
标签: 原因 越狱 iphone | 发表时间:2012-06-04 01:18 | 作者:aleon_d

译者 aleon_d

How Do I Figure Out What’s Slowing Down My Jailbroken iPhone?




How Do I Figure Out What's Slowing Down My Jailbroken iPhone?

Dear Lifehacker,


I recently jailbroke my iPhone and installed a boatload of jailbreak apps, and at first everything was going great. After a few days, though, my phone slowed down and now it occasionally even crashes. Is there a way to hunt down the culprits and figure out what's going on?




Slow Jailbreaker


Dear SJ,


It has long been rumored that jailbreaking your iPhone automatically causes it run slowly, but your jailbreak isn't the culprit. It's some—not all—of the apps you install from Cydia, the App Store for jailbreak apps and tweaks. With that in mind, let's take a look at the ways you can track down the offending tweaks and apps and get your iPhone back into good running shape. Reboot Your iPhone, Check Your Available Storage, and Check for Updates


Full size Before we get into digging for apps that are slowing down your iPhone let's start by making sure you're in good shape to begin with. The first thing to do is just reboot your phone and see if that helps (hold down the home and power button until it reboots). If a reboot doesn't work check your memory usage. Jailbreaking doesn't take up much disk space on its own, but the apps you install do. Tap Settings > General > Usage and look at how much storage space you have left. If it's below 1 GB, you probably want to start clearing out apps you don't use or media you don't need.


在我们深入挖掘让您的iPhone变慢的应用之前,让我们在确保您的iphone处于最佳状态开始。要做的第一件事情就是检查重新启动手机是否有帮助(按住Home键和电源按钮,直至iPhone重新启动)。 如果重新启动后速度没有明显改变,请检查您的内存使用情况。越狱程序不会占用太多的存储空间,但安装的应用程序会。点击“设置”>“一般”>“用量”,看一看您您剩下的存储空间。如果可用空间低于1GB,就需要清除一些您不经常使用的媒体文件或应用程序了。

You might also want to check in Cydia for updates to your apps. Around the time of a new jailbreak, for example, an app or tweak might suck up memory until it's updated to support the new operating system. In Cydia, tap Changes, and if any new versions of your jailbreak apps are available, tap Upgrade.


If you're still experiencing problems, it's time to track down the culprit. Track Your Available RAM When Using Apps


Full size If your apps are updated and all is well on the the storage front, then it's time to hunt for the culprit. The best way to do this involves watching your phone's available RAM (RAM is sort of like your phone's short-term memory). We'll do this with a jailbreak app called SBSettings.



Open Cydia, search for, and install SBSettings. SBSettings stands for Springboard Settings and allows you to see what's going on under the hood of your iPhone. In our case we're looking at the RAM usage. Once installed, open up SBSettings and tap SB Settings Options > Statusbar Free Mem. You'll now see how much RAM your iPhone has available next to the clock on the status bar.

打开Cydia、搜索并安装SBSettings。 SBSettings基于Springboard设置平台,允许您查看iPhone内部运行时发生的事情。在我们的例子中,我们要查看内存的使用情况。安装完毕后,打开SBSettings应用,依次点击“SB Settings Options”(设置选项)>“Statusbar Free mem”(可用内存信息状态栏)。现在,就可以看到在您点击“可用内存信息状态栏”后,下一步时您的iPhone还有多少可用RAM了。

When you're on the home screen and not doing anything it should show around 250-300 MB of RAM free. When you perform any action or open any app, your RAM will decrease. Play around with a bunch of your newly installed jailbreak apps and see if you see a huge drop in the amount of memory used. If you do, that app is probably the cause of the sluggish behavior. Uninstall it and see if your performance is improved. The same goes for any tweaks or anything else you have installed. For instance, if you're idling and not using any apps and your available memory is still really low, the problem might be in one of the tweaks you have running in the background. These might include Notification Center widgets or home screen tweaks. If nothing is clearly causing a problem, it's time to disable your downloads one by one. Disable Themes, Custom Animations, and Interface Tweaks One-By-One

当您停留在主页屏幕、不做任何事情时,应该会显示有250~300MB的可用内存。当您执行任何操作或打开任何应用程序时,你的可用内存就会减少。运行那些新安装的越狱应用,查看程序使用的内存是否有巨大的差异。 如果遇到有,则说明该应用程序可能是导致系统变慢。卸载该应用,看您的iPhone的表现是否会有所提高。如果您的iPhone运行速度仍然很慢,这种方法同样适用于调整其它任何已安装的程序。 比如,如果您是怠速且未使用任何应用程序,但您的可用内存还是很低,则问题可能出在某个正在运行的后台程序上,包括通知中心的窗口小部件或主屏幕主题。如果不清楚具体的问题出在哪一个上面,就有必要逐一禁用这些小部件或屏幕主题。

Full size If none of the above tips work and your iPhone is still sluggish you have to go through your tweaks one at a time. Fortunately for those who have a lot of apps installed the process isn't totally random.



First off, if you're using a custom skin with the reskinning utility Winterboard you should disable it and see if that clears up the problem. In a lot of cases, especially with older model iPhones, Winterboard can slow down iOS a lot. If that doesn't work, it's time to pop into SBSettings again.


In SBSettings tap Mobile Substrate Addons. Here you'll find a list of tweaks and apps that fundamentally change how your iPhone's operating system works. These might include tweaks that push mail, Activator functions, or anything that changes the look of the operating system. In most cases it's one of these downloads that causes slowdown. Go through each tweak and disable them one at a time to see if your iPhone's performance increases.

在SBSettings上点击附加软件“Mobile Substrate”。在这里,您可以找到一个能从根本上改变和调整iPhone操作系统的工作方式的应用程序和调整工具列表。包括邮件弹出方式、激活功能及操作系统的其他任何外观变化。很多情况下,这些驱动程序是导致系统变慢的一个原因。没调整和禁用它们一个,检查您的iPhone性能是否得到提高。

If your iPhone is still sluggish then you're remaining option is to uninstall apps one at a time. Open up Cydia, tap Manage > Packages and start going through your list of installed apps. Delete apps you've installed that you suspect might be the problem, reboot, and see if it fixes your phone. Continue this process until you find the culprit.

如果您的iPhone速度仍然低迷,你剩余的选择就只有卸载应用程序了:一次卸载一个。 打开了Cydia,点击“管理”>“软件包”,并开始浏览您的应用程序列表中的已安装应用程序。 删除应用程序已安装的、您怀疑可能是问题元凶的应用,请重新引导、并查看是否可以修复您的电话。继续此过程,直到您找到罪魁祸首。

Unfortunately, tracking down a resource hogging app isn't as easy as popping up an activity monitor and removing anything not working properly. However, the above tips should help you pinpoint the app causing slowdown so you can get rid of it.






P.S. Have your own system for tracking down loose cannon jailbreak apps bent on slowing down your iPhone? Share them in the comments.


Have a question or suggestion for Ask Lifehacker? Send it to [email protected].

如有其他问题和建议,请以 tips+ask为标题发送邮件给[email protected]

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