
标签: android 管理 应用 | 发表时间:2015-07-21 19:43 | 作者:leelit


only way to completely release memory from your app is to release object references you may be holding, making the memory available to the garbage collector.

How Android Manages Memory


1、Sharing Memory

In order to fit everything it needs in RAM, Android tries to share RAM pages across processes. It can do so in the following ways:

1)Each app process is forked from an existing process called Zygote.
2)Most static data is mmapped into a process.
3)In many places, Android shares the same dynamic RAM across processes using explicitly allocated shared memory regions (either with ashmem or gralloc).

2、Allocating and Reclaiming App Memory

Here are some facts about how Android allocates then reclaims memory from your app:

1)The Dalvik heap for each process is constrained to a single virtual memory range.
每个进程的Dalvik heap被限定在一个内存区间。
2)The logical size of the heap is not the same as the amount of physical memory used by the heap.
3)The Dalvik heap does not compact the logical size of the heap, meaning that Android does not defragment the heap to close up space. Android can only shrink the logical heap size when there is unused space at the end of the heap.
Dalvik heap不会为了使内存连续而整理内存碎片

3、Restricting App Memory


To maintain a functional multi-tasking environment, Android sets a hard limit on the heap size for each app. The exact heap size limit varies between devices based on how much RAM the device has available overall. If your app has reached the heap capacity and tries to allocate more memory, it will receive an OutOfMemoryError.

4、Switching Apps


Instead of using swap space when the user switches between apps, Android keeps processes that are not hosting a foreground (“user visible”) app component in a least-recently used (LRU) cache. For example, when the user first launches an app, a process is created for it, but when the user leaves the app, that process does not quit. The system keeps the process cached, so if the user later returns to the app, the process is reused for faster app switching.

How Your App Should Manage Memory


You should apply the following techniques while designing and implementing your app to make it more memory efficient.

1、Use services sparingly


1)If your app needs a service to perform work in the background, do not keep it running unless it’s actively performing a job. Also be careful to never leak your service by failing to stop it when its work is done.
2)When you start a service, the system prefers to always keep the process for that service running. This makes the process very expensive because the RAM used by the service can’t be used by anything else or paged out.
3)The best way to limit the lifespan of your service is to use an IntentService, which finishes itself as soon as it’s done handling the intent that started it.

2、Release memory when your user interface becomes hidden


1) When the user navigates to a different app and your UI is no longer visible, you should release any resources that are used by only your UI.
2)To be notified when the user exits your UI, implement the onTrimMemory() callback in your Activity classes. You should use this method to listen for the TRIM_MEMORY_UI_HIDDEN level, which indicates your UI is now hidden from view and you should free resources that only your UI uses.
3)So although you should implement onStop() to release activity resources such as a network connection or to unregister broadcast receivers, you usually should not release your UI resources until you receive onTrimMemory(TRIM_MEMORY_UI_HIDDEN). This ensures that if the user navigates back from another activity in your app, your UI resources are still available to resume the activity quickly.

3、Release memory as memory becomes tight


During any stage of your app’s lifecycle, the onTrimMemory() callback also tells you when the overall device memory is getting low. You should respond by further releasing resources based on the following memory levels delivered by onTrimMemory():
在应用的所有生命周期中,onTrimMemory() 回调可以告诉你设备内存是不是下降着,你应该根据以下反应不同程度内存使用状况的系统回调作出相应的资源释放操作。


Also, when your app process is currently cached, you may receive one of the following levels from onTrimMemory():


When the system begins killing processes in the LRU cache, although it primarily works bottom-up, it does give some consideration to which processes are consuming more memory and will thus provide the system more memory gain if killed

4、Check how much memory you should use


As mentioned earlier, each Android-powered device has a different amount of RAM available to the system and thus provides a different heap limit for each app. You can call getMemoryClass() to get an estimate of your app’s available heap in megabytes. If your app tries to allocate more memory than is available here, it will receive an OutOfMemoryError.

In very special situations, you can request a larger heap size by setting the largeHeap attribute to “true” in the manifest tag. If you do so, you can call getLargeMemoryClass() to get an estimate of the large heap size.
特殊情况下,你可以通过在manifest文件 节点下设置largeHeap属性为true申请更大的堆内存,如果你这样做,可以调用getLargeMemoryClass()来查看可分配到的更大的堆内存。

Additionally, the large heap size is not the same on all devices and, when running on devices that have limited RAM, the large heap size may be exactly the same as the regular heap size.

5、Avoid wasting memory with bitmaps


6、Use optimized data containers


Take advantage of optimized containers in the Android framework, such as SparseArray, SparseBooleanArray, and LongSparseArray.
使用Android API中的优化容器,如SparseArray、SparseBooleanArray,、LongSparseArray等来替代HaspMap等容器。

7、Be aware of memory overhead


1)Enums often require more than twice as much memory as static constants. You should strictly avoid using enums on Android.
2)Every class in Java (including anonymous inner classes) uses about 500 bytes of code.
3)Every class instance has 12-16 bytes of RAM overhead.
4)Putting a single entry into a HashMap requires the allocation of an additional entry object that takes 32 bytes (see the previous section about optimized data containers).

8、Be careful with code abstractions


9、Use nano protobufs for serialized data

序列化数据时使用nano protobufs

10、Avoid dependency injection frameworks


these frameworks tend to perform a lot of process initialization by scanning your code for annotations, which can require significant amounts of your code to be mapped into RAM even though you don’t need it.

11、Be careful about using external libraries


12、Optimize overall performance

优化整体表现,这在training doc中有一个专门章节。

13、Use ProGuard to strip out any unneeded code


The ProGuard tool shrinks, optimizes, and obfuscates your code by removing unused code and renaming classes, fields, and methods with semantically obscure names.Using ProGuard can make your code more compact, requiring fewer RAM pages to be mapped.

14、Use zipalign on your final APK


If you do any post-processing of an APK generated by a build system (including signing it with your final production certificate), then you must run zipalign on it to have it re-aligned. Failing to do so can cause your app to require significantly more RAM, because things like resources can no longer be mmapped from the APK.

15、Analyze your RAM usage


Once you achieve a relatively stable build, begin analyzing how much RAM your app is using throughout all stages of its lifecycle. For information about how to analyze your app, read Investigating Your RAM Usage.
详细信息,看Investigating Your RAM Usage 这一章节。里面不仅会介绍常用的MAT,还有一些其他技巧。

16、Use multiple processes


If it’s appropriate for your app, an advanced technique that may help you manage your app’s memory is dividing components of your app into multiple processes.This technique must always be used carefully and most apps should not run multiple processes, as it can easily increase—rather than decrease—your RAM footprint if done incorrectly. It is primarily useful to apps that may run significant work in the background as well as the foreground and can manage those
operations separately.

You can specify a separate process for each app component by declaring the android:process attribute for each component in the manifest file.


作者:leelit 发表于2015/7/21 11:43:28 原文链接
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