
标签: 彩色 纽约 世纪 | 发表时间:2011-09-10 14:34 | 作者:flyingheart 叽歪陈

译者 flyingheart

Jun. 6, 1941: Three men sit on a bench in Battery Park


In 1905, after years of living in Paris, Atlantic author Alvan Sanborn came home to a New York City that was, he wrote, "a wilderness of sprawling ugliness." In Lower Manhattan, new 20-story skyscrapers were ruining the view, blocking the elegant spires of Trinity Church and the swoops of the Brooklyn Bridge. Even the city's stateliest sections lacked Paris's charm and symmetry, Sanborn complained; the buildings seemed to be "turn[ing] their backs most impolitely on one another."


But after a month at home, Sanborn's disgust gave way to giddy excitement. He realized that the American city was "in the throes of creation," growing a new body to match its emerging mind:


Materially, mentally, and morally, New York is growing helter-skelter, very much as the untouched forest grows,--big trees and little trees, straight trees and crooked trees, saplings, bushes, brakes, ferns, flowers, mushrooms, and toadstools in a bewildering tangle,--and it exhales a similar aroma of unjaded life, which cannot fail to thrill every man who has a drop of red blood in him.


After a generation of immigration, jazz, and Art Deco, that jumble of buildings sprouted into a true city. Its robust atmosphere comes through in these photos by Charles W. Cushman, an Indiana photographer who visited New York in 1941 and 1942. Cushman was one of very few photographers who shot on expensive color Kodachrome, and his pictures look disarmingly recent: the stones glow with real sunlight, and the people have the ruddy skin tones of living human beings.  


A modern New Yorker will see at a glance how the city has changed since Cushman snapped these photos. Some of the most iconic buildings were demolished long ago, and neighborhoods like the Lower East Side have transformed beyond recognition. But certain features are unmistakably familiar: the wry smiles on the faces, the charm of the street vendors, even the hodge-podge of old and new architecture. At a time when Americans are remembering the fall of New York's tallest edifices, these images remind us that a great city has a spirit that grows up alongside its buildings, and ultimately transcends them.


New York in the 1940s



The residents of lower Clinton Street socialize outside on a Saturday afternoon


A view of the Brooklyn Bridge from South Street


The centuries-old Trinity Church stands between two skyscrapers on Wall Street


Sept. 27, 1941: A view of Lower Manhattan from a Jersey City ferry boat on a cloudless autumn day


A view of Manhattan's skyscrapers from across the Hudson


Red brick buildings line South Street near the East River


The Brooklyn Bridge on June 6, 1941


The Liberty Street ferry steams ahead with the city's financial district in the background


Jun. 6, 1941: Looking up toward the Financial District from South Ferry


This photo depicts the old World and Tribune buildings as seen from City Hall Square. These buildings were demolished in 1955 in order to expand the entrance to the Brooklyn Bridge.


A view of downtown skyscrapers from an East River pier


Children convene and adults shop near the corner of Broome Street and Baruch Place in the Lower East Side


A view of the financial district from an East River Pier


Children look out an apartment window on the corner Broome Street and Baruch Place on a Saturday afternoon


The old Fulton Market in the Lower East Side


A lattice of fire escapes covers apartments in the Lower East Side.


October 1, 1942: The west side of Broadway seen from the Bowling Green


A pushcart peddler sits next to his soft drink stand at Bowling Green in Lower Manhattan


The Produce Exchange near the Bowling Green was demolished in 1957 and replaced by a 30-story office tower


Oct. 3, 1942: New Yorkers walk the streets of Lower Manhattan


An eclectic mix of storefronts in Lower Manhattan


The city's municipal towers in the early morning


Two New Yorkers speak outside an apartment building


A vendor sells hot sweet potatoes on the sidewalk


New Yorkers collect war-time salvage


A man stands outside an Italian bakery located at 58 Mulberry Street. Today, this is a Chinese dried-beef store.


The Empire State Building seen from 23rd Street


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- 叽歪陈 - 译言-每日精品译文推荐
译者 flyingheart. 1941年6月6日:三个男人坐在炮台公园的长凳上. Even the city's stateliest sections lacked Paris's charm and symmetry, Sanborn complained; the buildings seemed to be "turn[ing] their backs most impolitely on one another.".


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- Edward - 洋洋大观
照片都是1941到1942年间,由印第安纳摄影者Charles Weever Cushman所拍摄. 昂贵的柯达彩色胶片是用来拍引人注目的系列. 很多建筑物都已经被拆毁,但是其中的一些仍然还伫立着. 70年前,有一位印第安纳的摄影师来纽约旅行,回家的时候就带回了一组很棒的假日掠影. 但是今天再看,Charles Weever Cushman的照片更加令人印象深刻,因为这些照片是用价格不菲的柯达才色胶片拍摄的,而且看起来远比实际地要更现代.