Oryx 2: Lambda architecture on Apache Spark, Apache Kafka for real-time large scale machine learning

标签: | 发表时间:2018-08-07 08:56 | 作者:

Oryx 2 is a realization of the lambda architecture built on Apache Sparkand Apache Kafka, but with specialization for real-time large scale machine learning. It is a framework for building applications, but also includes packaged, end-to-end applications for collaborative filtering, classification, regression and clustering.

Proceed to the Oryx 2 sitefor full documentation.

Just looking to deploy a ready-made, end-to-end application for collaborative filtering, clustering or classification? Easy. Proceed directly to:

Developers can consume Oryx 2 as a framework for building custom applications as well. Following the architecture overview below, proceed to Making an Oryx Appto learn how to create a new application.

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Oryx 2: Lambda architecture on Apache Spark, Apache Kafka for real-time large scale machine learning

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本文的目的是分享我多年来关于如何开发某种应用程序的一些想法,对于这种应用程序,术语“服务”只是一个无力的近似称呼. 更准确地说,将写的与一大类程序有关,这些程序旨每秒处理大量离散的消息或请求. 网络服务通常最适合此定义,但从某种意义上讲,实际上并非所有的程序都是服务. 但是,由于“高性能请求处理程序”是很糟糕的标题,为简单起见,倒不如叫“服务”万事大吉.

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读《game engine architecture》有感

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最近在看一本叫做《game engine architecture》的书,这本书从很细,很具体的讲解现在游戏引擎的体系结构. 本书的亮点:1.讲解现代游戏引擎架构,拥有非常新的实例. 包括作者自己公司的引擎和商业引擎例如Unreal的实例. 代码少而思想多,往往一段话就可以让你了解某个部分的实现--(来自豆瓣上的点评).

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原文: https://dsf.berkeley.edu/papers/fntdb07-architecture.pdf. 本文主要讨论DBMS的体系结构,包括进程模型、并行架构、存储系统设计、事物系统实现、查询处理器和优化器架构,以及常见的共享组件和工具. 数据库系统是最早广泛部署的在线服务器系统之一,因此,它开创了不仅跨越数据管理,而且跨越应用程序、操作系统和网络服务的设计解决方案.


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1 Lambda架构介绍.          Lambda架构划分为三层,分别是批处理层,服务层,和加速层. 最终实现的效果,可以使用下面的表达式来说明. 1.1 批处理层(Batch Layer, Apache Hadoop).          批处理层主用由Hadoop来实现,负责数据的存储和产生任意的视图数据.

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