
标签: 残忍 | 发表时间:2011-08-25 22:46 | 作者:lucyhi2008 zoey

来源Cruel Dog Games(残忍的斗狗赛)

A coming autumn will bring a season of dog fighting together with cold weather. What is your attitude to the show Do you think it is a real must for dogs or just another entertainment for sadists Specialists believe dog fights are not only related to gambles but can also test combativity of an animal.http://media.englishrussia.com/newpictures/cruelintentions006-28.jpg



A legal pit located 15 km away from Almaty city is famous for its dog fights.http://media.englishrussia.com/newpicture/cruelintentions006-19.jpg



Kazakhstan lacks official permission for dog fight conduction as well as an official ban.http://media.englishrussia.com/newpictures/cruelintentions006-20.jpg


It is necessary to differentiate between two kinds of fights. Some fights where people are ready to back several thousand dollars against the field are intended for entertainment. These fights are always ended with killing of one of the dog as this is the only chance to get the prize.


But an official dog fight championship held in Almaty is quite a different thing. It has been taking place for 6 years already. No bets are needed here. Wolfhounds are given a chance to be trained to withstand such a cruel and cunning animal as wolf. Due to absence of wolves other wolfhounds are invited to participate in the fight.


People who breed the dogs complain that only one of them can be brought to the championship every year as it’s impossible to handle two dogs at once.


Dogs are weighed before the fight to be redistributed into groups according to the weight.


During a fight dogs usually bite one another to the necks.


Dog skin is very thick at that place and contains a few vessels. That’s why there won’t be much blood there no matter how hard they fight. However, sensitive spots can be found there as well.


The first rule of the fights is to prevent the dogs from killing each other.


The second rule is that a dog should never show its fear to the enemy.


The third rule consists in refusal to chase a dog that is ready to give in.


Dog breeders say that wolfhounds of today are slowly losing their working capacities. This cruel fight is the only way to find a dog that corresponds to all the mentioned qualities.


Good puppies are exchange for expensive cars till now.


Fighting dogs need to be set apart in the correct way. Passing sticks through their teeth is forbidden. Take a thin stick and press it against the base of the tongue instead. Then the dog will open its mouth.


It happens that dogs can refuse to fight from the very start.


The loser must never be bitten in the case. If a dog breaks the rule it will never go to the pit again and will spend its life enchained.


In spite of their fierceness the dogs are very kind to their masters and kids. Dog breeders say they haven’t heard about such a case when these dogs bit or attacked small kids.


A real fighter never complains or whimpers when another dog is about to tear it to ribbons.


It can relax only after the fight for a while getting ready for another competition.


This dog was badly injured but will be fine in a week.


Local veterinarians know how to help wounded dogs. They say wolfhounds are very patient and usually just a couple of sutures and blood arrest is everything that is needed. They don’t know cases when a dog was killed in a fight.


The fight is over. It’s time to go home now.



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