
标签: 穿着 睡衣 软禁 | 发表时间:2011-07-24 01:41 | 作者:谁^^ viv

来源For Chinese Moms Birth Means 30 Days In Pajamas

July 20, 2011


Imagine not beingallowed to go outside, have a shower or drink cold water for an entire month.It might sound like a kind of house arrest. But every year tens of millions ofChinese women submit to this willingly. This is the traditional Chinesepractice of confinement during the month after childbirth, with some moderntwists.


Baby Momo and hismother, Wu Lili, haven't left the three rooms of an apartment in Beijing for 29days now. It's the last day of their traditional 30-day confinement period.


In Chinese, this isliterally called "sitting the month," as new mothers are pretty muchexpected to just sit around in pajamas for a month to recover from childbirth.But there are a lot of rules, and Wu Lili is struggling with them — even thoughshe's on her very last day.


"I really want toeat fruit and the other things I'm not allowed to eat, like snacks," Wusays.


She's not allowed to eatraw fruit or vegetables, or drink coffee, cold drinks or even cold water, whichcan only be drunk tepid or hot. These rules are aimed at restoring balance tothe new mother's body after childbirth. But Wu has had enough.


"It's really thehardest thing to bear about confinement," she says. "The first thingis that you can't wash. The second thing is that the food is so bland. But youreally have to persist, and it's very difficult."


Her feet, she says, areboiling, as she plods around in thick woolen socks and padded slippers. But shemust guard against getting a chill; Chinese doctors warn that could lead tojoint problems or illness later on.


"Sitting themonth," or zuo yuezi, is deeply embedded in Chinese culture. It was evenmentioned in the 2,000-year-old Book of Changes, or I-ching, according to ZhaoZixiang, Wu's doctor of traditional Chinese medicine.


"Chinese people aremost concerned about balancing yin and yang, in all things," he says."If the yin and yang in your body are balanced, you won't get sick. Ifthey're out of balance, it's easy to get sick."


When little Momo wails,a nurse swoops in to take control, wheeling the baby off to another room.


Wu is "sitting themonth" as only China's newly rich can. Instead of being at home, she wentstraight from the hospital to a superluxury confinement center that costsaround $500 a day. That buyspeace of mind: 24-hour-a-day supervision from trained nurses; a nutritionist;doctors on call to diagnose every baby sniffle; and someone ensuring that therules are followed at all times — not just by the new mother but by herextended family too.


"My mum thinks it'sa pity that she can't come in every day to cuddle my baby," Wu says,enumerating the reasons she's been given for this by the center's experts."It's not very good for the development of newborn baby's bones to becuddled too much. We don't want him being held too much as he might become toodependent. I pretty much only hold him when I nurse him."


And the rules governingdiet are stricter still. At this postpartum center, six meals a day areprepared off-site, including a host of special soups, designed to increase thenew mothers' milk supply. Typical fare is a soup of pig's feet and peanuts, oran oily carp soup, drunk directly after childbirth, which is supposed tostimulate the milk supply to begin.


Such postpartum centersare popping up in cities across China. But the founder of this center, RenWeige, says it's as high-end as they go.


"It's impossiblethat the environment could be more luxurious than this," she says."We're in a five-star serviced apartment. My [caregivers] are all trainednurses. Whatever way you look at it, either from the software or the hardware,this is already the best that it could be."


That even means that newmothers are hand-washed by two nurses, who wipe them down with washclothssteeped in Chinese medicine about once a week. They're not supposed to bathefor 30 days following childbirth, but the strictures of traditional confinementare being bent to the needs of modern women. Some argue that this newgeneration of Chinese mothers — who, as part of the generation of only childrenunder the one-child policy, have not grown up with younger brothers or sisters— need help more than ever before.


"They're kidsthemselves," says the center's pediatrician, Zhang Jianna. "Theydon't really know how to look after kids. So they have even more demands.They're just happy that someone knows what to do."


A nurse is even teachingWu Lili how to sing lullabies to little Momo, though halfway through the newmom gives up. At this postpartum center, paid nurses show the new mothers whatto do, rather than their own mothers or aunties. And the center has tweakedsome of the stricter rules, such as the prohibition on washing.


But despite China's warpspeed modernization, the age-old practice of "sitting the month" isstill flourishing among its young — and making money for its entrepreneurs.






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