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Advanced search keywords

Want to spend less time sorting through irrelevant results? Advanced keywords can give you better search results so that you find only what you want. Use the following keywords to help limit and focus your searches:

Keyword Definition Example
contains: Keeps results focused on sites that have links to the file types that you specify. To search for websites that contain links to Windows Media Audio (.wma) files, type music contains:wma.
ext: Returns only webpages with the filename extension that you specify. To find reports created only in DOCX format, type your subject, followed by ext:docx.
filetype: Returns only webpages created in the file type that you specify. To find reports created in PDF format, type your subject, followed by filetype:pdf.
inanchor: or inbody: or intitle: These keywords return webpages that contain the specified term in the metadata, such as the anchor, body, or title of the site, respectively. Specify only one term per keyword. You can string multiple keyword entries as needed. To find webpages that contain “msn” in the anchor, and the terms “spaces” and “magog” in the body, type inanchor:msn inbody:spaces inbody:magog.
ip: Finds sites that are hosted by a specific IP address. The IP address must be a dotted quad address. Type the ip: keyword, followed by the IP address of the website. Type IP:
language: Returns webpages for a specific language. Specify the language code directly after the language: keyword. To see webpages only in English about antiques, type "antiques" language:en.
loc: or location: Returns webpages from a specific country or region. Specify the country or region code directly after the loc: keyword. To focus on two or more languages, use a logical OR to group the languages. To see webpages about sculpture from the U.S. or Great Britain, type sculpture (loc:US OR loc:GB). For a list of language codes that you can use with Bing, see  Country, region, and language codes.
prefer: Adds emphasis to a search term or another operator to help focus the search results. To find results about football but that primarily pertain to the organization, type football prefer:organization.
site: Returns webpages that belong to the specified site. To focus on two or more domains, use a logical OR to group the domains. You can use site: to search for web domains, top level domains, and directories that are not more than two levels deep. You can also search for webpages that contain a specific search word on a site. To see webpages about heart disease from the BBC or CNN websites, type "heart disease" ( OR To find webpages about the PC version of Halo on the Microsoft website, type halo.
feed: Finds RSS or Atom feeds on a website for the terms you search for. To find RSS or Atom feeds about football, type feed:football.
hasfeed: Finds webpages that contain an RSS or Atom feed on a website for the terms you search for. To find webpages on the New York Times website that contain RSS or Atom feeds, type hasfeed:football.
url: Checks whether the listed domain or web address is in the Bing index. To verify that the Microsoft domain is in the index, type
  • Don't include a space after the colon in these keywords.
  • Some features and functionality described here may not be available in your country or region.

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These keywords return webpages that contain the specified term in the metadata, such as the anchor, body, or title of the site, respectively. To find webpages that contain “msn” in the anchor, and the terms “spaces” and “magog” in the body, type inanchor:msn inbody:spaces inbody:magog.


- Chris - Solidot
yi-it 写道 "nia报道,一名微软的员工Michael Kordahi在业余时间为了好玩,建立了一个BlindSearch的网页,用来测试你对搜索引擎的偏好(参与比较的对象有Google,Bing和Yahoo. 测试方法是这样, 在上面的BlindSearch网页顶端输入需要查询的文字,点击搜索按钮 就会有一个3栏的结果页出现,每一栏代表一个搜索引擎搜索的结果(但这时没有标明是哪个搜索引擎) 然后你从3个结果中挑选一个你喜欢的.

Bing 利用自己的搜索引擎暗讽 Google 邪恶

- HaWk - cnBeta.COM
今天Google软件工程师Andy Arnt爆料称在Bing里输入两个搜索关键字,即可看到暗讽Google的搜索结果OneBox. 两个关键字分别是:more evil than satan himself(比撒旦本人还邪恶,如上图):.

必应 Bing 2012 年度热门搜索关键词

- - LiveSino 中文版
微软今天 公布了必应 Bing 2012 年度的热门关键词榜单,根据官方的算法,有以下分类的列表:人物、体育明星、音乐人、奥运会运动员、真人秀电视明星、名人夫妇、名人事件、新闻、科技、电影、音乐、视频、电视、真人秀电视、日间电视、时尚、目的地、假期标志、其他搜索数据. 下面是一些分类的 Bing 搜索关键词排行:.

Siri 不仅只会用 Google 搜索 她也会搜索 Bing 和 Yahoo

- youschan - cnBeta.COM
感谢BlueHost3.95的投递. 当你想让iOS 5里的Siri帮你进行搜索的时候,你可以说“Search the web for xxx”,这样Siri就会直接利用iPhone上的默认搜索引擎Google来进行搜索(当你问一些Siri不知道的问题的时候,它也会问你是否要进行网络搜索). 其实Google并非是Siri唯一的最爱,如果你说“Serach Bing for Steve Ballmer News”或“Search Yahoo for weather”,Siri就会用Yahoo或Bing来为你呈现搜索结果了.

Siri 不仅只会用 Google 搜索,她也会搜索 Bing 和 Yahoo

- 安得米 - 谷奥——探寻谷歌的奥秘
当你想让iOS 5里的Siri帮你进行搜索的时候,你可以说“Search the web for xxx”,这样Siri就会直接利用iPhone上的默认搜索引擎Google来进行搜索(当你问一些Siri不知道的问题的时候,它也会问你是否要进行网络搜索). 其实Google并非是Siri唯一的最爱,如果你说“Serach Bing for Steve Ballmer News”或“Search Yahoo for weather”,Siri就会用Yahoo或Bing来为你呈现搜索结果了.

Google 跟同桌 Bing 说:同学,别再抄袭俺的搜索结果了嘛

- membogg - 谷奥——探寻谷歌的奥秘
好吧,尽管Google也在向Bing致敬(比如可更换搜索的背景图和Google Images的搜索结果界面),但好歹不是那种赤裸裸的复制(微创新. ),相当于扫了一眼答案,然后再用自己的能力从头到尾验算一遍. 但是Bing直接抄袭Google同学的搜索结果就比较说不过去了,抄袭证据呢. 嘿嘿,Google同学发现搜索A同时自动纠正为B的搜索结果,在Bing同学那边搜索A,出来的结果居然直接就是B.

Bing 利用自己的搜索引擎暗讽 Google 是邪恶的碎碎念

- 瑠音北樟 - 谷奥——探寻谷歌的奥秘
今天Google软件工程师Andy Arnt爆料称在Bing里输入两个搜索关键字,即可看到暗讽Google的搜索结果OneBox. more evil than satan himself(比撒旦本人还邪恶,如上图):. OneBox显示是 10^100,这正是Google名字的来源──10的100次方(googol).

Steve Ballmer 称 Bing 有 70% 的搜索结果跟 Google 都是一样的

- Yi - cnBeta.COM
John Battelle在Web 2.0峰会上采访了微软CEO Steve Ballmer,Ballmer强烈推荐大家试试Bing,因为它跟Google差不多优秀. Steve Ballmer称:我邀请你随便对比Bing和Google,70%的时间里搜索结果看不出任何区别,而剩下的30%时间里,有15%的情况Bing甚至强于Google,另外有15%的情况则是Google强于Bing.