
标签: 创意 杯具 | 发表时间:2011-08-28 20:23 | 作者:oliviaju mali

来源22 Cool And Creative Drinking Glasses | Bored Panda

Whether you like wine, cognac, champagne or fresh orange juice, you always need a proper glass for your favorite beverage. While even the cheapest white plastic cup can do the job, it probably won’t be as tasty as it could be using something more appropriate.




And if you want something really unique and cool – you’ve come to the right place! We’ve handpicked 22 Cool and Creative Drinking Glasses, and now want to share it with you.

Now scroll down the list, and tell us which one of these glasses you’d like to use during the next party!

1. Hopside Down


For those who like to glug their beer right from the bottle.


2. The Moist And Marry Glasses

2. 撒尿杯(呵呵,大家如果有更好的翻译版本请留言哈~)

The “Moist and Marry” drinking glasses are sure to spark conversation at any dinner table as guests peer at the image of a dog urinating on a fire hydrant imprinted on their glass. If dogs don’t do it for you, the little boy option is a nice touch. Just beware of serving beer in these glasses. (Designer: Donkey Products)

要是客人们在饭桌上看到这只印着狗狗在消防栓边撒尿的的杯子,一定会聊上几句的。如果狗狗的还不够雷人,那小男孩的那只则是个不错的选择。不过记得要用它们盛啤酒哟!(设计者: Donkey Products)

3. Crinkled Glass

3. 褶皱杯

Something to remind you of your summer picnics with your friends.  Made from recycled glass. (Designer: Rob Brandt)


4. Butterfly And Spider Glass Set

4. 蝴蝶&蜘蛛套杯

All three glasses combined:


The set of 3 glasses consists of a butterfly, spider and spider webprinted on each glass. When put on top of each other each are connected. (Designer: Propaganda)


5. Mustache Glass

5. 胡须杯

Get your stash on! Takes sipping on your favorite beverage to a whole new level. Great gift idea for young and old alike. (link)


6. Botanical Glass

6. 植物杯

Bombay Sapphire is pretty unique with a delicate botanical flavor. Of course the most luxe martini drink demands the same from accompanying glassware. Benjamin Hubert has designed a martini glass to reflect that aesthetic. Hand blown and shaped, this martini glass evokes the organic and botanical sensibility of Bombay Sapphire. (Designer: Benjamin Hubert )

孟买的蓝宝石加上精巧的植物造型可谓是独具匠心。当然上好的马提尼酒要有好杯来相配。本杰明 休伯特设计的这款马提尼酒杯正是反映的这种美学观点。手工吹制和塑造的这款杯子使孟买蓝宝石具有了自然和植物的灵性。(设计者: Benjamin Hubert)

7. Denture Glass

7. 假牙杯

Drinking from this glass should feel similar to the way you’d feel if you accidentally drank from a glass where your grandpa keeps his denture. (link)


8. Half Full

8. 半杯水

Is your glass half full or half empty? If you’re like most people, you’re never quite sure. But this clever 7-ounce glass reminds you that Half Full is where you’ll always find refreshment. (buy)


9. “EvOlverre” One Glass For Every Drink

9. 一杯通

This glass uses the same head and a different base for 4 main glass-specific types of drink: water, cognac, wine, and champagne. (Designer: Utopik Design)

这款杯子有一个杯体和四个不同的杯坐组成,适合于四种饮品:水、白兰地、红酒和香槟。(设计者:Utopik Design)

10. Swimmers Glasses


Pour some drink, and it will look as though these kids are diving in your beverage. (link)


11. This is [not]glass


“We’re glad that someone has finally caught on to our tendency to treat wine glasses like they’re soup ladles.” (Designer: Jeremy Brown)

“我们很高兴终于有人理解我们想要把高脚杯变得像汤匙一样的愿望了。”(设计者: Jeremy Brown)

12. Tag Beer Glass

12. 标签啤酒杯

Don’t Lose your head! (link)


13. Crowd Glasses


If any one of the people walking around the rim of this glass was paying attention and not chatting on their cell phone, they may realize that when this glass is being used they are all upside down. (link)


14. Glass Tank

14. 连通杯

这款杯子由一个灯泡形状的容器和一个弯曲的高脚杯组成。当高脚杯中的红酒减少时,一定量的红酒会从容器中流入杯子里。由于气压和水压的关系,杯子中的酒永远都不会溢出。(设计者: kyouei design)

A device consists of a bulb shaped container with the glass below. When the amount in the glass decreases, a constant amount is poured from the tank into the glass. Never overflowing from the glass because of air pressure and water pressure. (Designer: kyouei design)

15. Martini Glass

15. 马提尼酒杯

Just like #16 Champagne Flute, this Martini Glass is from the same InsideOut series by Alissia Melka-Teichroew. Made out of hand-blown borosilicate glass, it has the advantage of double-walled glass, which provides insulation, thus keeping your drink colder for longer. (Designer: Alissia Melka-Teichroew)

就像下面的香槟笛型杯一样,这款马提尼酒杯同样来自于Alissia Melka-Teichroew的“由里及外(InsideOut)”系列。杯子是由手工吹制的硼硅玻璃制成,优点是双层玻璃外壁,从而起到隔离作用,使你的饮料保持冰爽。(设计者:Alissia Melka-Teichroew)

16. Champagne Flute

16. 香槟笛型杯

Double-walled glass keeps your champagne cold for much longer. (Designer: Alissia Melka-Teichroew)


17. H2Eau

17. 水的N次方

You could call this carafe-and-glass combo an optical illusion, but that reminds us too much of something tacky from Blackstone the Magician. The French “trompe l’oeil” sounds SO much cooler. Okay, back to the carafe — it looks like a stack of disposable plastic cups, but there’s just one cup sitting on top, and it’s all hand-blown from crystal clear borosilicate glass. Perfect for bed stand, desk, anywhere you need to keep hydrated! (buy)

你可以把这一堆玻璃水杯和玻璃的结合体看做是一种幻觉,但它总是使我们联想到黑石魔术师的一些不入流的表演。法语“trompe l’oeil”(错视)听起来就帅气多了。好吧,回到玻璃水杯上来——它看起来就好像是一摞一次性的塑料水杯一样,但是其实只有最上面的才是真正的杯子,并且整个杯子都是由晶莹剔透的高硼硅玻璃手工吹制而成。无论是放在床头柜上、书桌上或是其它地方,它都是你饮水的最佳选择。

18. O-Glass

18. 洞洞杯

Under normal circumstances a drinking glass with an extra hole in it is a messy proposition. Now you can use this magical hole to hold a napkin, pencil, spike etc. Plus, it creates an easy storing potential in bars. (Designer: Alvaro Lagos Vasquez)

通常情况下,喝水杯子上有个洞不是一个好主意。现在,你可以用这个神奇的小洞来装餐巾、铅笔、钉子等等。此外,多的这个洞还有可能节省酒吧里的存储空间。(设计者:Alvaro Lagos Vasquez)

19. BOULES Tumblers

19. 摇摇乐杯

Striking aesthetics and elegant timelessness with a touch of playfulness. Each tactile glass is skilfully mouth blown and hand finished with delicate lenses, which give a surprising visual element. BOULES’ curved and heavy bottoms allow the tumblers to rock, while the lens guarantees a stable position at a playful angle. (Designer: Absolute Appetite)

这款杯具有着令人称奇的外观和优雅动人的永恒感外加一丝趣味性。每个触摸杯都是都是巧妙吹制,并用精致的镜片手工制作而成,于是就赋予了其意想不到的视觉效果。“摇摇乐”底部的曲线和重量能使杯子左右摇动起来,但又能使其在摇到一个有趣的角度时,保持稳定。(设计者:Absolute Appetite)

20. Cipher Drinking Glass

20. 密码杯

An empty glass resembles a meaningless colorful mosaic, until a liquid is poured into it, revealing its name. Each side of the glass is reserved for a specific drink. (Designer: Damjan Stankovic)

当杯子是空的时候,它上面只是些没有意义的马赛克图案,一旦倒上某种液体,这种液体名称就会显现出来。杯子的每一面都留有某种特定饮品的名字。(设计者:Damjan Stankovic)

21. Winestein

21. 杯中杯

You like sipping wine, but sometimes you’re just more comfortable with a mug in your mitt. Well this double-walled do-it-all lets you have it both ways. Elegant wine stem on the inside, manly beer stein on the outside, it’s a glass for all reasons. So pour yourself a nice measure of vino, grab it with gusto, thoughtfully inhale the bouquet, then toss it back. (buy)


22. Plastic Cup Wine Glass

22. 塑料杯形状的红酒杯

It’s the perfect glass for wine lovers that like quality products, but don’t take themselves, or their wine hobby too seriously. (Designer: Maxim Velcovsky)

这款杯子最适合那些热爱优质红酒,却又不想把自己或是对红酒的喜爱看得太重的人。(设计者:Maxim Velcovsky)








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