「学习笔记-Linux」学习Shell Script

标签: 学习 笔记 linux | 发表时间:2013-02-15 16:30 | 作者:on_1y

学习Shell Script

1 什么是Shell Scipt


1.1 程序书写

     #     !/bin/bash
     #      Program:
     #            This program shows "Hello Wrold" in your screen.
     #      History:
     #      2013/2/3 on_1y First release

     export PATH
     echo -e "Hello World!\a\n"
exit 0
  • 第一行 #!/bin/bash 说明使用的shell类型,不同shell语法可能不同,所以要说明使用的是哪种shell
  • 其它#开始的表示注释,注释一般需要说明
    • 程序功能
    • 版本历史
    • 作者及联系方式
  • 设置好PATH变量,以便直接可以调用相应路径下的命令
  • 程序主体部分
  • exit 0 表示程序执行成功,向环境返回0

1.2 程序执行

  • bash $bash sh01.sh #如果用sh sh01.sh而sh又不是指向bash,那么sh01.sh内的语法就会不一致,因为用 #sh去解释了bash语法写的shell script,针对这个程序,如果 #$type sh #得到sh is hashed (/bin/sh) #那么会输出-e Hello world!,而非Hello world!
  • $./xxx.sh $chmod +x sh01.sh $./sh01.sh
  • source $ source sh01.sh

注:用bash和用source的不同在于,用bash执行时,shell script其实是在在父程序bash下新建了一个 bash子程序,这个子程序中执行,当程序执行完后,shell script里定义的变量都会随子程序的结束而消失, 而用source执行时,是在父程序bash中执行,shell script里定义的变量都还在。

2 简单Shell练习

2.1 例1 接收用户输入

     #      !/bin/bash
     #      Program:
     #            This program is used to read user's input 
     #      History:
     #      2013/2/3 on_1y First release

     export PATH
     read -p "Your first name:" firstname      #      tell user to input
     read -p "Your last name:" lastname      #      tell user to input
     echo -e "\nYour full name: $firstname $lastname"
exit 0
$ bash sh02.sh
Your first name:Minix
Your last name:007

Your full name: Minix 007

2.2 例2 按日期建立相似名字的文件

     #      !/bin/bash
     #      Program:
     #            This program is used to create files according to date
     #      History:
     #      2013/2/3 on_1y First release

     export PATH

     #      Get filename from user
     echo -e "I will use 'touch' to create three files."
     read -p "Please input your filename:" tmpfilename

     #      Prevent the user input [Enter]
     #      Check whether filename exists or not

     #      Get the final filename according to date
date1=$(date --date='2 days ago' +%Y%m%d)      #      date of 2 days ago
date2=$(date --date='1 days ago' +%Y%m%d)      #      date of yesterday
date3=$(date +%Y%m%d)      #      date of today

     #      Create file
touch "$filename1"
touch "$filename2"
touch "$filename3"

exit 0
$ bash sh03.sh
I will use 'touch' to create three files.
Please input your filename:WhoKnows
$ ls W*
WhoKnows20130201  WhoKnows20130202  WhoKnows20130203

3 判断式

3.1 测试文件是否存在

test -e filename会根据filename是否存在返回0或1,再交由echo显示结果

$ test -e sh01.sh  && echo "Exists" || echo "Not exists"
$ test -e sh0x.sh  && echo "Exists" || echo "Not exists"
Not exists

3.2 test常用选项

3.2.1 文件类型

  • -e file :file是否存在
  • -f file :file是否存在且为文件
  • -d file :file是否存在且为目录

3.2.2 权限

  • -r file :file是否有读的权限

3.2.3 文件新旧比较

  • -nt file1 file2 : file1 是否比 file2新

3.2.4 整数,字符串,多重条件判断

  • -z string: string是否为空


      #       !/bin/bash
      #       Program:
      #             This program is used to output type and permission of the target file
      #       History:
      #       2013/2/3 on_1y First release

      export PATH

      #       Get filename from user
      echo -e "Input name of the file that you want to check.\n"
      read -p "Filename:" filename
      test -z $filename &&       echo "You must input a filename." && exit 0

      #       Check whether the file exists or not
      test ! -e $filename &&       echo "The file '$filename' DO NOT exists" && exit 0

      #       Check type and permission of the file
      test -f $filename && filetype="regular file"
      test -d $filename && filetype="directory"
      test -r $filename && perm="readable"
      test -w $filename && perm="$perm writable"
      test -x $filename && perm="$perm executable"

      #       Output result
      echo "The filename:$filename is a $filetype"
      echo "And Permissions are :$perm"

exit 0

$ bash sh04.sh
Input name of the file that you want to check.

The filename:sh01.sh is a regular file
And Permissions are :readable writable executable

3.3 使用[]判断

  • 测试文件是否存在
$ [ -e "sh01.sh" ] ; echo $?
$ [ -e "sh0x.sh" ] ; echo $?
  • 注意[]内空格必须有
  • 这种方法和test的test -e "sho1.sh" ; echo $? 是一致的

4 Shell Script 参数

    #     !/bin/bash
    #     Program:
    #           This program is used to ouput parameter of the shell script
    #     History:
    #     2013/2/3 on_1y First release

    export PATH

    echo "The script's name is ==> $0"
    echo "Total parameter number is ==> $#"

    #     Check whether number of the parameter is less than 2
[ "$#" -lt 2 ] &&     echo "The number of parameter is less than 2.Stop here." && exit 0

    echo "The whole parameter is ==> '$@'"
    echo "The first parameter is ==> $1"
    echo "The first parameter is ==> $2"

exit 0

$ bash sh05.sh 1a 2b 3c 4d
The script's name is ==> sh05.sh
Total parameter number is ==> 4
The whole parameter is ==> '1a 2b 3c 4d'
The first parameter is ==> 1a
The first parameter is ==> 2b


5 条件表达式

5.1 if 结构

     #      !/bin/bash
     #      Program:
     #            This program is used to show if else expression
     #      History:
     #      2013/2/3 on_1y First release

     export PATH

     read -p "Please input [Y/N]" choice
if [ "$choice" == "Y" ] || [ "$choice" == "y" ];then
         echo "OK, continue"
    exit 0
if [ "$choice" == "N" ] || [ "$choice" == "n" ];then
         echo "Oh, interupt"
    exit 0

exit 0
$ bash sh06.sh
Please input [Y/N]y
OK, continue
$ bash sh06.sh
Please input [Y/N]n
Oh, interupt

5.2 if else 结构

     #      !/bin/bash
     #      Program:
     #            This program is used to show if else expression
     #      History:
     #      2013/2/3 on_1y First release

     export PATH

     read -p "Please input [Y/N]" choice
if [ "$choice" == "Y" ] || [ "$choice" == "y" ];then
         echo "OK, continue"
    exit 0
elif [ "$choice" == "N" ] || [ "$choice" == "n" ];then
         echo "Oh, interupt"
    exit 0
         echo "Input [Y/N]"

exit 0

5.3 case

     #      !/bin/bash
     #      Program:
     #            This program is used to show case expression
     #      History:
     #      2013/2/3 on_1y First release

     export PATH

     read -p "Tell me your choice:[1-3]=>" choice
case $choice in
             echo "Your choice is ONE"
             echo "Your choice is TWO"
             echo "Your choice is THREE"

exit 0
$ bash sh08.sh
Tell me your choice:[1-3]=>2
Your choice is TWO
$ bash sh08.sh
Tell me your choice:[1-3]=>1
Your choice is ONE
$ bash sh08.sh
Tell me your choice:[1-3]=>3
Your choice is THREE

6 函数

    #     !/bin/bash
    #     Program:
    #           This program is used to test function
    #     History:
    #     2013/2/3 on_1y First release

    export PATH

function     myprint(){
        echo -n "Your choice is "

    read -p "Tell me your choice:[1-3]=>" choice
case $choice in
        myprint;    echo "ONE"
        myprint;    echo "TWO"
        myprint;    echo "THREE"

exit 0
$ bash sh09.sh 
Tell me your choice:[1-3]=>1
Your choice is ONE
$ bash sh09.sh 
Tell me your choice:[1-3]=>2
Your choice is TWO
$ bash sh09.sh 
Tell me your choice:[1-3]=>3
Your choice is THREE

7 循环

7.1 while

     #      !/bin/bash
     #      Program:
     #            This program shows while expression
     #      History:
     #      2013/2/3 on_1y First release

     export PATH

while [ "$choice" != "yes" ]
         read -p "Give your choice [yes/no]:" choice

exit 0
$ bash sh10.sh 
Give your choice [yes/no]:no
Give your choice [yes/no]:no
Give your choice [yes/no]:nx
Give your choice [yes/no]:yes

7.2 for

     #      !/bin/bash
     #      Program:
     #            This program is used to demo for expression
     #      History:
     #      2013/2/3 on_1y First release

     export PATH

for choice in 1 2 3
         echo "your choice is $choice"

exit 0

$ bash sh11.sh
your choice is 1
your choice is 2
your choice is 3

8 shell script的追踪与Debug

  • sh -n xx.sh # 语法检查
  • sh -x xx.sh # 列出xx.sh的执行过程
作者:on_1y 发表于2013-2-15 16:30:15 原文链接
阅读:89 评论:0 查看评论

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