linkedin 数据科学实习的5个经验总结

标签: 个性化推荐与搜索 | 发表时间:2012-08-20 11:56 | 作者:bicloud

5 Things I Learned as a Data Science Intern

1. Spend time cleaning your data. Data is your starting point so make sure it is clean. This will only make things simpler as you proceed further and make your results more reliable.


2. Start simple and start with a vision. As a data scientist at LinkedIn, you have access to Petabytes of data (1 Petabyte as much data as is transferred when viewing HDTV for about 13.5 years). It can be overwhelming if you try to make sense of it all at once. I have rather found it really useful to start out simple, get initial results and then iteratively improve my models. Also, it is absolutely essential to define what is it that you are trying to accomplish with your project when you start. This helps you direct your efforts and evaluate tradeoffs between accuracy and computation time/cost better.


3. Getting results is just the beginning. As a data scientist, an equally important part of your work is to interpret those results, understand what they mean and explain those results to others on the team.


4. The breadth of skills required to handle various steps from parsing data to interpreting the final results is very wide. Data Science is really a blend of Computer Science, Statistics, Machine Learning and some domain expertise depending on specific application (Sociology, Economics, Physics and the like). Know your strengths and don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. But try to learn something new every time you ask for help.


5. Have fun along the way. Very often, as a data scientist, you work on problems that haven’t been solved before. Wrong decisions and missed opportunities are all a part of the process as you try out new methods to solve it. Learn quickly and don’t be afraid to take the path less trodden. That’s where the treasure often lies.


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linkedin 数据科学实习的5个经验总结

- - 冰火岛
这些可以使接下来的工作更加简单,结果更加可信. As a data scientist at LinkedIn, you have access to Petabytes of data (1 Petabyte as much data as is transferred when viewing HDTV for about 13.5 years).


- - 互联网分析
在互联网企业中,LinkedIn是一家出了名的“慢公司”,但LinkedIn也是最成功的社交网络,用户品质、广告价值都是行业翘楚,秘密在于LinkedIn有一个高效的数据科学家团队. 作为社交网络, LinkedIn并不是最大的,也不是生长最快的. 成立于2003年的LinkedIn, 花了500天, 才达到了100万用户.


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我倒并不想完全断言中国BSNS没有一点点的未来,但做生意是真金白银的消耗,非常讲究一个timing问题. 中国BSNS,要想走出中国的LinkedIn的道路,恐怕得花上比LinkedIn自身发展更长的时间. 与目前股价一路扶摇直上的LinkedIn相比,中国的BSNS(商务社交,也有自称PSNS专业社交的)显得有些不愠不火,差强人意.


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准确的定位和极优的数据整理能力,是LinkedIn最终成功的原因. 中国模仿者们需要模仿到基因层面才会有希望. 2010年12月,美国非上市公司股票交易平台SecondMarket评选出五大估值超10亿美元的非上市公司,LinkedIn挤掉Youtube等大热门而上榜. LinkedIn这家比Facebook还早的老牌社交网站,在将近10年的互联网大潮中,一直以低调稳健但内容乏味的姿态潜行.


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本周根据外电,Linkedin已经为自己的IPO做了定价,区间大致在32-35美元,预期募集资金2.71亿,估值在30-33亿美元. 这个主打所谓高端人群,74%会员受过高等教育,被誉为“职场SNS”的网络公司,拥有1亿用户,2010年营收2.43亿美元,利润1500多万. 据公司声称,在linkedin上,有200万个公司页面,73%的财富100强公司用过它的招聘解决方案,世界500强则全数成为它的会员.

[原]LinkedIn Cubert安装指南

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最近工作需要,调研了一下LinkedIn开源的用于复杂大数据分析的高性能计算引擎Cubert. 自己测了下,感觉比较适合做报表统计中的Cube计算和Join计算,效率往往比Hive高很多倍,节省资源和时间. 下面看下这个框架的介绍:. Cubert完全用Java开发,并提供一种脚本语言. 它是针对报表领域里经常出现的复杂连接和聚合而设计的.


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原文: A Brief History of Scaling LinkedIn. Josh Clemm是LinkedIn的高级工程经理,自2011年加入LinkedIn. 他最近(2015/07/20)写了一篇文章,介绍了LinkedIn针对用户规模急速扩大带来的架构方面的变革. 文章有点像子柳写的 淘宝技术这十年.


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用户到底如何使用 LinkedIn?

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