- - 搜索技术博客-淘宝伴随着信息科技日新月异的发展,信息呈现出爆发式的膨胀,人们获取信息的途径也更加多样、更加便捷,同时对于信息的时效性要求也越来越高. 举个搜索场景中的例子,当一个卖家发布了一条宝贝信息时,他希望的当然是这个宝贝马上就可以被卖家搜索出来、点击、购买啦,相反,如果这个宝贝要等到第二天或者更久才可以被搜出来,估计这个大哥就要骂娘了.
“OOM: GC overhead limit exceeded” exception, then typically your upstream spouts/bolts are outpacing your downstream bolts.
public Class A implements Serializable { B tmp = new B(); Class B{ .... } }
public Class A implements Serializable { B tmp = new B(); Class B implements Serializable{ .... } }
public class ReadLogsFromFileEmitSetSpout extends BaseRichSpout { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); ...... }
The supervisor instantiates the bolts, sends them to the workers, and then calls prepare() on all of them. Therefore, anything that isn't serializable that is instantiated before prepare() causes this process to fail.