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把MIPS二进制转换成Java字节码(MIPS Binary translation for Java Bytecode)

MIPS Binary translation for Java Bytecode

NestedVM 能够把MIPS二进制转换成Java字节码。用GCC编译器编译的MIPS二进制能被转换成Java 类文件。所以任何用C,c++,Fortran等被GCC支持的任何语言都能运行在100%的Java环境中,而不需要改动代码。

最简单的例子就是SQLite数据库的 the SQLite JDBC driver.纯Java转换

NestedVM provides binary translation for Java Bytecode. This is done by having GCC compile to a MIPS binary which is then translated to a Java class file. Hence any application written in C, C++, Fortran, or any other language supported by GCC can be run in 100% pure Java with no source changes.

NestedVM is the work of Brian Alliet and Adam Megacz. It is Open Source, released under the Apache 2.0 license.

A straight-forward example is a pure-Java translation of the SQLite JDBC driver.

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