java - C3P0: unreturnedConnectionTimeout in production? - Stack Overflow

标签: | 发表时间:2017-12-05 09:53 | 作者:

The parameter  unreturnedConnectionTimeout times out unreturned connections after a given period of time. I'm trying to decide whether I should use this in my production  persistence.xml? A big plus of using this is that the Connection Pool will be able to recover from leaky connections. A big minus is that leaky connections will be very difficult to detect.

Should I use  unreturnedConnectionTimeout in production applications? If yes, what should its value be? Are there any other pros/cons I should consider?


You should debug your Connection leaks, and then not use unreturnedConnectionTimeoutin production, ideally.

To debug Connection leaks, set both unreturnedConnectionTimeoutand debugUnreturnedConnectionStackTraces, see, when you have no more leaks, unset both of these parameters.

You would set unreturnedConnectionTimeoutin production mostly if for some reason you can't debug and fix the application whose Connections are leaking, in which case it's a reasonable workaround to just set unreturnedConnectionTimeoutand let c3p0 clean up what your application forgets to.

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java - C3P0: unreturnedConnectionTimeout in production? - Stack Overflow

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unreturnedConnectionTimeoutin production mostly if for some reason you can't debug and fix the application whose Connections are leaking, in which case it's a reasonable workaround to just set.

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