
标签: 教育制度 演讲稿 | 发表时间:2012-04-15 00:56 | 作者:dingdingdang

译者 dingdingdang




 A revelation about how backward our education system could be would be presented at such a crux moment when our country is in an ever more competitive international environment.


 According to a survey, we have not yet had our own Nobel prize winner under the current education system that our children, who happened to have scored the lowest in a world wide computation and innovation test respectively, have to rely on for their future. So what went wrong?


 Instead of being a decent citizen after graduation, mose of us have unfortunately been regarded as no better than a percent figure showing how good the school is at producing more 'good' students for college.


 These are some of the consequences of such a system as is increasingly causing more and more concerns  from society. 


  The jealousy students for those scoring higher marks could end up losing their self-esteem as a better mark is the only critia to gauge everybody and everthing about you and a school . Those high achievers could get bullied and feel lonely as they cann't find time to socialize with people.

我们感觉不到爸妈的爱,他们上班时看不到我们,他们下班时又逼我们打题海战术,连交流感情的时间都没有,电视里演的一家其乐融融我们感觉不到。难怪说21 世纪代沟问题最大,电视里出现少年打老人的事件,根本上是上一辈根本没有把爱传播。没有不合格孩子,只有不合格的教育,不是吗?

 Inevitablely they could encounter relation troubles  because their parents are always at the back of them after a whole day at work. Don't believe what the TV says.No wonder that some ignorant youngsters even start to hit their nannys as they don't  know what love is in the first place.


 On the other hand, what the teachers are doing is also dissapointing because they seem only to be interested in an acadamic performance rather than an all rounded development of the student. Often these highly pressurized teachers keep at the back of the students even when they dont feel well. No wonder that ninety percent of graduates would not go back to see their teachers.


 Please give us some space and freedom for our




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原文地址: 人不成熟的几大特征--海尔集团CEO张瑞敏演讲稿 作者: 雄鹰展翅. 人成熟与不成熟跟年龄没有关系,人成熟不成熟,就是你能不能站在对方的角度去看待事物. 就是能不能把我的世界变成你的世界. 这个社会有很多的成年人,还没有脱离幼稚的行为.     他不懂得只有春天播种,秋天才会收获.