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说起基于PI的软件开发主要包括两方面, 1:利用PIAPI直接操作PI,此种方式的好处在于高效率,容易掌控任何操作,缺点在于需要购买PIAPI,下面会详细介绍此类方法; 2:通过国际工业组织约定的OPC通讯协议访问PI,此种方式的好处在于通用,因为只要是实时数据库都会支持OPC协议,有关OPC方面的请参考我的 "[原创]为中华崛起而学习系列[原创]" 下面有关OPC的资料.
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This library allows developers to access native libraries (DLL and lib.so) from java. You do NOT need to compile a line of C/C++ to use it: it's dynamic !! Now Win32 DLL and shared libraries are usable with Java ;)
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Springsource与Adobe合作发布了Spring与BlazeDS集成的项目Spring BlazeDS Integration,通过Spring BlazeDS Integration可以把Spring的Bean暴露为BlazeDS的Flex Remoting Service,这样Flex客户端就能够通过AMF调用Spring 暴露出来的Bean,有效简化BlazeDS配置及开发难度。
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Barbecue是一个可用的Java打印条形码的开发包 Barbecue is a Java library that enables the creation of barcodes in a variety of standard formats that can be displayed as Swing/AWT components, included in printed output, generated as EPS and SVG and displayed in a web application.
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