
标签: 身体 健康 信号 | 发表时间:2011-08-25 15:03 | 作者:Lynnjl leqoqo

来源Seven Subtle Signs That You\'re Healthy

It’s a fact of digital life that every time you’re hit with a twinge of pain or a pang of discomfort, the natural impulse is to immediately google your symptoms, which will lead you to reach the eventual (and sensible) conclusion that you probably have cancer.


Relax! The good news is that you probably don’t have cancer. Or AIDS, dengue fever, Lyme disease, Ebola, leprosy, or any of the other terrifying illnesses that keep WebMD in business. In fact, you may be even healthier than you think. Random pains can be distressing, but if your body displays these subtle signs of health, chances are good that you’re actually doing just fine.


1. Relatively Clear, Copious Urine


If you’re peeing a few times a day and it’s pale yellow—not cloudy, dark, or super-concentrated—that means that you’re adequately hydrated and your kidneys are healthy. Completely colorless urine, however, indicates that you may be over-hydrated, and while that’s not as problematic as being dehydrated, it could mean that you’re losing valuable salts and electrolytes.


2. Regular, Well-Formed Bowel Movements


Yes, it all comes down to poop. Normal feces comes in many different shapes, sizes, and colors, but as long as yours isn’t bloody, loose, or painfully hard, you’re probably okay. Being regular is another good indicator of relative health; when your body is processing solid waste quickly and efficiently, it shows that there’s adequate fiber in your diet and your digestive system is working properly.


3. Stable Weight


Assuming you’re not grossly underweight or morbidly obese, a relatively stable weight is a sign of good health. Significant unexplained gains and losses or yo-yoing back and forth on diets are causes for concern.


4. Quick Wound Healing


If you find that small cuts, scrapes, or burns take a very long time to heal or if you experience unexplained bruising from light pressure, see a doctor. If you don’t, congratulations! Your blood is clotting normally, your white cells are carrying away bacteria, and your blood vessels are healthy. You’re doing alright.


5. Healthy Hair and Nails


The integumentary system (which includes hair and nails) is often the first place that a serious vitamin deficiency shows up. This shortage can cause weak, deformed fingernails and toenails and hair that falls out in clumps. If your hair’s biggest problems are frizziness or split ends, then it’s more or less healthy.


6. Regular Menstrual Periods


Regular periods with normal premenstrual symptoms are one of the best indicators that your reproductive system is healthy. Irregular, painful periods and excessive or prolonged bleeding are symptoms that should be checked out by a doctor.


7. Decent Sleep


True, most of us don’t get quite as much sleep as we should, and occasional insomnia is considered normal. But as long as you’re sleeping through the night on a regular basis and not experiencing night sweats or being awakened repeatedly by the urge to urinate, you’re probably hitting all the necessary sleep rhythms. And if you’re generally waking up feeling at least moderately refreshed, things are looking good.


It should go without saying that the absence of these signs can mean hundreds of different things and can signify dozens of different problems—or sometimes nothing at all—and a doctor is the only one who can say for sure. And that means a real doctor—because sometimes WebMD just doesn’t cut it.









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原文地址: 小信号提示身体大毛病 作者: 张凤林.      任何疾病的发生发展都有一个过程,在突发前都有一些身体上的先兆,只不过没有引起我们足够的重视罢了. 随着健康意识的增强,我们应该对人体发出的不良信号,给予足够的重视,避免酿成大祸.     我国古代就有“我命在我不在天”的口号,这真是一句革命性的口号,对于我们现代人同样适用,强调的是不要把身体的全部交给无知的惯性.


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但其实,很多 疾病在突发前都有一些 身体上的先兆,只不过没有引起足够重视罢了. 为了防微杜渐,让我们现在就来盘点一天当中不同阶段 身体的不良感受,看看它们每时每刻都在诉说着什么. 头晕、头昏:早晨醒来后头晕、头昏,可能出现了颈椎骨质增生或血黏度高等 疾病. 心慌飢饿感:凌晨4-5点钟醒来有强烈的心慌飢饿感,且疲乏无力,直到吃早餐后不舒适的感觉才逐渐消失,提示可能有糖尿病倾向.


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