来源London Cycle Show: From Olympic stars to handle bars | Environment | guardiancouk
Cycle Show at Earls Court exhibition centre in London this week (7-10 October) gives cycling enthusiasts a 'one-stop-shop' chance to try out new bikes and accessories
本周(10 月 7 日至 10 日)在伦敦的伯爵府展览中心的自行车展为自行车爱好者们提供了见识新式自行车和相关配件的“一站式”机会。
A bicycle on display. Cycle Show offers 2011 product launches from the world's leading bike brands
一辆展出的自行车。自行车展带来了来自世界领先自行车品牌的将于 2011 年发布的产品
Cycle Show is in its ninth year
本届自行车展已走入了第 9 个年头了
Those thinking about riding to work have the chance to try out commuter models on a test track
Former world champion Mario Cipollini has branched into bicycle manufacture. 'It's a Ferrari, eh?' he said, of his most expensive model, that costs around £10,000. 'It's about emotion. It's an emotional bike. When you sit on it, you feel it,' he said
前世界冠军马里奥·其波利尼也投身于自行车制造业了。“这可是自行车中的法拉利了,不是么?”他如此评价其最贵的车型,价格高达 1 万英镑。“这款车型是为了激情而生的。这是一辆有感情的自行车。当你坐上去的时候,你就能感觉得到。”他说
Cycle wear for women from minx-girl.com. The Cycle Show has this year invited along two 'cycle stylists' to advise women on finding everything from the right bike to a pair of flattering cycling shorts. Debbie Burton, founder of minx-girl.com, along with champion rider Jenn Hopkins, is offering free personal shopping appointments
来自 minx-girl.com 的自行车女装。今年的自行车展邀请了两名“自行车时尚专家”为女性提供从选车到选择舒适的自行车短裤的各种建议。minx-girl.com 的创始人黛比·伯顿携手自行车冠军选手杰娜·霍普金带来免费的个人购物预定
An inner tube vending machine from Schwalbe made from a converted cigarette machine
The Nirve Cherry Blossom beach cruiser with Liix picnic basket (£550)
配有 Liix 牌野餐篮的 Nirve 牌樱花沙滩自行车(550 英镑)
Ultremo ZX road tyres from Schwalbe. (195g for £37.99)
施瓦尔贝品牌的 Ultremo ZX 公路轮胎。(重 195 克,售价 37.99 英镑)
Sea + Shore, folding bike from Seashore (£200) with six-speed deraileur
海 + 岸的组合,海岸牌的六档变速折叠自行车(200 英镑)
Sportswool jersey from Shutt Velo Rapide
Shutt Velo Rapide 品牌的羊毛运动衫
Balance bike from Dutch company Firstbike, with ski attachment for snowy hills (£119.95)
由荷兰公司 Firstbike 带来的平衡自行车,带有一个滑板配件供雪山使用(119.95 英镑)
Bicycles on display
Angel illuminated cycle helmets from Bicygnals.com include a USB port for recharging batteries at your computer (£44.95)
来自 Bicygnals.com 的像天使光环一样的自行车头盔配有一个 USB 接口用以连上电脑给电池充电(44.95 英镑)
Infiniti3D security system from Atomic22. A system of special bolts to secure all removable parts from a bicycle
Atomic22 品牌的无限三维安全系统。该系统由特殊的锁扣组成,可以保护自行车上所有可拆卸的部件的安全。
Notos bike saddle from Korean company New Metal Tech
Pashley Clubman (£995)
帕什利品牌的“花花公子”自行车(995 英镑)
Kranium, cardboard helmet. Designed by Royal College of Art industrial design student Anirudha Surabi
纸板做的头盔 Kranium。由皇家艺术学院工业设计学生阿尼鲁达·苏拉比设计。
Yoga for cyclists
Rose Pro RS 4400
Rose 品牌的 Pro RS 4400