是 EdgeCase 所推出的 Ruby 學習工具。它的特別之處在於它是用單元測試填空題的方式來認識Ruby語法。要執行很簡單,下載之後,輸入 rake 就會開始跑測試了(如何安裝Ruby請參考這裡),例如以下的測試:
def test_arrays_and_ranges
assert_equal __, (1..5).class
assert_not_equal Array, (1..5)
assert_equal __, (1..5).to_a
assert_equal __, (1...5).to_a
其中 __ 的地方就是你要解答的部份,因為是空的,所以顯然測試不會通過(Red),它會提示你那一行出錯,然後實際的值是什麼:
~/koans] (master) .rvm-$ rake
/Users/ihower/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p290/bin/ruby path_to_enlightenment.rb
AboutArrays#test_arrays_and_ranges has damaged your karma.
The Master says:
You have not yet reached enlightenment.
You are progressing. Excellent. 20 completed.
The answers you seek...
<"FILL ME IN"> expected but was .
Please meditate on the following code:
/Users/ihower/koans/about_arrays.rb:48:in `test_arrays_and_ranges'
mountains are merely mountains
your path thus far [...X______________________________________________] 20/274