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Internet Explorer - User-Agent test and override registry scripts
存储空间不足 无法完成此操作:
reg delete "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\5.0\User Agent\Post Platform" /f
reg delete "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\User Agent\Post Platform" /f
reg delete "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\5.0\User Agent\Post Platform" /f
reg delete "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\User Agent\Post Platform" /f
Open Source Native XML Database
The 7 Stages of Scaling Web Apps | High Scalability
【原】Java Reflection 之 Method - pengpenglin - BlogJava
Java反射 Reflection
转贴_vc++ 编译 occi 接口的 环境设置 - say3say4的私人空间 - 博客园
简单ocx控件制作方法(原创) - applegreen-越简单愈快乐 - 博客园
tapestry5-appfuse - Google Code
dspace.org - Home
搜索各种文档,包括video,并支持分布式 DSpace captures your data in any format – in text, video, audio, and data. It distributes it over the web. It indexes your work, so users can search and retrieve your items. It preserves your digital work over the long term. DSpace provides a way to manage your research materials and publications in a professionally maintained repository to give them greater visibility and accessibility over time.
Cache Lucene project
Code Search: EncodingFilter.java from PowerStone at Krugle
生成效率最高的树? - - JavaEye技术网站
Jitterbit Open Source Integration - Business Integration Made Easy.
HTTP Proxy Servlet for Ajax Calls with Authentication Support
眉山律师网 - 法律快车眉山站
InfoQ: Drizzle——数据库的新方向
InfoQ: Hadoop基本流程与应用开发
InfoQ: Hadoop中的集群配置和使用技巧
InfoQ: 分布式计算开源框架Hadoop介绍
regain - Home
regain is a search engine similar to web search engines like Google, with the difference that you don't search the web, but your own files and documents. Using regain you can search through large portions of data (several gigabytes!) in split seconds. Powerd by Lucene
java.net: Unit Testing Hibernate Mapping Configurations
Ictclas4j中文分词系统 - 我的蛋壳 - BlogJava
Google SiteMap Generator
Google SiteMap 生成器
SourceForge.net: ZK 3.0.7 Released
Dojo Campus - Feature Explorer
Dojo demo,例子包含图表Chart,Grid,Menu
InfoQ: Dojo的联合创建者Dylan Schiemann就AJAX、Comet、Bayeux、RIAs和Dojo Toolbox的问答
SourceForge.net: XBMC media center
VLC media player - Overview
Apache CXF - Index
Freelance Coding Jobs » Java
Welcome to the JDBM Project
Apache Jackrabbit
Apache Jackrabbit 下载,Apache Jackrabbit是一个使用Lucene作为存储的内容管理系统
CSDN技术中心 Java同步机制浅谈――synchronized对代码作何影响?
java synchronized的几个规则 - java ren - DonewsBlog
XFire生火指南(下) - 企业应用 - Java - JavaEye论坛
Codehaus XFire - Client API
The W3C Markup Validation Service
W3C CSS 验证服务
使用XFire+Spring构建Web Service(一)——helloWorld篇 - 阿蜜果 - BlogJava
如何下载SourceForge网站上面的开源软件 - JavaEye - JavaEye新闻
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