最好的五家独立出版社(Glossom 选)

标签: Publishing Houses | 发表时间:2011-08-09 21:36 | 作者:苏菲 RaRo


Mörel Books

Art books & Booklets
Mörel Books is a London based independent publisher specialising in affordable limited edition art books and booklets.
Our books are made in close collaboration with the artist, reducing the distance between the artists vision and the viewer.
We are a non-profit publisher with the aim of furthering art in print.
Many of our books can be purchased with limited edition prints.


A name derived from a song by French révolutionnaire Renaud — is the project of French grafitti-writers turned curators Aurélien Arbet, Jérémie Egry, and Nicolas Poillot. JSBJ is the name of the trio’s publishing imprint which releases a glossy book-a-zine and limited-edition photographic ‘zines.


Lay Flat is an independent publisher of limited edition photography books and multiples.

Founded in 2009 by photographer Shane Lavalette, Lay Flat works collaboratively with emerging and established artists to produce books that both express a vision and exist as artful objects in themselves. In addition to artist books, we publish an annual magazine devoted to contemporary photography in which each issue takes on a new theme and format.


Hassla Books is an independent publishing company with a focus on art and photography. We specialize in publishing small, low-run artist books that feature the work of both emerging and established artists, always working one-on-one with the artists to create a publication that evokes the very essence of the artist’s focus. This intimate process, coupled with Hassla’s simple aesthetic, allows for an interior view into the artist’s work.

Hassla Books was founded January 2007 in Amherst, New Hampshire by David Schoerner. The first publication was released in March, 2007. Hassla is now located in New York City.


We are a small publishing house located just outside of Kutztown, Pennsylvania. We produce artist books and limited edition multiples. Founded by Nicholas Gottlund in late 2007 as a small studio dedicated to books and bound printed matter. We maintain a program of publishing books collaboratively with artists. Working primarily with emerging and mid-career artists our books follow in a lineage while being innovative and forward thinking. We strive to have our books communicate with utmost clarity the vision of their source.

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最好的五家独立出版社(Glossom 选)

- RaRo - 苏菲独立书店 x 香蕉鱼书店
著名的视觉摄影网站Glossom选出了他们觉得最优秀的五家年轻的独立影像出版社,这五家分别是:. A name derived from a song by French révolutionnaire Renaud — is the project of French grafitti-writers turned curators Aurélien Arbet, Jérémie Egry, and Nicolas Poillot.


- - 虾米音乐每日精选
创建者:longtingfang. 如果我们真的喜欢音乐,就会听听这些声音. 对于我,喜欢性学不喜欢摇滚就说不通了(我的性学博客). 你心中的摇滚是怎样,独立音乐又是怎样的. 独立摇滚是摇滚中的摇滚,听了就知道什么是摇滚. “独立”已经是一个流行化的词汇. 它的意义变得松散宽泛,独立摇滚更是如此. 这里遴选坚持的原则是来自独立厂牌发行.


- 躲在街角的猫 - 南桥的博客


- 戈饭 - 独立领域
我本来想把百度百科里关于“独立游戏”的释义复制到上来,不过这就不是没有意义了吗. 与其复制百度百科别人编写好的词条,还不如给个链接大家自己去看. 所以,传送门在这里:http://baike.baidu.com/view/671225.htm. 我还是谈谈自己对独立游戏的理解吧. 所谓独立游戏呢,其实就是区别于商业模式的游戏的另一种游戏创作.


- 可可 - 望月的博客
Nings 的一篇博客之尾引来无数共鸣,一时间,关于博客尤其是独立博客式微的言论甚嚣尘上,似乎独立博客的末路已经来临了. 在我看来,独立博客未死,岂知未死,还活得挺好的,只不过,我们总是以一些自以为是的观念强加给博客罢了. 在几乎所有谈及博客式微的言论中,都会把微博客拿出来说事,说微博的用户数怎样怎样,反之,博客又如何如何,于是就得出了同一个结论.


- ccyuling - Solidot
Mozilla宣布了一个新项目“Boot to Gecko”,旨在为开放互联网开发一种完整独立的操作系统,成为ChromeOS或Android的某种竞争对手. 源代码将发布在Github上(暂时只有README). Mozilla此举是为了推广开放Web技术,Boot to Gecko针对的不是笔记本,而是智能手机,为Android兼容设备提供基质.


- Yupeng - Solidot
Mozilla Web平台主管Chris Blizzard在博客上发表文章称,Firefox将支持标签独立进程. 多进程架构已为主流浏览器普遍采用,如Firefox支持独立插件进程,但Chrome和IE9则进一步支持独立标签进程. Mozilla从2009年开始探索独立进程浏览方式,它的长期目标也是独立标签进程.


- 王者自由 - cnBeta.COM


- 猫 - 果壳网 guokr.com - 果壳网
DIYer:微笑的小鸭 制作时间:1天 制作难度:★★★☆☆ GEEK指数:★★★☆☆. 此电源是上一个版本的电源的升级版. 4,0.9-17.7V DC输出;. 五路独立输出是指各路输出之间互不干扰,互不影响,可以同时使用. (实话说主要改造原因还是因为暑假太无聊鸟……). 1   工具和材料 1.1   制作材料.


- Linker Lin - loop_in_codes
使用Lisp搭建独立博客Author:Kevin LynxDate:9.29.2011Contact:kevinlynx at gmail dot com. 本文描述如何使用Lisp工具集搭建一个完整的个人博客站点. 一个搭建好的例子站点可以参看我的个人博客:http://codemacro.com.