神一样存在的Google PageRank不再重要

标签: 存在 google pagerank | 发表时间:2011-08-11 15:57 | 作者:jiangchunheng tian.jn09

来源Once-sacred Google PageRank doesn’t matter anymore

Once-sacred Google PageRank doesn’t matter anymore

神一样存在的Google PageRank不再重要

This guest post was written by Lior Levin, an entrepreneur who works for Producteev, which makes a task management tool. He also advises a small neon signs online store in Oregon.

       这篇邀请帖由Lior Levin执笔,他是一名企业家,任职于Producteev,该公司制作一种任务管理工具。他还为Oregon一家霓虹标志网店提供咨询服务。

Once upon a time, there was a search engine called AltaVista. It was mighty and considered to be untouchable.


Then along came Google and knocked it out of the search engine game in a matter of about 12 months or less.




Google developed an algorithm that was based on looking at how many people linked to your site and what those links said. So lots of links from lots of websites increased your website’s ranking in Google. The term used to describe the popularity or your website was known as PageRank.


You can measure your Google PageRank by installing the Google toolbar for your web browser or through any number of PageRank measuring and analysis websites. But to be blunt, measuring the PageRank of your own website or that of your competitors is absolutely pointless.


Why so?


Once people realized that they could “game” or manipulate the Google search algorithm by building masses of links from high PageRank websites, things had to change.


You Can’t Fool Google


Those PageRank updates we used to love seeing every month or two became less and less frequent. And right now they’re pretty much pointless because the data shown in the PageRank update is not even close to being current, or even useful, at any real level.


Here’s how you can tell if this is true or not.


Pick a popular search term in your industry or niche and search Google for it. Now go through the top 10 results for that keyword and make a note of the PageRank for each website. What you’d expect is that the sites with high Google PageRank are listed at the top of the results, and then everything else is listed beneath it. But that’s not what you see, is it?


What you’re seeing are sites with little or no (like zero) page rank, achieving higher search engine rankings than sites with lots and lots of PageRank. How can this be?


It’s because PageRank itself stopped mattering a long time ago. Google is just updating PageRank on the toolbar now out of courtesy, I’d imagine. I would guess that within the next two to three years, they’ll stop updating PageRank permanently.


So if page rank doesn’t matter, then what does?


TrustRank Matters


Trust Rank has mattered more than PageRank has now for some time. As the term implies, TrustRank is about how trustworthy your site is in the eyes of big G. And right now, the more TrustRank your site has, the better.


But how do you measure TrustRank? Is there a TrustRank toolbar?


Nope, and there never will be. Google learned the hard way that you cannot expose the inner workings of your search engine to the general public because some people will do their best to manipulate it and ruin the experience for everyone else.


Here’s a list of things can that can influence your TrustRank and, therefore, your search engine rankings:


·The domain is registered for 5 or more years.

·The site is hosted on a dedicated server.

·The site loads quickly.

·All content is original.

·The visitor duration on each page is more than 90 seconds.

·The site is linked to from multiple international IP ranges.

·The site is an authority in its niche.








Are you seeing a pattern here? These are all qualities of a website or blog being run as a business—not just to scoop up some quick cash with spammy content and bogus inbound linking strategies.


You build TrustRank by starting a site or blog in one niche and becoming the authority in that niche or industry by providing content or resources that cannot be found anywhere else on the Internet. Google then rewards your efforts by putting you at the top of their search results for everyone to see.


PageRank was like Communism—a wonderful idea that could benefit everyone. But just like Communism, it was abused and had failed before it really had a chance to make a difference in the world.


What do you think about PageRank vs. TrustRank? What are you doing on your website to earn Google’s trust?




1.了解PageRank算法,可参考经典论文:The PageRank Citation Ranking: Bringing Order to the Web.

2.了解TrustRank算法,可以参考论文:Combating Web Spam with TrustRank .

3.到目前为止,二者的引用量PK:3983(1999-今)V.S 513(2004-今)








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神一样存在的Google PageRank不再重要

- tian.jn09 - 译言-电脑/网络/数码科技
来源Once-sacred Google PageRank doesn’t matter anymore. 译者jiangchunheng. 神一样存在的Google PageRank不再重要.        这篇邀请帖由Lior Levin执笔,他是一名企业家,任职于Producteev,该公司制作一种任务管理工具.

第三方 PageRank 探测工具暂时无法工作,Google Toolbar 正常

- SotongDJ - 谷奥——探寻谷歌的奥秘
今天有多位读者跟我们说Google放弃了PageRank,因为他们无法查询到PageRank数值了. 确实,今天几乎所有第三方的PageRank查询工具都歇了,但这似乎并不表明Google完全放弃了PageRank,因为Google自家的Google Toolbar还是可以正常显示出网页的PageRank数值来.

別再追逐 Google PageRank!從 Author Rank 找出自己的特色與價值

- - 免費資源網路社群
Google 在 2011 年加入「 Google 原創性標記」(Google Authorship),簡單來說就是把你在特定網域所發佈的內容連結到 Google+ 個人資料,讓你所撰寫的原創內容可以被署名並顯示於 Google 搜尋結果中,這麼做有什麼好處呢. 根據 Google 的說法,這將有助於區別並驗證搜尋結果內容,也能在 Google+ 上吸引更多追蹤者,或是協助讀者在網路上辨識你所寫過的其他內容.

主题敏感PageRank (Topic-Sensitive PageRank)

- - CSDN博客推荐文章
        前面的讨论提到. PageRank忽略了主题相关性,导致结果的. 相关性和主题性降低,对于不同的用户,甚至有很大的差别. 例如,当搜索“苹果”时,一个数码爱好者可能是想要看 iphone 的信息,一个果农可能是想看苹果的价格走势和种植技巧,而一个小朋友可能在找苹果的简笔画. 理想情况下,应该为每个用户维护一套专用向量,但面对海量用户这种方法显然不可行.

pagerank 与 相关度

- - 张沈鹏
我总是能搜索到我以前整理的文章. 我一直很困惑 pagerank 和 相关度怎么做整合. 晚上开始蒸腾搜索 研究了一下 摘录一点. 虽然每个搜索引擎都严格保密各自的明确的搜索算法,但是搜索引擎分析人士相信搜索引擎结果(排名列表)是“Page Relevance”与“PageRank”. 如果在Google上进行广泛搜索,看起来好象有几千个结果,但实际显示最多前1,000项结果.


- - 工作笔记
转自: https://blog.csdn.net/isuccess88/article/details/70339759. PageRank是Google研发的主要应用于评估网站可靠度和重要性的一种算法,是进行网页排名的考量指标之一. 本文将对PageRank的原理进行讲解,并以此为出发点介绍如何利用Transwarp Data Hub的Graphene在实际中满足相关分析需求.


- - CSDN博客互联网推荐文章
首先不要混淆网页重要性和网页相关性. 相关性:搜索关键字和某一网页之间相关的程度,主要是tf-idf值(最简单:tf*idf)来衡量. 重要性:网页之间重要程度的比较,或者说是网页质量的衡量,主要用pagerank算法计算. of course,搜索关键字搜索引擎给出的应该是重要性和相关性的结合结果.

PageRank 在 40 天里连续更新三次

- Jason - 谷奥——探寻谷歌的奥秘
感谢读者 英文SEO 和 安卓吧 的爆料. PageRank今天再次更新,这也是40天内的第三次更新,前两次是6月27日和7月18日,而7月18日那次号称是6月27日那次的修复更新,修复了之前PageRank更新后的数值错误(包括错误的将Google.com的PageRank从10降级到9). 英文SEO还发现现此次更新的多为无PR的新站.


- Doublel - SQYBI.com
本文同时发表在果壳网死理性派栏目,传送门:http://www.guokr.com/article/65304/. 因为字数原因,所以编辑对死理性派上发表的文章进行了一定的删减和修正. 这里发出的是未删减的版本,表示“太理性了,看不懂”的童鞋们可以来围观此文. 如果你安装过Google工具栏,如果你建立过独立博客或个人网站,那么你肯定和PageRank打过照面.


- - 互联网旁观者
1998年,Sergey Brin和Lawrence Page[1]提出了PageRank算法. 该算法基于“从许多优质的网页链接过来的网页,必定还是优质网页”的回归关系,来判定网页的重要性. 该算法认为从网页A导向网页B的链接可以看作是页面A对页面B的支持投票,根据这个投票数来判断页面的重要性. 当然,不仅仅只看投票数,还要对投票的页面进行重要性分析,越是重要的页面所投票的评价也就越高.