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- - ITeye博客如果大家熟悉Linux的话,一定对ssh,sftp,scp等命令非常熟悉. ssh是一个安全协议,用来在不同系统或者服务器之间进行安全连接. ssh 在连接和传送的过程中会加密所有的数据. 具体的解释,大家可以参考百度百科的文档. 地址为:http://baike.baidu.com/view/16184.htm.
public class JftpHandler extends JschHandler { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory .getLogger(JftpHandler.class); private ChannelSftp sftp = null; public JftpHandler(String username, String host, int port, String identity) { super(username, host, port, identity); } public JftpHandler(String username, String host, int port, UserInfo userInfo) { super(username, host, port, userInfo); } @Override public void init() throws JSchException { super.init(); sftp = (ChannelSftp) session.openChannel(SFTP_PROTOCAL);//sftp sftp.connect(); log.info("Jftp connection success."); } @Override public void destory() { if (sftp != null) { sftp.quit(); sftp.disconnect(); } super.destory(); log.info("Jftp destory success."); } public void cd(String path) throws SftpException { sftp.cd(path); } public void lcd(String path) throws SftpException { sftp.lcd(path); } public String lpwd() { return sftp.lpwd(); } public String pwd() throws SftpException { return sftp.pwd(); } public void mkdir(String path) throws SftpException { sftp.mkdir(path); } public void rm(String path) throws SftpException { sftp.rm(path); } public void quit() { sftp.quit(); } public void rmdir(String path) throws SftpException { sftp.rmdir(path); } public void exit() { sftp.exit(); } public void put(String src, String dst, int mode) throws SftpException { sftp.put(src, dst, mode); } public void put(String src, String dst) throws SftpException { put(src, dst, 0); } public void put(String dst) throws SftpException { put(dst, "."); } public void get(String src, String dst) throws SftpException { sftp.get(src, dst); } public void get(String src) throws SftpException { get(src, "."); } /** * Changes the permissions of one or several remote files. * * @param permissions * @param path * @throws SftpException */ public void chmod(int permissions, String path) throws SftpException { sftp.chmod(permissions, path); } /** * @returns the protocol version number supported by this client */ public String version() { return sftp.version(); } }上面的代码只是对JSCH的简单包装,也是对JSCH的抛砖引玉。希望对大家有点用处。。。