标签: | 发表时间:2018-09-27 17:39 | 作者:

Cluster state management

The state manager component is responsible for storing the active status of each database in the cluster, as well as any durability state. During startup, HA-JDBC fetches its initial cluster state is fetched either from another server, if HA-JDBC is configured to be distributable, or if the configured state manager is persistent. If no state is found, all accessible databases are presumed to be active. To ignore (i.e. clear) the locally persisted cluster state at startup, start HA-JDBC using the ha-jdbc.state.clear=truesystem property.

HA-JDBC includes the following state manager implementations:


A non-persistent state manager that stores cluster state in memory.


<ha-jdbc xmlns="urn:ha-jdbc:cluster:3.0">
    <state id="simple"/>
    <cluster><!-- ... --></cluster>

A persistent state manager that uses an embedded database. This provider supports the following properties, in addition to properties to manipulate connection pooling behavior. The complete list of pooling properties and their default values are available in the Apache Commons Pool documentationdocumentation.

Property Default Description
urlPattern jdbc:h2:{1}/{0}
A MessageFormat pattern indicating the JDBC url of the embedded database. The pattern can accept 2 parameters:
  1. The cluster identifier
  2. $HOME/.ha-jdbc
user Authentication user name for the embedded database.
password Authentication password for the above user.
<ha-jdbc xmlns="urn:ha-jdbc:cluster:3.0">
    <state id="sql">
       <property name="urlPattern">jdbc:h2:/temp/ha-jdbc/{0}</property>
    <cluster><!-- ... --></cluster>

A persistent state manager that uses a BerkeleyDB database. This provider supports the following properties, in addition to properties to manipulate connection pooling behavior. The complete list of pooling properties and their default values are available in the Apache Commons Pool documentationdocumentation..

Property Default Description
locationPattern {1}/{0} A MessageFormat pattern indicating the base location of the embedded database. The pattern can accept 2 parameters:
  1. The cluster identifier
  2. $HOME/.ha-jdbc
<ha-jdbc xmlns="urn:ha-jdbc:cluster:3.0">
    <state id="berkeleydb">
       <property name="locationPattern">/tmp/{0}</property>
    <cluster><!-- ... --></cluster>

A persistent state manager that uses a SQLite database. This provider supports the following properties, in addition to properties to manipulate connection pooling behavior. The complete list of pooling properties and their default values are available in the Apache Commons Pool documentationdocumentation.

Property Default Description
locationPattern {1}/{0} A MessageFormat pattern indicating the base location of the embedded database. The pattern can accept 2 parameters:
  1. The cluster identifier
  2. $HOME/.ha-jdbc
<ha-jdbc xmlns="urn:ha-jdbc:cluster:3.0">
    <state id="sqlite">
       <property name="locationPattern">/tmp/{0}</property>
    <cluster><!-- ... --></cluster>

相关 [ha jdbc] 推荐:


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The state manager component is responsible for storing the active status of each database in the cluster, as well as any durability state.

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下面的总结来自于: http://dongxicheng.org/hadoop-hdfs/hdfs-ha-federation-deploy/ .            Hadoop 2.0中的HDFS增加了两个重大特性,HA和Federaion. HA即为High Availability,用于解决NameNode单点故障问题,该特性通过热备的方式为主NameNode提供一个备用者,一旦主NameNode出现故障,可以迅速切换至备NameNode,从而实现不间断对外提供服务.

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0  . 0  .       .

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| hostgroup_id | hostname      | port | gtid_port | status | weight | compression | max_connections | max_replication_lag | use_ssl | max_latency_ms | comment |.