
标签: 拯救 人生 平民 | 发表时间:2011-09-12 10:30 | 作者:zhanghc110 Valen

译者 zhanghc110

He's been called a "prophet" for being so ready for the attacks, "the Man Who Predicted 9/11" in a History Channel special, and a true American hero by countless others.


As tragic as the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, was, the sky-blue day still held unexpected miracles, and Richard "Rick" Rescorla was at the center of one of the greatest -- the evacuation of financial-services behemoth Morgan Stanley. 

在悲剧发生的2001年9月11日,那个上演着种种奇迹的上午,瑞克·瑞思考勒(Richard "Rick" Rescorla)成了焦点——他成功疏散了大型金融机构摩根士丹利的千名员工。

Rescorla , a 62-year-old retired and decorated U.S. Army colonel, had focused on security at the World Trade Center for years. Prior to the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993, and while he was working in security for Dean Witter, he had approached the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey about security vulnerabilities in the WTC's garage. He was told to focus only on his companies' floors, according to biographer James Stewart. He did that. But, along with Dan Hill, a military buddy of his, he didn't stop thinking about security weaknesses and terrorism.

瑞思考勒,这位62岁退休的授勋陆军上校,多年前就开始关注世界贸易中心的安保问题。早在1993年世贸底细停车场爆炸案前,在添慧公司安全部门工作的他就向纽约新泽西港务局提出,世贸中心的停车场存在安全漏洞。但据传记作家詹姆士·斯图尔特(James Stewart)记载,他被要求只管好自己公司的事务。他的意见被忽视了。但是,他和他的老战友单·希尔并没有停止对安全缺陷和反恐措施的思考。

After a company merger in 1997, Rescorla became director of security at Morgan Stanley, where he maintained vigilant attention to the firm's -- and the building's -- safety. Despite disruption at the busy brokerage firm, he insisted on holding twice-yearly evacuation drills by the stairwell for the firm's 22 floors in the south tower.


The result: On Sept. 11, 2001, his team was ready.


Despite having received official instructions to stay put after the 8:46 a.m. crash next door, Rescorla told Morgan Stanley staffers to follow his evacuation plan, and he sent them two by two, as they had practiced, down the many flights of stairs. His decision and his preparation made all the difference. Although 13 employees -- including Rescorla -- perished, more than 2,500 employees left the tower alive. That's where the word "miracle" comes in. It's also where the word "hero" comes in.


According to "The New Yorker," Rescorla used his cell phone to call Hill to get updates on news footage as he directed employees by bullhorn. He was "calm and collected, never raising his voice." Then Hill heard him break into song," the article notes. He also called his wife, Susan. "If something should happen to me, I want you to know I've never been happier," he said.

据《纽约人》报道,瑞思考勒曾用手机打电话给希尔获取新闻消息并用扩音器指导员工疏散。他“沉着冷静,从不提高嗓门”。后来希尔听到他唱起了歌。瑞思考勒打电话给妻子苏珊,他说: “ 如果意外发生,我想让你知道我不曾更快乐过。”

A fuzzy photo of Rescorla speaking into the bullhorn exists online. He was last seen on the 10th floor -- heading upstairs.


To two young adults, Rescorla was simply known as Dad. His daughter, Kim, now 33, was in law school at Seton Hall University in Newark, New Jersey, at the time. She and her brother, Trevor, now 35, were living with their mom, Rescorla's first wife, Betsy, in Morristown, New Jersey, when the attacks occurred.


They were not surprised that he died in the line of duty. Trevor says, "I knew he would be the last person out, because it was his command. As long as there were people in there, he would try to get them out."


"It was part of who my father was. He stayed to help evacuate the building in 1993 and would not have done anything different that day," Kim says.


Richard "Rick" Rescorla's military service has been memorialized widely -- a photo of him in battle was the cover of the 1992 book "'We Were Soldiers Once … and Young,"' and Fort Benning, Georgia, displays a statue of him.  He fought in a major battle in 1965 in Vietnam at Ia Drang, a Communist stronghold and a major supply route. He led his company in securing a defense perimeter, and after enduring waves of assault, kept his men's spirits up by leading them in singing military songs through the night.


But the title of a 2002 biography and opera debuting this weekend in San Francisco that details Rescorla's sacrifice on Sept. 11 may best define him: "Heart of a Soldier."

正如2002年的那本名为“战士之心” 的传记和于本周末首次在旧金山本上演的详细讲述瑞思考勒911事迹的戏剧所描述那样,瑞思考勒无愧为“战士之心”。

More from Rescorla's daughter, Kim, and son, Trevor


On witnessing and mourning his death:


Kim: "We were part of a community of those that had lost loved ones, and although each loss was unique, no loss was more poignant or devastating than any other.


"In addition, we were bombarded with images of the collapse of the towers, and I knew, as I watched the towers fall, I was also witnessing the murder of my father."


Trevor: "Every day there was something that reminded me of my father."


On how 9/11 changed them:


Kim: "[I had been] unaware of anything outside of my family, my friends, and my studies. I became cognizant of the world being a much larger place. Prior to 9/11, I could not conceive that there were people so consumed by hate and desperation that they would be capable and willing to sacrifice themselves to viciously murder people they had never met.


"I chose to focus my career in estate planning and estate administration [because] many of those that perished did so without estate-planning documents, causing administrative burdens for their families at a time of emotional turmoil."


Trevor: "I am sure that my father's background has shaped my interest in helping people. He instilled in me a sense that there is a duty to help your fellows and the perspective that we are all only a trick of fate from being in the same position [as someone else].


"He always impressed upon me the need to be my own man and follow my own path, but who he was had, and does have, a significant influence on who I am." (Trevor completed a master's degree in criminal justice from John Jay College of Criminal Justice at the City University of New York.)


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