
标签: 武器 性玩具 | 发表时间:2011-09-10 17:23 | 作者:spand austin

译者 spand

When we read last week about a robbery at ye olde Conroe sex shoppe, it occurred to us that these establishments get knocked over a lot. What is it about these places -- besides the obvious -- that's so inviting to criminals, anyway?

上个礼拜,在ye olde Conroe sex shoppe(你的老康罗性用品店)发生了一桩抢劫案,性用品店可是经常被抢啊。那么,除去那些我们都知道的理由,这些商店怎么老是被劫匪光顾呢?!

And then it occurred to us that, if the employees aren't armed with guns to protect themselves, they could at least have some of the store's more heavy-duty product line under the register, as some of these things sound outright dangerous. So here are a few items from Zone d'Erotica, the store that got knocked over, that we thought could also be useful outside the bedroom:

既然这样,如果商店的店员们没法配枪,至少他们可以在收银台下边藏几件耐用点的自家产品,毕竟这些宝贝儿中,有些还是挺唬人的。接下来,我将为你介绍几件从Zone d'Erotica(情色空间)带来的玩具,它们可能在卧室外也一样犀利,另外,Zone d'Erotica也曾被抢劫过= =。


​10. 16.5-inch Studded Paddle
Small enough to fit comfortably under the register, but big enough to pack a hell of a wallop. At first we were thinking of recommending the paddle with holes, which might actually sting more, but the studs on this bad boy are downright scary.

10. 16.5英寸长の镶钉情趣板



​9. 24-inch Viper Tongue
We don't know what this is used for. And you know what? We don't want to find out. Neither will the dude who had planned on robbing you.

9. 24英寸长の蛇信子



​8. Anal Douche
You'll of course want to keep this one loaded.

8. 灌肠器



​7. Borosilicate Glass Sleek Dildo Wand
This "features a ball handle for easy maneuvering" and a "smoothly rounded end for easy insertion." It will "not shatter, crack, or chip with normal use." The trick is to show the would-be robbers what happens when it's not used normally.

7. 硅胶制光泽版小弟弟



​6. 16-inch Double-Dong With Bendable Spine
Say hello to my not-so-little friend....

6. 16英寸长の双头龙



​5. Black Butterfly Clamp With Link Chain
This thing looks like it could do some damage. Make sure to swing it over your head a few times to get some good momentum.

5. 黑色蝶形带链乳夹



​4. Boy Butter Lubricant (9 oz. Squeeze Bottle)
Aim for the eyes.

4. 男用油性润滑剂(9盎司挤压式瓶装)



3. Doggin Bat
This must be a cousin of the Viper Tongue. Brutal.

3. 打狗棒



​2. Sexy & Psycho Love Doll
Okay, this really can't be used as a weapon. This is for sheer psychological torture. Seriously, if you're robbing some dude and then all of a sudden this thing is shoved in your face? Yeah. That's gonna throw a wrench in the plan.

2. 充气娃娃



​1. Sims Anal Speculum
No comment.

1. 仿医用扩肛器


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