Flume OG 与 Flume NG 的对比

标签: flume og flume | 发表时间:2015-03-04 18:25 | 作者:1114926882

很久没接触flume了,刚掀开官网一看,发现flume已然不是以前的那个flume了,其实早在flume技术群就听到NG这个字眼,以前没特注意,今天做了些对比,发现flume确实有了投胎换骨般的改变。首先介绍下Flume OG & Flume NG这两个概念

Flume OG:Flume original generation 即Flume 0.9.x版本

Flume NG:Flume next generation ,即Flume 1.x版本


对于 Flume OG ,可以说他是一个分布式日志收集系统,有Mater概念,依赖于zookeeper,以下是其架构图


而对于 Flume NG,它摒弃了Master和zookeeper,collector也没有了,web配置台也没有了,只剩下source,sink和channel,此时一个Agent的概念包括source,channel和sink,完全由一个分布式系统变成了传输工具。不同机器之间的数据传输不再是OG那样由agent->collector,而是由一个Agent端的sink流向另一个agent的source。其新的架构如下




Flume NG is a huge departure from Flume OG (original generation, or "original gangsta," if you prefer) in its implementation although many of the original concepts are the same. If you're already familiar with Flume, here's what you need to know.

  • You still have sources and sinks and they still do the same thing. They are now connected by channels.
  • Channels are pluggable and dictate durability. Flume NG ships with an in-memory channel for fast, but non-durable event delivery and a JDBC-based channel for durable event delivery. We have recently added a file-based durable channel too.
  • There's no more logical or physical nodes. We call all physical nodes agents and agents can run zero or more sources and sinks.
  • There's no master and no ZooKeeper dependency anymore. At this time, Flume runs with a simple file-based configuration system.
  • Just about everything is a plugin, some end user facing, some for tool and system developers. (Specifically, sources, sinks, channels, configuration providers, lifecycle management policies, input and output formats, compression, source and sink channel adapters, and the kitchen sink.)
  • Tons of things are not yet implemented. Please file  JIRAs and / or vote for features you deem important.

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Flume OG 与 Flume NG 的对比

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很久没接触flume了,刚掀开官网一看,发现flume已然不是以前的那个flume了,其实早在flume技术群就听到NG这个字眼,以前没特注意,今天做了些对比,发现flume确实有了投胎换骨般的改变. 首先介绍下Flume OG & Flume NG这两个概念. Flume OG:Flume original generation 即Flume 0.9.x版本.


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1.1.2.  Client端Log4j配置文件. (黄色文字为需要配置的内容). //日志Appender修改为flume提供的Log4jAppender. //日志需要发送到的端口号,该端口要有ARVO类型的source在监听. //日志需要发送到的主机ip,该主机运行着ARVO类型的source.


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转: http://www.cnblogs.com/oubo/archive/2012/05/25/2517751.html. Flume是一个分布式、可靠、和高可用的海量日志聚合的系统,支持在系统中定制各类数据发送方,用于收集数据;同时,Flume提供对数据进行简单处理,并写到各种数据接受方(可定制)的能力.

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- - 标点符
Flume是一个分布式、可靠、和高可用的海量日志采集、聚合和传输的系统. 支持在系统中定制各类数据发送方,用于收集数据;同时,Flume提供对数据进行简单处理,并写到各种数据接受方(可定制)的能力. Flume 初始的发行版本目前被统称为 Flume OG(original generation),属于 cloudera.

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在已经成功安装Flume的基础上,本文将总结使用Flume进行数据的实时收集处理,具体步骤如下:. 第一步,在$FLUME_HOME/conf目录下,编写Flume的配置文件,命名为flume_first_conf,具体内容如下:. #agent1表示代理名称 agent1.sources=source1 agent1.sinks=sink1 agent1.channels=channel1 #Spooling Directory是监控指定文件夹中新文件的变化,一旦新文件出现,就解析该文件内容,然后写入到channle.


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大数据我们都知道hadoop,但并不都是hadoop.我们该如何构建大数据库项目. 对于离线处理,hadoop还是比较适合的,但是对于实时性比较强的,数据量比较大的,我们可以采用Storm,那么Storm和什么技术搭配,才能够做一个适合自己的项目. 可以带着下面问题来阅读本文章:. 1.一个好的项目架构应该具备什么特点.