Eucalyptus私有云 -- 参考架构(小型开发测试云)

标签: 技术相关 | 发表时间:2013-01-29 05:00 | 作者:qyjohn


The purpose of this document is to provide a reference architecture which describes the physical resource (server, network, storage), Eucalyptus software topology and configuration, and data center management facility requirements for constructing and maintaining a production private cloud deployment.

This reference architecture is specifically for users who require a production private cloud environment composed of a relatively small set of commodity hardware components, and for which the ultimate size of the deployment is limited to the capacity described later in the document.  If the target deployment is one that will need to scale to accommodate more capacity in the future, the  Dev/Test (Large) reference architecture should be used, instead.  这个参考架构的优点在于:

  • 价格低廉,只需要少量的服务器、网络和存储设备
  • 提供了一个高速、稳定的自助开发测试环境
  • 仅包含少量独立组件,降低系统监控和管理开销

This document is intended for readers who have familiarized themselves with AWS terminology, the  Eucalyptus Installation/Admin/User guides, and have experience implementing production data center solutions based upon Linux environments.






This particular reference architecture is intended to implement a private cloud for a dev/test use case.  For dev/test, there are a variety of virtual machines used as development environments (dev) as well as virtual machines that are instantiated in order to perform efficient testing from a known environment (test).

Design Considerations

For the dev/test use case, so called ‘dev’ virtual machine servers (instances) are expected to have short to medium lifetimes, while ‘test’ instances are expected to have relatively short lifetimes. Generally, this architecture is intended to provide fast self-service instantiation of development environments, followed by instatiation of test environments against newly developed software that was produced as a result of development work.  Under this type of general workflow, static data (data that needs to persist beyond the lifetimes of instantiated virtual machines) should be identified and de-coupled from the instances themselves as much as possible, resulting in low to medium usage of the static data storage facilities of Eucalyptus. Boot from EBS (bfEBS) instances are expected to be rarely utilized in deployments based on this architecture. However, the deployment does support limited use of bfEBS.  If, for example, certain necessary servers that rely on static data are required to be available to service the needs of the other more transient dev/test environments, these would be candidates for use as bfEBS instances.

The following list describes the workload capacity that deployments based upon this reference architecture can support.  It should be noted that some of these capacity boundries can be exceeded by deviating from the architecture, with readers being encouraged to  Contact Eucalyptus for information on designing production Eucalyptus deployments.

Deployment Capacity

  • Max of 128 running virtual machine instances
  • One cluster composed of maximum 16 nodes
  • Max of 8 virtual machines per node
  • Max of 16 simultaneous attached elastic block storage volumes
  • Max of 256 independent active users (max of 16 accounts, each with max of 16 users)


Following is the minimum resource requirements for the physical servers, networks, and storage that are needed to support the architecture. For each category of physical resource, more resource than the minimum will not have a negative impact on the deployment (more cores, more RAM, more local disks, faster interfaces, higher bandwidth networking, more disk capacity, etc.).

Minimum Server Configuration

  • 4 or more modern cores
  • 16 or more GB of RAM
  • 80 or more GB RAID 1/5/6 local disk for OS/Eucalyptus (see below for special storage requirements, based on component)
  • Network: single 1GB or 10GB interface (see below for special network requirements, based on component)

Networking Configuration

  • All servers connected to a single 1GB network switch fabric. If limited 10GB host connections/adapters are available, they should be placed such that Storage Controller, Cluster Controller, and Walrus (in that order) are connected at 10GB

Storage Configuration

  • Local RAID disk storage for Walrus, Storage Controller, and Node Controllers
  • Walrus: 300 or more GB RAID1/5/6
    • Walrus capacity impacts the total number of template images and S3 accessible data that is available
  • Storage Controller: 200 or more GB RAID1/5/6
    • Storage Controller capacity impacts the total size of all EBS and bfEBS volumes that are available
  • Node Controller: 200 or more GB RAID1/5/6RAID volumes are separate from OS disk (partition/volume) for all servers with Eucalyptus accessible RAID volumes
    • Node Controller capacity impacts the total size of all instance store images that can run concurrently on a single node and the total number of images that can be cached on a single node


Following is a description of the Eucalyptus platform topology atop physical resources. For this use case, the topology is designed to allow for a minimum of servers used for the Eucalyptus platform, while providing enough capacity to give acceptable performance up to the specified maximums defined at the beginning of this document.

Eucalyptus Component Topology

Each server in the above physical model diagram will be running one or more Eucalyptus software components which together form the Eucalyptus platform.  Listed here are the mappings of physical server to Eucalyptus component, where each server is configured to conform to at least the minimum requirements for servers defined previously.

  • Front-end server 1: Cloud Controller/Walrus/UserConsole
  • Cluster server 1: Cluster Controller
  • Cluster server 2: Storage Controller
  • Node server 1-16: Node Controller x 16

Eucalyptus Configuration Options

The Eucalyptus platform is highly configurable, covering a wide variety of data center topologies, devices, software management systems and network/security policies.  For this reference architecture, we list here certain fundamental configuration options which will provide the necessary service of the reference architecture balanced against minimal performance and management overhead.  Please refer to the Eucalyptus Installation and Admin Guides for information on how to implement these configurations.

  • Networking mode: MANAGED-NOVLAN
  • Public addresses: 160 (maximum number of virtual machines + 32 for allocatable elastic IPs)
  • Security group size: minimum 32, maximum 128
  • Storage Controller driver: DAS
  • High Availability: no
  • Linux Distribution: CentOS 6 + KVM
  • Java components (Cloud Controller, Walrus, Storage Controller): configured to run with increased heap size (60% of total available memory)

Other Features

Eucalyptus includes a number of features that are in place to support specific aspects of production deployments that may or may not be required based on the user’s preferences and constraints.  Listed here are descriptions of some of these features as they apply to this particular reference architecture.  Please refer to the Eucalyptus Installation and Admin Guides for information on how to implement these features, if required.

  • Reporting feature should be lightly used (configured to be either disabled or to poll at infrequent intervals) for this architecture. If it is a requirement of the deployment to supply fine grained or long-term reporting information, a data warehouse topology (extra machine) should be added to the deployment, with tooling in place to enforce periodic export/flush of reporting data to the warehouse.
  • LDAP integration should be implemented only if required.


The sections that have been covered up to this point in this reference architecture have been outlining the design of a Eucalyptus software deployment along with a definition of minimum physical resource capacity and configurations.  Next, we address additional technologies and techniques that surround the Eucalyptus software/hardware itself which are required to run a complete Eucalyptus private cloud in production.

Services provided by the Eucalyptus private cloud software platform

  • EC2 Compatible private cloud virtual machine management platform
  • S3 Compatible storage platform
  • Eucalyptus end-user web based GUI console
  • Eucalyptus end-user and admin CLI tools
  • Service of creating, managing, and cleaning up virtual machines and related resource artifacts (EBS volumes, virtual networks, etc.)
  • Eucalyptus service troubleshooting and problem resolution

Additional required services

  • Data-center server, network, storage, OS installation system
  • Physical machine health and status monitoring
  • Automatic resource performance monitoring and load-balancing
  • Virtual machine, storage, network performance optimization
  • Linux Distribution OS software and configuration management
  • Dynamic deployment topology/physical infrastructure re-configuration


The Eucalyptus cloud platform software that provides AWS compatible infrastructure as a service must be integrated with standard data center configuration, management, and monitoring software for production use.  Each Eucalyptus component runs as a Linux process that must be configured through both configuration files and run-time configuration parameters, and must additionally be monitored along with physical resource health and status characteristics.  There are a variety of User Interfaces that are available for use with your Eucalyptus deployment, including those that are included as part of the Eucalyptus platform as well as third party API, command-line and graphical interface software that is AWS compatible.

While the Eucalyptus software does not currently include the deployment of configuration management or system health/status monitoring solutions itself, there are several third party solutions that existing production deployments rely upon to perform these functions.

Configuration Management

Production deployments based on this reference architecture should include the use of a third-party configuration management system in order to ensure that Eucalyptus configuration is correct both for initial deployment as well as under cases where a particular Eucalyptus server and software must be re-deployed.  Several options exist, and here we recommend those which are produced by organizations who have partnered with Eucalyptus to provide high quality integrations.

  • Puppet
  • Chef

For an example of how to integrate Eucalyptus into your puppet environment, please refer to the following resources:


In addition to automated/controlled configuration management, a production Eucalyptus deployment based on this reference architecture should also be monitored via a third party solution to watch the health and status of the deployment, as well as to notify the cloud administrator when unexpected conditions are occurring.  Basic monitoring includes but is not limited to:

  • Physical resource availability (network ping and/or ssh access to physical servers running Eucalyptus components)
  • Physical resource load
  • Physical resource faults (as indicated by Linux fault notification mechanisms)
  • Eucalyptus component faults (please refer to the Eucalyptus Admin Guide for information on monitoring for Eucalyptus faults)

There are several solutions for monitoring physical and software components of a data center, and here we recommend those which are developed by Eucalyptus partners:

  • Nagios
  • Ganglia
  • TODO: Others?

For an example on how to integrate Eucalyptus into your Nagios environment, please refer to the following resources:

  • TODO: produce and then reference Nagios+Eucalyptus example

User Interface

As an AWS compatible platform, Eucalyptus offers both a variety of user interface tools as well as the option to use third party AWS compatible interfaces that interoperate with AWS and Eucalyptus.  For information on installing and using the interfaces that are installed by default with Eucalyptus, please refer to the  Eucalyptus Install, Admin and User Guides.

  • Eucalyptus admin CLI tools (included)
  • Euca2ools use CLI tools (included)
  • Eucalyptus graphical user console (included)
  • TODO: Others? (hybrid fox, enstratus, s3cmd, rightscale, etc)


In addition to monitoring and managing the deployment’s physical resources, application workload images and workflows must also be managed and configured.  The Eucalyptus platform offers AWS compatible APIs and services which allow external workload management systems to interoperate with AWS and Eucalyptus, and works to ensure that VM image environments between AWS and Eucalyptus are interoperable.

Image Management

  • TODO: produce and reference Eucalyptus+Image Management example(s).  reference image management techniques and examples (AWS image -> Euca image, image creators, etc)

Workflow Management

  • Jenkins, Electric Cloud
  • TODO: produce and reference Eucalyptus + external workflow management examples and techniques


The reference architecture presented here is meant to encapsulate a bounded production Eucalyptus system.  As with all use cases, there are variations that cannot reasonable be generalized, but we add here some comments and observations that will help to tune the individual use case variations to achieve efficient, stable performance within Eucalyptus.

  • Keep individual system load low.  If physical systems are over-provisioned with virtual machines (whether it be too many VMs running on a single system or few but resource intensive VMs that interfere with one another), the underlying operating system and Linux dependencies can become fragile and difficult to debug.  Eucalyptus has many features that are designed to function even if the underlying system is underperforming and/or misbehaving, but it is always best to provide Eucalyptus and your workload environments enough resources to function smoothly.
  • Consider bottlenecks.  When designing a deployment, deciding on capacity to be provided to your applications and making capacity and performance hardware decisions, it is best to consider the data paths that Eucalyptus either provides or works in concert with at run-time.  Please refer to the  Datapaths series of diagrams to aid in identification of potential shared resource bottlenecks.


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Eucalyptus私有云 -- 参考架构(小型开发测试云)

- - 婉兮清扬
 If the target deployment is one that will need to scale to accommodate more capacity in the future, the  Dev/Test (Large) reference architecture should be used, instead.


- - 婉兮清扬
来自OpenNebula项目的Ignacio M. LIorente最近发表了一篇题为 EUCALYPTUS, CLOUDSTACK, OPENSTACK AND OPENNEBULA: A TALE OF TWO CLOUD MODELS的博客文章,从应用场景的角度分析了Eucalyptus、CloudStack、OpenStack和OpenNebula这四个云管理平台的不同点.


- - 婉兮清扬
和运行在数据中心里的任何生产系统一样,用于生产环境的Eucalyptus私有云需要一个健康监测系统. 健康监测系统的功能是使得系统管理员能够及时了解资源使用状况,未来的发展趋势,并在资源池(服务器、网络、存储等等)出现问题的情况下提供可靠的真短信息. 我们在我们自己的生产系统当中使用 Nagios来对Eucalyptus云平台进行监控.

OpenStack、CloudStack、Eucalyptus、vCloud Director等主流云管理系统简介

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软件产品开发公司Altoros Systems的IT基础设施设计师Vadim Truksha在美国《网络世界》上发表一篇文章,详细对比了CloudStack、Eucalyptus、vCloud Director和OpenStack等四个云平台. 考虑到云计算有极大的潜力提高效率,显著节省成本,实现可升级的基础设施和高性能以及安全的数据存储,云计算仍然是目前IT领域最热门的话题之一.

CY12-Q3 OpenStack, OpenNebula,Eucalyptus,CloudStack社区活跃度比较

- - 婉兮清扬
本文是对《 CY12-Q2 OpenStack, OpenNebula,Eucalyptus,CloudStack社区活跃度比较》一文的补充和更新. 对本文内容感兴趣的读者,可以通过电子邮件或者新浪微博(@qyjohn_)与我联系. 本文同时发布了一个英文版本,可以参见 CY12-Q3 Community Analysis — OpenStack vs OpenNebula vs Eucalyptus vs CloudStack这个帖子.

Owncloud 2: 私有云服务器

- 欧剃 - 笨兔兔
Owncloud:自由软件,由KDE社区开发的私有云服务器. 目前功能包括文件管理、音乐存储、日历、联系人等等. Owncloud可以运行在本地或服务器上. Owncloud 2 为最新版本:. *可将日历和联系人与Thunderbird邮件客户端、Kontact或Evolution有效结合;. *支持WebDAV,可通过Nautilus或Dolphin等文件浏览器插件文件,支持iOS和Android(需借助第三方应用).

试玩 Rackspace 的 OpenStack 私有云系统

- -
Alamo 可以免费使用,Rackspace 也为该系统提供付费技术支持,据称该系统也是 Rackspace 目前用于自己数据中心的云系统,稳定性有保障. 有了这套傻瓜云计算系统,大家再不用自己痛苦的 手动安装 OpenStack 或使用 DevStack 自动安装 OpenStack 了,任何人都可以快速的发布自己的私有云.


- - 人月神话的BLOG
在这里仅仅谈企业内私有云建设的核心思维,不谈具体的技术和实现. 在企业共有云告一段落后,企业私有云将成为一个具体的市场和发展重点,到现在为止我们看到的各种企业私有云仅仅还是在解决iaas层和虚拟化资源池的问题,而这远远没有达到私有云建设的核心业务目标和核心价值所在. 既然私有云谈集中化,那么大系统观就显得更加重要,在大系统观下企业内部的IT建设和业务系统最终就是一个大系统,其他的仅仅是业务模块和组件单元.


- Nowings - cnBeta.COM
国内首款基于智能终端安全基线的私有云安全平台――金山KingCloud私有云安全系统官方网站近日正式发布上线. 与传统的终端安全解决方案不同,金山KingCloud私有云创新的提出了“企业私有安全基线”概念,帮助企业打造专属的IT健康免疫系统.


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原文: 对于互联网企业,成本压力和指数级的业务增长压力使他们关注于物理资源的利用率和应用的可扩展性. 在应用服务器这层,通过Cluster Session来实现水平扩展;在数据存储这层,采用基于BASE模型的NOSQL数据存储来实现扩展.