
标签: 学校 | 发表时间:2012-09-14 20:29 | 作者:海豆芽

译者 海豆芽

13 Lessons They Didn’t Teach You in Schoo


After earning a Ph.D in neuroscience from UCLA, actress Mayim Bialik shares her learning strategies that also come in handy for life outside the classroom. Interview by Damon Beres


1. "Sit in the front row, raise your hand, and ask questions.""A lot of people are intimidated and don't want to do it, but for me it was to the only way to get my questions answered and keep going. They called me a goody two-shoes, but who cares?" Sreiach via Wikimedia Commons

1、“坐前排,举手和提问。” “许多人是被迫而不想这么作的,但是对于我来说,这是得到自己问题的解答和进步的唯一途径。他们称我是假正经,可是谁管呢?”

2. "It's normal to want to drop out.""But once you've gotten that far, it's worth it to finish. There are people you can go to, ways to get around those feelings; you don't need to be in a dire situation to use Psychological Services."

2、“想退学很正常。” “但是一旦你早已经作出决定,完成才是其价值。有些人,可能有了那些感觉;你不必沉湎于苦恼而去看心理医生。”

Lewis Hine via the Library of Congress and Wikimedia Commons

3. "It's helpful to have at least one person who doesn't let you drop out."

"You often feel like your mom and dad, or your boyfriend, don't really get it. But it really helped me to speak to people in my department who finished, even though they too felt discouraged."

3、“至少有一个不让你退学的人是很有帮助的。” “你常常觉得,不能真正得到你的妈妈、爸爸,或你的男朋友的爱。但是却真切地帮助我在学校与人交往,即使他们也觉得信心不足。”

Elizabeth Ann Colette via Wikimedia Commons

4. "Never underestimate the importance of taking good, thorough notes."

"I prefer organized, efficient, longhand note taking. I'm really grateful to my mom, who was a list-taker. I don't come from a fancy academic family, but my mom knows how to make a good list, and that really helped me. Don't be afraid to use too much paper."

4、“决不要低估进步的重要性,要十分注意。” “我宁愿用在条理、有效率的手写笔记。我真心感谢我的妈妈,她是一个帐单接收员。我并非来自充满幻想的书香世家,但我的妈妈知道如何作好帐单,而这对我帮助很大。不要担心用了太多纸。”

Adam Mayer via Wikimedia Commons

5. "It's okay to cry when you don't do well on a test.""Those emotions are there for a reason. You have to grieve your losses, but don't let them stop you from doing great things."Tomasz Sienicki via Wikimedia Commons

5、“当你考试没考好时,可以哭。” “有些情绪是情有可原的。你不得不为你的损失伤心,但是不要因此而阻碍你干大事。”

6. "Know your limits.""I'm not a perfect person, and college is really the place where you find that out. You're with a bunch of people who were 'A' students. There has to be some distinction. There are people who are smarter than you. So: If you can't go to med school, what can you do?"

6、“了解你的极限。” “我不是一个完美的人,学校其实是你发现自己的地方。你和一群是‘一个’学生的人在一起,必然有一些差别,那里有比你更漂亮迷人的人。因此:如果你不能去医学院,你能够作什么?”

Washington College via Wikimedia Commons 7. "Don't let other people's perceptions get you down."

"I was called a 'nerd' in a not very nice way by a girl on campus on my first day. Even in my science program there were people who thought I was too studious or cerebral. But there's a big picture to look at—education is a choice for a reason."

7、“不要让别人的评价打倒你。” “进校的第一天,我被一个女孩很不友好地称为‘书呆子’。甚至在我的理科项目组里,有人认为我很用功,或者是说理智型的人。但是有一张大图片就说——教育是一种理智的选择。”

Photos.com Image/Jupiterimages 8、“在教育界要有利已主义——甚至可与商业相比。“我认为,你进了研究生院时,你就是一个对手(你自己的对手),而不是别的人。”8. "There's ego in academia—even compared to show business."

"I figured when you get to grad school you're an equal [with your professors], but not so much."

8、“在教育界要有利已主义——甚至可与商业相比。 “我认为,你进了研究生院时,你就是一个对手(你自己的对手),而不是别的人。”

9、“如果你学习太多,你会得单核细胞增多症。”“我在第二学期得过单核细胞增多症。我没有多少社交生活,所以也帮了大忙。”9. "If you study too much, you get mononucleosis."

"I had walking mono in my second semester. I didn't have much of a social life, so that helped."Ed Uthman, MD via Wikimedia Commons

9、“如果你学习太多,你会得单核细胞增多症。” “我在第二学期得过单核细胞增多症。我没有多少社交生活,所以也帮了大忙。”

10. "Avoid frat houses and sorority houses.""I say that with a sense of humor—I don't mean any dishonor to the Greek system—but it's okay to see college as a wonderful opportunity to immerse yourself in academics. It doesn't have to be an explosion of your life, where you try everything and do everything in your first year."

10、“远离兄弟会和妇女联合会的房子。” “我是说,幽默一下,我没有任何对希腊制度不敬的意思,而是认可把大学看作是在学院里专心干自己的事的极好机会。不必急于发展你的人生,在那里,你要试试每件事情,在第一年里就要作。”

Jean-Philippe Caissy via Wikimedia Commons

11. "Even if you decide on a career in science, it's still important to go to humanities classes.""I actually did a minor in Hebrew and Jewish Studies, and that allowed me to exercise the other side of the brain. It makes for a nice, well-rounded renaissance-style person to try and cover everything."

11、“即使你决定从事自然科学事业,听听人文学科课程仍然很重要。” “我事实上选了希伯来和犹太学作为辅修课,而这使我练习了大脑的另一半边。这有助于一个优雅的、多彩多姿的新生代人去试作或对待每一件事。”

12. "Teaching is one of the best ways to learn."

12、“教学是学习的最好方法之一。” “作为研究生实习的一部份,我们必须作助教。这喜欢作助教。我喜欢和大学生互相交流,批改试卷和解答难题。”

"As part of our graduate training, we had to be teaching assistants. I loved it. I loved interacting with undergrads, making up tests and explaining difficult concepts." 13. "One piece of technology can really change your life."

"I couldn't resist: A good TI-82 will get you all the way through an advanced career in science." This year, Bialik teamed with Texas Instruments as the spokeswoman for TI-Nspire Math and Science Classroom Technology.

13、“一项技术能够实在地改变你的人生。” “我无法抵抗:一个好的TI-82将会把你领上通往先进科技事业的道路。” 今年,Bialik作为TI-Nspire数学与科学计算器的代言人加入了德克萨斯仪器公司。

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