单手hold得住的平板电脑:Kindle Fire完胜iPad六大优势

标签: hold 平板电脑 kindle | 发表时间:2011-09-29 09:49 | 作者:江烈农 罗智中

译者 江烈农

Kindle Fire Vs. Apple IPad: What Amazon's Tablet Has That The IPad Lacks

平板电脑大对决:亚马逊Kindle Fire完胜苹果iPad的六大优势

The Huffington Post   Jason O. Gilbert   First Posted: 9/28/11 04:27 PM ET   Updated: 9/28/11 07:18 PM ET

《赫芬顿邮报》科技版(Tech | Huff Post)2011年9月28日讯



At first glance, the Amazon Kindle Fire doesn't appear to be an iPad killer. When you compare the hardware and technical specs of the new Amazon tablet next to those of the Apple tablet, there doesn't seem to be much of a comparison: Apple's 10-inch, 16GB iPad is a far cry from the 7-inch, 8GB first-generation Kindle Fire.

  第一眼看上去呢,亚马逊的“筋斗火”(译注:译者臆造名,原名为Kindle Fire)并不像是苹果iPad的终结者。你拿二者一比较,看看硬件与技术规格什么的,这两家公司的平板电脑似乎没什么可比性:苹果iPad是10寸屏(译注:英寸,下同)、16G内存,亚马逊筋斗火一代只有可怜的7寸屏和8G容量。

And yet the fact is that, at the end of the day, they're both tablets, which means that consumers will probably be choosing between one or the other when it comes time to get a tablet. Unless you're doing really well this recession, it would be hard to justify shelling out money for both an iPad (starting at $499) and a Kindle Fire (which costs $199, less than half of what it costs for Apple's tablet).


How do you choose between them? Given everything we already know about the iPad (which has been out for 18 months), and all the also-rans that could not dethrone the iPad, here are the biggest advantages the Kindle Fire has over the iPad:


It Runs Flash


Jeff Bezos confirmed in his speech that the Kindle Fire will indeed support Flash, a much-requested feature for the iPad and iPhone that Apple has shown little interest in including (neither the iPad nor iPhone support Flash) . We should also note that the Kindle Fire will also apparently beat all of the upcoming Windows tablets in this area too, as Microsoft has indicated that Windows 8 Metro will not run Flash.

  亚马逊老板杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)亲口保证筋斗火绝对支持Flash。相比之下,iPad和iPhone用户广泛要求苹果增加对Flash的支持,可是苹果对这玩意儿一点儿兴趣没有(iPad与iPhone都不支持Flash)。我们还要注意一点,那就是就Flash这一领域而言,筋斗火还会完胜即将上市的全线Windows平板电脑,因为微软公司已经指出Windows 8 Metro上运行不了Flash

It Costs Less


The cheapest model iPad 2 (that isn't just a block of wood): $499 (that's without 3G). The cheapest Kindle Fire: $199 (that's also without 3G, and there is no amount of money you can pay to get 3G on your Kindle Fire, because a 3G Kindle Fire does not currently exist).


Still, the Kindle Fire beats the iPad by $300; now consumers must decide whether or not a WiFi-only iPad is worth $300 more than the new Amazon tablet.


It Fits In Your Hand


Just like Android tablets have been offered for $200 before, so too have they been 7-inches. The Kindle Fire copies the poor-selling BlackBerry PlayBook's form and screen size: At 7-inches, the Kindle Fire can easily be held in one hand. The iPad 2, with its 10-inch screen can probably only be comfortably held in one hand by certain humongous basketball players.


It Weighs Less


Along with having smaller dimensions than the iPad, the Kindle Fire is also lighter than its Apple competitor. At 14.6 ounces, it is significantly lighter than the 21.3 ounce iPad, making it, in all senses, more portable.


It Loads Webpages Faster


If the brand new Amazon Silk web browser performs like Jeff Bezos claims it will, then the Kindle Fire will pretty easily be the fastest mobile browser available. In case you missed it, Amazon Silk splits up the work that your device has to do in order to load large webpages on your tablet faster: The smaller stuff like text and block building will be handled by the phone, and the more heavy duty stuff like HTML, CSS and Javascript will be done by Amazon's EC2 cloud servers (Watch a video demonstration from Amazon about how this works here, and, if you really like this idea, download the Opera browser here). Amazon Silk will also remember where you often visit after clicking through to certain sites, and it will pre-load those pages in the cloud.

  亚马逊筋斗火全新配套网络浏览器叫Amazon Silk,如果它的表现真得能像贝佐斯老总“吹”得那么好,那筋斗火轻而易举就能高居当下“最快便携网络浏览设备”宝座。给你补补课吧:你的上网设备有时“业务繁忙”,Amazon Silk就把这些活儿给分散开来,这样你开大型网页的速度就更快了。具体说,那就是文字、构建模块之类的小活儿,交给电话部分去做,像HTML, CSS, Javascript之类的重活累活儿,就由亚马逊的EC2云服务器搞定(请看这段亚马逊的演示视频,另外,如果你真得很喜欢“云”这个概念,点击这里下载Opera浏览器吧)。Amazon Silk还能“记住”你经常浏览的网站,你上网的时候随便点点看看,它就记住了,然后以后就在“云”里边预先读取这些常用网页。

If all this stuff works like it should, it's going to make browsing on WiFi on the Kindle Fire (especially to full web versions of webpages) very, very fast.


It Has Both Wireless Mirroring And Native Streaming Media


Granted, the upcoming update to Apple's mobile operating system iOS 5 will add wireless mirroring (the ability to transmit what is on your screen onto a connected TV or monitor without an accessory), but juuuust in case: Bezos showed off the Kindle Fire's wireless mirroring at his keynote, and it looked pretty good. Add to that the option to add on Amazon Prime for Amazon's streaming library, and you have a pretty powerful home entertainment hub that doesn't require third-party apps or on-demand purchasing of video media.

  板上钉钉:苹果操作系统下一次更新的版本iOS 5将会搭载无线镜像功能(无需通过其他任何设备,通过局域网,将你屏幕上显示的东西直接复制到电视、显示器屏幕上)——不过呢……虽说钉了钉,但不怕一万,就怕万一!贝佐斯在筋斗火发布会上,可是实打实地演示了无线镜像功能,狠狠炫耀了一番,看起来确实挺牛,而且这钉子是钉死了跑不了的,更靠谱儿。在此之上,亚马逊还有一个Amazon Prime,你可以选择买筋斗火的时候打包带上一个。这是一个线上图书馆的服务,有了它,你就有了一套一条龙万能家庭娱乐组合,不需再去搞什么第三方应用(app),也不需要再额外花钱去买什么线上视频了。

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单手hold得住的平板电脑:Kindle Fire完胜iPad六大优势

- 罗智中 - 译言-每日精品译文推荐
平板电脑大对决:亚马逊Kindle Fire完胜苹果iPad的六大优势. 《赫芬顿邮报》科技版(Tech | Huff Post)2011年9月28日讯.   第一眼看上去呢,亚马逊的“筋斗火”(译注:译者臆造名,原名为Kindle Fire)并不像是苹果iPad的终结者. 你拿二者一比较,看看硬件与技术规格什么的,这两家公司的平板电脑似乎没什么可比性:苹果iPad是10寸屏(译注:英寸,下同)、16G内存,亚马逊筋斗火一代只有可怜的7寸屏和8G容量.

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- applelen - cnBeta.COM
好消息是,惠普发布了其2011财年第三季度的业绩,净营收为312亿美元,同比增1%,利润为19.26亿美元,同比增9%. 坏消息是,惠普宣布全面抛弃基于WebOS的平板电脑和智能手机计划.

Amazon以199美金的Kindle Fire赢得平板电脑之争

- Frankenstein - cnBeta.COM
一场关于Android平板电脑的竞技已开始,有一个新到的家伙,不讲排场,不铺张浪费,相当低调,只是在跑道上转了一圈,却做得比其他任何候选人都出色,注重实用性和用户的支付能力,它就是Kindle Fire.

亚马逊发布平板电脑Kindle Fire 售价199美元

- Frankenstein - cnBeta.COM
亚马逊今天发布Kindle Fire平板电脑,将在平板电脑这一热门领域挑战苹果iPad的统治地位. 亚马逊称,Kindle Fire配备7英寸显示屏,搭载Android操作系统,售价为199美元. 它是Kindle电子书阅读器的升级版本.

美国时间周三,亚马逊将推出平板电脑Kindle Fire

- Haisheng HU - 36氪
传说中的亚马逊平板电脑终于要来了,TechCrunch的MG Siegler确认了这个消息. 在美国时间周三,亚马逊将推出平板电脑:Kindle Fire,这个名字是为了和它的电子阅读设备Kindle区分开,届时亚马逊CEO杰夫贝索斯将登台演讲,但是这个设备真正开卖还要等到11月的第二个星期. Kindle Fire将有7英寸的背光显示器,很像黑莓的PlayBook.

点评亚马逊平板电脑Kindle Fire游戏运行性能

- - GamerBoom.com 游戏邦
作者:  Eric Franklin. 亚马逊平板电脑Kindle Fire性价比颇为理想,该设备堪称iPad 2或华硕Transformer Prime等高端平板电脑的替代性选择,但从玩游戏角度来看,Kindle Fire究竟是否再次印证了便宜没好货这个道理. Kindle Fire是不是只适合运行较为简单的2D游戏,还是能够兼容高端的3D游戏引擎.

亚马逊发布平板电脑Kindle Fire,价格199美元,7英寸,没有3G和摄像头(更新)

- TheLover_Z - 36氪
根据BloomBerg的报道,亚马逊推出了他们的平板电脑Kindle Fire. 在对亚马逊高管的采访中,对方表示Kindle Fire将有一个7英寸的屏幕,售价199美元,运行Android操作系统. Kindle Fire没有内置摄像头和麦克风,只提供WiFi连接,不支持3G. PS:上图并非真正的Kindle Fire图片.

[数据图表]Android军团超级黑马亚马逊平板电脑Amazon Kindle Fire,逼近三星Galaxy Tab

- - TechFrom科技源
TechFrom科技源 1.28日,国外创业公司 Flurry ,发布的数据图表研究报告,亚马逊平板电脑Amazon Kindle Fire 成为Android军团中最亮的超级黑马,市场份额直逼 三星公司的 Galaxy Tab. 在所有Android平板电脑中,使用程度分别占据 36%. 另外,剩下的Android 平板电脑使用情况分别是,华硕平板电脑 7%,宏基 7%,摩托罗拉才 4%.


- xiaocaochong - 无聊哦
在2011年8月9日的《大学生了没》中,一位名叫miss lin的网友以夸张另类的造型、一口做作的英语、扭捏妖娆的姿态向大学生们介绍什么是Fashion. 其极度夸张搞笑的表演震撼了所有观众,miss lin的口头禅是“整个场面我要Hold住”. 因此得名“hold住姐”或“hold姐”而蹿红网络.

AMD 代号 DESNA 的平板电脑 APU

- 麦克华斯基 - Engadget 中国版
我们看到 AMD 推出桌上型 A系列,笔记型 E 系列,以及嵌入式 G系列,那么有什么东西介于在这两个中间. 消息来源指出这个代号 DESNA 的 APU,AMD称之为 Z 系列, 支持 Flash、DirectX 11 以及 IE9 / HTML5,可以说是 C 系列的下一代,代表着 x86 阵营并没有放弃平板计算机的市场.