.ross.annotation;
- import java.lang.annotation.*;
- /**
- * Author: Jiangtao He; Email: [email protected]
- * Date: 2012-1-29
- * Since: MyJavaExpert v1.0
- * Description: class annotation
- */
- @Retention (RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
- @Target (ElementType.TYPE)
- public @interface MyClassAnnotation
- {
- String uri();
- String desc();
- }
方法注解定义,[java] view plain copy
- package com.ross.annotation;
- import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
- import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
- import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
- import java.lang.annotation.Target;
- /**
- * Author: Jiangtao He; Email: [email protected]
- * Date: 2012-1-29
- * Since: MyJavaExpert v1.0
- * Description: Constructor annotation
- */
- @Retention (RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
- @Target (ElementType.CONSTRUCTOR)
- public @interface MyConstructorAnnotation
- {
- String uri();
- String desc();
- }
字段注解定义,[java] view plain copy
- package com.ross.annotation;
- import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
- import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
- import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
- import java.lang.annotation.Target;
- /**
- * Author: Jiangtao He; Email: [email protected]
- * Date: 2012-1-29
- * Since: MyJavaExpert v1.0
- * Description: method annotation
- */
- @Retention (RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
- @Target (ElementType.METHOD)
- public @interface MyMethodAnnotation
- {
- String uri();
- String desc();
- }
2. 再看下我们注解的应用和测试:[java] view plain copy
- package com.ross.annotation;
- import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
- import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
- import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
- import java.lang.annotation.Target;
- /**
- * Author: Jiangtao He; Email: [email protected]
- * Date: 2012-1-29
- * Since: MyJavaExpert v1.0
- * Description: field annotation
- */
- @Retention (RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
- @Target (ElementType.FIELD)
- public @interface MyFieldAnnotation
- {
- String uri();
- String desc();
- }
在类上面使用了MyClassAnnotation注解, 默认构造方法上使用了MyConstructorAnnotation注解, 自定义方法上使用了MyMethodAnnotation注解, 自定义字段上使用了MyFieldAnnotation注解, 在Mail函数中则实现了访问这些注解,并打印注解信息.
[java] view plain copy
- package com.ross.annotation;
- import java.lang.reflect.*;
- /**
- * Author: Jiangtao He; Email: [email protected]
- * Date: 2012-1-29
- * Since: MyJavaExpert v1.0
- * Description: This class is used to show how to use the annotation of each level
- */
- @MyClassAnnotation (uri = "com.ross.MySample" , desc = "The class name" )
- public class MySample
- {
- @MyFieldAnnotation (uri = "com.ross.MySample#id" , desc = "The class field" )
- public String id;
- /**
- * Description: default constructor
- */
- @MyConstructorAnnotation (uri = "com.ross.MySample#MySample" , desc = "The default constuctor" )
- public MySample()
- {
- }
- /**
- * Description: normal method
- */
- @MyMethodAnnotation (uri = "com.ross.MySample#setId" , desc = "The class method" )
- public void setId(String id)
- {
- this .id = id;
- }
- /**
- * Description: MyAnnotation test
- * @throws NoSuchMethodException
- * @throws SecurityException
- * @throws NoSuchFieldException
- */
- public static void main(String[] args) throws SecurityException,
- NoSuchMethodException, NoSuchFieldException
- {
- MySample oMySample = new MySample();
- // get class annotation
- MyClassAnnotation oMyAnnotation = MySample.class
- .getAnnotation(MyClassAnnotation.class );
- System.out.println("Class's uri: " + oMyAnnotation.uri() + "; desc: "
- + oMyAnnotation.desc());
- // get constructor annotation
- Constructor oConstructor = oMySample.getClass().getConstructor();
- MyConstructorAnnotation oMyConstructorAnnotation = (MyConstructorAnnotation) oConstructor
- .getAnnotation(MyConstructorAnnotation.class );
- System.out.println("Constructor's uri: "
- + oMyConstructorAnnotation.uri() + "; desc: "
- + oMyConstructorAnnotation.desc());
- // get method annotation
- Method oMethod = oMySample.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("setId" ,String. class );
- MyMethodAnnotation oMyMethodAnnotation = oMethod
- .getAnnotation(MyMethodAnnotation.class );
- System.out.println("Method's uri: " + oMyMethodAnnotation.uri()
- + "; desc: " + oMyMethodAnnotation.desc());
- // get field annotation
- Field oField = oMySample.getClass().getDeclaredField("id" );
- MyFieldAnnotation oMyFieldAnnotation = oField
- .getAnnotation(MyFieldAnnotation.class );
- System.out.println("Field's uri: " + oMyFieldAnnotation.uri()
- + "; desc: " + oMyFieldAnnotation.desc());
- }
- }
[plain] view plain copy
- Class's uri: com.ross.MySample; desc: The class name
- Constructor's uri: com.ross.MySample#MySample; desc: The default constuctor
- Method's uri: com.ross.MySample#setId; desc: The class method
- Field's uri: com.ross.MySample#id; desc: The class field
至此本实例就完成了, 其实就是抓住两点一个是定义注解类,另外一个是如何访问注解, 就算是学会了.
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- MyJavaExpert_V1.0-java注解应用实例.rar (10.1 KB)
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