使用 Redis 来存储 Apache Tomcat 7 的 Session

标签: redis apache tomcat | 发表时间:2014-08-05 15:12 | 作者:MrLee23

使用  Redis 服务器来存储Session非常有优势。首先它是一个NOSQL数据,第二它很容易扩展使用。 This kind of setup would lead to a clear understanding of how  Redis can behave as cache as well as a session storing system. In order to do this the instructions are as follows :-

  1. Download  Redis and build by the following commands (This includes downloading it too)
    wget http://download.redis.io/redis-stable.tar.gz
    tar xvzf redis-stable.tar.gz
    cd redis-stable
  2. Start  Redis using command( Redis Directory refers to the directory where  Redis is built)
    cd RedisDirectory/src
    ./redis-server --port 6379
  3. Get the latest version of  Apache Tomcat 7
  4. Download the latest version for  JEDIS (A Redis Java Client),  Tomcat Redis Session Manager (Redis-backed non-sticky session store for Apache Tomcat) and  Apache Commons Pool .
  5. Copy all the above files into the lib folder of the  Apache Tomcat 7 installation directory.
  6. Add the lines mentioned below in the context.xml of your  Apache Tomcat 7 (Or on the context block of server.xml if applicable).Edit the Configurations as your settings. In out case the port number to be configured is 6279.
    1 < Valve  className = "com.radiadesign.catalina.session.RedisSessionHandlerValve"  />
    2 < Manager  className = "com.radiadesign.catalina.session.RedisSessionManager"
    3 host = "localhost"  <!-- optional: defaults to "localhost" -->
    4 port="6379"  <!-- optional: defaults to "6379" -->
    5 database="0"  <!-- optional: defaults to "0" -->
    6 maxInactiveInterval="60"  <!-- optional: defaults to "60" (in seconds) -->  />
  7. Now restart your  Apache Tomcat 7 normally and now you would see that the sessions are being created in the Redis Rather than on Tomcat.

Thats it. Now you have your  Apache Tomcat 7 storing all the sessions in  Redis and it also takes care about the different aspects of sessions.



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使用 Redis 来存储 Apache Tomcat 7 的 Session

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使用  Redis 服务器来存储Session非常有优势. 首先它是一个NOSQL数据,第二它很容易扩展使用. This kind of setup would lead to a clear understanding of how  Redis can behave as cache as well as a session storing system.


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一、       方案目标. 实现互动留言系统、后台发布系统的高可用性,有效解决高并发量对单台应用服务器的冲击,确保应用服务器单点故障不影响系统正常运行. 二、       部署架构. 采取Tomcat集群的部署方式,Apache通过proxy_module代理方式对用户的请求进行负载均衡,转发至tomcat集群中的某一实例进行处理,tomcat集群之间通过Memcached高性能缓存集群共享持久Session.

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集群tomcat主要是解决SESSION共享的问题. 花了两天时间学习apache与tomcat的集成方法,现在把学习成果记录下来. apache与tomcat负载集群集成方法有3种jk、jk_proxy、http_proxy. 本次测试是1个apache集成两个tomcat. 安装apache http server省略,访问地址为http://