- InfoQ: 如何在团队中引入和评估代码质量
- * 要写好的代码需要学习什么? * 我如何评估眼前的代码质量是好还是坏? * 代码好坏的因素或者标准是什么? * 如何让代码解决质量问题? * 如何对糟糕的代码进行优化?
- Apache2.2和SVN1.4.4搭建svn版本控制平台(windows环境) - 志权黄的日志 - 网易博客
- Apache2.2和SVN1.4.4搭建svn版本控制平台(windows环境)
- 5. GWC - GeoWebCache - GeoServer
- GeoWebCache is a WMS tiling client. It runs as a proxy server between a map client and map server, caching tiles as they are requested, thus saving vast amounts of processing time. Written in Java, GeoWebCache is available as a standalone product which can be integrated with many client/server combinations. However, GeoWebCache is also an extension that has been shipped with GeoServer since version 1.7.0.
- TileCache Tutorial - GeoServer
- In the GeoServer community we've been really enjoying MetaCarta's TileCache as a caching layer in front of the WMS. You can see it in action at http://sigma.openplans.org. If you have non-dynamic mapping data in GeoServer using it will help give your users an experience that comes close to matching Google Maps in terms of responsiveness and usability. This tutorial will take you through setting it up (mostly pointing at their docs) as well as some hints and tricks that we've come upon in working with it. If you have information we've missed her don't hesitate to include it, this is a wiki, just hit 'page operations -> edit page' on the left. We're currently recommending this solution over squid or oscache, as TileCache was specially designed for WMS.
- BIRT Example Reports
- This section of Examples focuses on the feature set within BIRT. Simple reports are used to illustrate a function within BIRT. Most examples will have a before and after report that can be downloaded. In addition, the example is illustrated in a Flash presentation. The examples use popups to explain the process and provide no sound.
- Eclipse BIRT报表制作演示视频
- Eclipse BIRT报表制作演示视频,含图表
- 安装ImageMagick和JMagick的注意事项 | 姓张的小子
- Linux安装ImageMagick和JMagick的注意事项
- ImageMagick, JMagick安装、配置及使用 - 魏杰的技术专栏 - 51CTO技术博客
- Pure java的图片操作,不依赖操作系统的功能,图片运算量比较大,如果批处理图片或图片size较大的话(如1M左右的图片)的话,性能肯定不能满足;用JNI(java本地调用),依赖操作系统提供的功能, 操作批量、大图片,就成为首选方案。
- 使用 Drools 规则引擎实现业务逻辑
- 使用规则引擎可以通过降低实现复杂业务逻辑的组件的复杂性,降低应用程序的维护和可扩展性成本。这篇更新的文章展示如何使用开源的 Drools 规则引擎让 Java™ 应用程序更适应变化。Drools 项目引入了一个新的本地规则表达式语言和一个 Eclipse 插件,使 Drools 比以前更容易使用
- Geomajas | Edit and integrate GIS data from within your browser
- Geomajas is an Open source Web mapping software framework enabling 'real integrated GIS via the browser'. Geomajas includes: * Geometry and attribute editing with snapping support * Complex attribute and relation mapping (one-to-many, many-to-one), helping you implement business logic * Advanced querying capabilities (searching, filters, styles, ...)
- BIRT:基于 Eclipse 的报表
- BIRT:基于 Eclipse 的报表,教程,入门,快速上手
- Project Voldemort Blog : News about the project
- Building Voldemort read-only stores with Hadoop
- Pentaho Commercial Open Source Business Intelligence
- Mondrian is an OLAP server written in Java. It enables you to interactively analyze very large datasets stored in SQL databases without writing SQL.
- Using Location-Enabled MIDlets for Mobile Navigation
- Location information has become fairly easy to access nowadays, even on mobile devices. The widespread availability of GPS chipsets like the SiRF chipsets, which are accurate to within a few meters, as well as the significantly lower costs of these products, have contributed to the accessibility. The Location API for J2ME (JSR 179) even makes it very easy for developers to integrate location information into mobile applications.
- The JTAPI specification has been out for several years with no free working implementation. The wait is over. XTAPI provides a working implementation of the Core and Media packages for JTAPI 1.2.
- Java开源 网络服务器端组件分类列表
- http,socket,ftp,代理服务器开源项目
- iReport图表(Chart)教程
- iReport很多的图表(Chart)类型可提供使用。iReport现在支持Pie,Pie 3D,Bar,Bar 3D,XY Bar,Stacked Bar,Stacked Bar 3D,Line,XY Line,Area,XY Area,Scatter Plot,Bubble,Time Series,High Low Open Close和Candlestick 多种类型图表。 iReport使用jfreechart作为其图表引擎,jfreechart是一个强大的chart 生成工具。
- 利用iReport进行图表开发-苹果爸爸-搜狐博客
- 以柱状图(bar3DChart)为例,详细说明图表的开发过程。
- 用 BIRT 实现高级图表
- BIRT 提供了一个图表引擎,使我们能够把数据集显示为图表。还可以进一步配置图表来支持交互操作,这样的话,当用户在图表元素(比如图表标题、图例、轴、值系列等)上执行操作时,图表就会做出各种响应,比如显示工具提示、弹出消息或跳到另一个报告。BIRT 可以显示以下格式的图表:PNG、JPG、BMP 或 SVG。SVG 是一种描述 2-D 矢量图形和脚本编程的 XML 规范,因此可以实现各种交互式特性: 钻通 允许用户通过单击行、节点等图表元素从一个报告转到另一个报告。这样就可以通过一个选择的元素把两个报告链接起来
- InfoQ: Web自动化测试工具Selenium 1.0正式发布:Chrome支持+用户指南
- Selenium是一款开源Web自动化测试工具,最近发布了1.0版,标志着Web自动化测试领域正式加入了一名新成员。在其新版本中,除了修正了若干 Bug,最引人瞩目的就是Selenium RC增加了对Google Chrome浏览器的支持,同时Selenium官方网站上提供了完整的用户指南
- http://dev.openstreetmap.org/~edgemaster/OpenLayersExamples/POI/
- OpenLayers Examples 显示点的标注
- - Sky.Jian 朝阳的天空
- 简朝阳 (Sky Jian)博客 MySQL & Oracle DBA 目前就职于阿里巴巴
- 如何用javascript在页面上注册activex事件的处理函数 - 天涯问答
- 如何用javascript在页面上注册activex事件的处理函数
- vb开发的activex 与javascript 交互 - 王朝网络 - wangchao.org
- vb开发的activex 与javascript 交互
- 在用c#开发的ActiveX中调用JavaScript方法 - C# - 拼吾爱程序人生 最新编程技术交流社区
- 如何在ActiveX中调用页面上的JavaScript方法。
- Recent News Open Source Flash
- OSFlash is a watering hole for open source Flash developers and users to meet, talk about and contribute to new and existing open source projects for the Flash Platform.
- InfoQ: 热衷敏捷测试的十大理由
- # 不再需要手工测试脚本! - 相反,自动运行的脚本让测试人员有更多的时间来挖掘测试。 # 开发人员喜欢我了! - 迭代结束之前发现问题,而且因为开发人员对代码还有一个比较清晰的印象,所以比较易于找到问题。 # 现在我可以在撰写特性之前就分解特性!(Kay 与 Philip) - 在撰写特性之前开始测试,测试人员可以预防问题。 # 自动化测试在一天之内运行很多次 - 任何修改都能得到快速反馈。 # 营造团队导向的氛围 -(John Overbaugh)- 每位团队成员不仅关心编码,也会关心测试是否完成(Lisa Crispin) # 测试人员可以解决偶发性bug(Lisa Crispin)- 自动化的测试让每个人都舒服。 # 经常复审测试实践的机会(Adam Knight)- 不再是对过去行为的简单重复,实践经常会被复审。在 Adam 的例子里面,过去要5天完成的手工测试减少到只需要30分钟。 # 我只花很少、很少的时间来调试(Adrian Howard)- 当我犯了错,我能很快得到反馈 - 所以轻而易举就找到问题,然后解决。 # 真正改进质量,而不是仅仅记录在文档上(John Overbaugh)- bug很快就被解决,而不是只放在bug表里面。 # 因为测试先行,测试的时间总是有的 - Josue Barbosa dos Santos 讲述了在巴西的一个政府办公室工作的故事,那里测试被安排在项目的最后阶段。开发工作总是落后于项目时间表,面临截止期限的项目不测试就发布给用户。引入 TDD和ATDD之后,最少有一部分测试会随着软件开发同步进行。
- F5 BIG-IP负载均衡器配置实例与Web管理界面体验[原创] - 回忆未来[张宴] - 服务器系统架构与底层研发
- F5 BIG-IP负载均衡器配置实例与Web管理界面体验
- Spring Roo provides interactive, lightweight, user customizable tooling that enables rapid delivery of high performance enterprise Java applications
- Spring Roo provides interactive, lightweight, user customizable tooling that enables rapid delivery of high performance enterprise Java applications. Roo is currently in early development, with http://www.springsource.org/roo representing the project's temporary project home page. We'll add more content very soon!
- SQL经典面试题及答案 - - JavaEye技术网站
- SQL经典面试题及答案
- 数据库面试题集合 - - JavaEye技术网站
- 数据库面试题集合
- java面试题集 - - JavaEye技术网站
- java面试题集
- Home - HermesJMS - Confluence
- HermesJMS is an extensible console that helps you interact with JMS providers making it easy to browse or seach queues and topics, copy messages around and delete them. It fully integrates with JNDI letting you discover administered objects stored, create JMS sessions from the connection factories and use any destinations found. Many providers include a plugin that uses the native API to do non-JMS things like getting queue depths (and other statistics) or finding queue and topic names.
- 解决:服务器无法加载应用程序 '/LM/W3SVC'。
- 浏览ASP页面提示 500内部错误
- Monit
- Monit is a free open source utility for managing and monitoring, processes, files, directories and filesystems on a UNIX system. Monit conducts automatic maintenance and repair and can execute meaningful causal actions in error situations.
- InfoQ: Javier Paniza: Java开发效率也可以比RoR高
- 为了证明他的观点,他开始用带JPA注解的POJO,以及模型驱动框架OpenXava,实现了Ruby文章中的一个应用,结果是用了 更少的代码,更少的时间却获得一个更加强大的应用。在用户界面、负责CRUD的controller、实体关系维护等方面,Java方案均表现突出。
- lucene HitCollector 的作用 - 信息检索与算法研究 - JavaEye技术网站
- lucene HitCollector 的作用
- The Software Cookbook - Improving performances of a Lucene Search
- Improving performances of a Lucene Search
- SourceForge.net: Fast Image Resizer for Java - Project Web Hosting - Open Source Software
- Fast Image Resizer for Java Tool是一个能够批量调整同一个文件中JPEG/JPG图片大小的Java Tool。支持将调整后的图片存成ZIP文件。为图片添加文本或图片水印。自动生成Web相册。可以设置输出图片的质量,重命名创建的文件(比如全部改成小写,添加前缀,或按某一规则顺序命名)。
- InfoQ: 提升可伸缩性的八项最佳实践
- 提升可伸缩性的八项最佳实践
- 逆水行舟 » Blog Archive » 对apache timeout参数的思考
- apache timeout参数解释
14.2. 批量更新(Batch updates)
此方法同样适用于检索和更新数据。此外,在进行会返回很多行数据的查询时, 你需要使用 scroll() 方法以便充分利用服务器端游标所带来的好处。
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(); Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction(); ScrollableResults customers = session.getNamedQuery("GetCustomers") .setCacheMode(CacheMode.IGNORE) .scroll(ScrollMode.FORWARD_ONLY); int count=0; while ( customers.next() ) { Customer customer = (Customer) customers.get(0); customer.updateStuff(...); if ( ++count % 20 == 0 ) { //flush a batch of updates and release memory: session.flush(); session.clear(); } } tx.commit(); session.close(); 条件是: 1,将JDBC的批量抓取数量(batch size)参数设置到一个合适值 (其实是500——1000比较合适): hibernate.jdbc.batch_size 202,在执行批量处理时关闭二级缓存:
hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache false
但是要是在做了上述操作后,还需要对这些记录关联的另外一个表的记录做一个更新,那用hibernate是有问题的。 因为Hibernate更新一条记录的时候必须首先load查出这条记录,那在批量更新的时候不是很耗费性能?确实是这样的。 所以,在大批量处理更新一个大型数据集合,并且需要修改这个集合关联的数据库表对象时,还是需要JDBC来解决问题。如:
Connection conn1 = this.getConnection();
PreparedStatement pstmt1 = null;
ResultSet rs1 = null;
String strsql1 = "select workitem_id,work_sheet_no,process_code,process_name,process_ins_id,"
+"activity_role_id from wf_workitem r where r.process_code='ec_reprints_invoice_process'";
Connection conn2 = this.getConnection2();
PreparedStatement pstmt2 = null;
String strsql2 = "insert into os_currentstep(id,entry_id,step_id,action_id,owner,start_date,"
+"finish_date,due_date,status,caller) values(seq_os_currentsteps.nextval,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
int updateNum=0;
try {
pstmt1 = conn1.prepareStatement(strsql1);
pstmt2 = conn2.prepareStatement(strsql2);
rs1 = pstmt1.executeQuery();
int i=0;
while (rs1.next()) {
String process_ins_id = rs1.getString("process_ins_id");
String idsub=process_ins_id.substring(process_ins_id.indexOf("/", 1));
pstmt2.setObject(1, idsub.substring(1,idsub.indexOf("/", 1)));
pstmt2.setObject(2, getStepIdByStepName(rs1.getString("activity_name"),rs1.getString("process_code")));
pstmt2.setObject(4, rs1.getString("activity_role"));
Date d=convertStringToDate("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", rs1.getString("start_time"));
pstmt2.setObject(5, new java.sql.Timestamp(d.getTime()));
pstmt2.setObject(9, rs1.getString("participant"));
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
与碱性体质者相比,酸性体质的人常会感到身体疲乏、记忆力减退、注意力不集 中、腰酸腿痛、腹泻、便秘等,到医院也检查不出什么毛病。如果长期处在酸性体质不加以改善,女性的皮肤会过早地黯淡和衰老;儿童会造成发育不良、食欲不 振、注意力难以集中等症状;中老年人则会因此引发糖尿病、神经系统疾病和心脑血管疾病。85%的痛风、高血压、癌症、高脂血症患者,都是酸性 体质。
强酸性 蛋黄、乳酪、白糖、西点、柿子、乌鱼子、柴鱼等。
中酸性 火腿、鸡肉、鲔鱼、猪肉、鳗鱼、牛肉、面包、小麦、奶油、马肉等。
弱酸性 白米、花生、啤酒、油炸豆腐、海苔、文蛤、章鱼、泥鳅等。
弱碱性 红豆、萝卜、苹果、甘蓝菜、洋葱、豆腐等。
中碱性 萝卜干、大豆、胡萝卜、番茄、香蕉、橘子、番瓜、草莓、蛋白、梅干、柠檬、菠菜等。
强碱性 葡萄、茶叶、葡萄酒、海带、天然绿藻类