
标签: 书架 设计 | 发表时间:2011-09-07 03:23 | 作者:summersnow Troy

译者 summersnow

1.Comic Shelves


We’re always looking for new and creative ways to store our DVDs, and these shelves made by Italian design company Lago sure qualify. Called Tangram, the line comprises seven different shelf shapes, each obtained from the “decomposition” of your basic square. By combining the shapes in creative ways, your storage space becomes artwork. You can make your shelves look like people, animals, Star Wars vehicles — you name it. link


2.Bookcase shaped like the map



A bookcase shaped like the map of the United States of America, is a cool creation by Ron Arad. link

Ron Arad设计的这款想美国地图的书架是不是很酷啊!

3.Pacman Bookshelf


Puckman bookcase is made of shining varnished wood.
The Colour is yellow to remind the famous character of the 80ies cult videogame “the Pac-man” and it is a solid structure easy to build on. It is possible to hang it by a practical Wooden hang.The Puckman bookcase present a little distance from the wall to allow TV wires or other wires to pass it through. link



4.Stairs Bookcase


Here’s a great idea for anyone who loves books and doesn’t have enough apartment space or a Kindle: a “secret staircase” made of English oak, lined with books left, right and center, leading to a loft bedroom in a Victorian 1898 apartments block
70m2 apartment was remodeled by London-based Levitate Architects, who created “a new bedroom level and increasing the floor area of the flat by approximately one third.” The staircase is both the way to access the bedroom and a perfect place to store books, movies or CDs. “With a skylight above lighting the staircase, it becomes the perfect place to stop and browse a tome,” says Levitate’s Tim Sloan, who also pointed out the unique structure of each step, allowing for anyone to comfortably sit down while picking a book. link

对于没有足够空间的爱书人,这可是绝好的主意。这座仅有70平方米维多利亚时期的套房,经伦敦籍的Levitate建筑师重新修整后,使得多出了一个卧室的空地,且增大了差不多1/3的地板面积。而这个神秘的不管是左,中还只右都装满书的书架,连通的是在阁楼上的一个卧室。“所以,它不仅是一个很好的过道,且能用于收藏书,电影,CDs。从上往下看,它是一个读书的绝好地方”,Levitates的Tim Sloan说到,同时指着每层阶梯为方便读者坐下来挑书特意空出来的部分。

5.Cave Bookshelf


Close yourself in the book cave.This bookself designed by Sakura Adachi, provide reading place or cave, just and book, it is a good place you communicate with book. It features cave gives a feeling of hiding from others standing around it, books can be stored on both sides. link

把自己关在书洞里。这款由Sakura Adachi设计的书架,提供了看书的地方,或着说是洞口。只有你和书,是不是和书很好沟通的一个地方?它能避免受你与书架边的人影响,且两边都可以用来放书。

6.Bookseat Chair


Useful if you have a really really small apartment, or you just appreciate bookshelf-cum-furniture design, the plywood Bookseat stores your TV Guide copy of War and Peace handily within reach. Alternatively, if you think books are old hat, you could store your DVDs and computer mags in it. Some might think Bookseat is design convergence gone mad, but we think it’s simple, neat and that you’ll be seeing it in waiting rooms of trendy offices everywhere.link


7.Cartoon Bookshelf


Vincent Thomas Leman’s furniture design is like something straight out of a cartoon.Leman’s collection looks like something out of Alice in Wonderland and is basically “traditional furniture” that is stretched, curved, stacked and stepped to fit his design intentions. link

 Vincent Thomas Leman的设计就像是从卡通里走出来的。看着像是爱丽丝漫游仙境里的东西,而事实上它们是传统工艺,只是被扭曲,拉伸,只为了满足他的设计理念。

8.The bed that fits in a bookcase


With space being at such a premium in crowded cities, an upstart young designer has devised a bookcase that transforms into a bed. Looking like a large wall jigsaw puzzle, the mattress stands upright in four sections, surrounding five storage shelves which are suspended in mid-air by a wall mounted frame. When the mattress sections are placed on the floor they slot together to form the bed.link


9.Seemingly Impossible Spiral Bookcase Design


Seb Przd – a skilled photographer – has created this highly compelling set of seemingly impossible bookcases to showcase his skills as a photographer.

Seb Przd,一个高级数的摄影师,自己设计了这款看起来不可能的螺旋状书架,就像他的摄影技术一样厉害。

10.Coffin Bookcase


Morbid, maybe, but sustainable as well: this combination wooden bookcase-and-coffin idea takes the concept of eco-friendly “cradle-to-grave” and applies it with dark literal humor. link


11.The inverted bookshelf


The inverted bookshelf turns a bit of your living room upside down as it hangs all of the books from the bottom instead of supporting them from below. It’s a satisfying optical trick and doesn’t damage any of the books. In fact, you can take books in and out of it whenever you want.link


12.Balancing Books


Most things we attach to our walls are fixed, not fluid, and cannot be easily moved or changed. It is the things within our bookcases, on top of our shelves and so forth that are the mobile parts – not the furnishings, fixtures and furniture. This balancing bookshelf is a notable exception to the rule


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