口腔健康:护齿有步骤 牙齿更亮白

标签: 口腔 健康 牙齿 | 发表时间:2011-09-13 14:41 | 作者:carlasun dizzy

译者 carlasun

Think you know everything about proper brushing and flossing techniques? Understand the basics and what you can do to promote oral health.


Your smile depends on simple dental care habits, such as brushing and flossing. But are you using the right techniques? Follow these steps to protect your oral health.


Brushing for oral health


Oral health begins with clean teeth. Consider these brushing basics from the American Dental Association:


Brush your teeth at least twice a day. When you brush, don't rush. Take enough time to do a thorough job.

Use the proper equipment. Use a fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush that fits your mouth comfortably. Consider using an electric or battery-operated toothbrush, especially if you have arthritis or other problems that make it difficult to brush effectively.

Practice good technique. Hold your toothbrush at a slight angle against your teeth and brush with short back-and-forth motions. Remember to brush the inside and chewing surfaces of your teeth, as well as your tongue. Avoid vigorous or harsh scrubbing, which can irritate your gums.

Keep your equipment clean. Always rinse your toothbrush with water after brushing. Store your toothbrush in an upright position, if possible, and allow it to air dry until using it again. Don't routinely cover toothbrushes or store them in closed containers, which can encourage the growth of bacteria.

Know when to replace your toothbrush. Invest in a new toothbrush or a replacement head for your electric or battery-operated toothbrush every three to four months — or sooner if the bristles become frayed.





Flossing for oral health

You can't reach the tight spaces between your teeth or under your gumline with a toothbrush. That's why daily flossing is important. When you floss:



Don't skimp. Break off about 18 inches (46 centimeters) of dental floss. Wind most of the floss around the middle finger on one hand, and the rest around the middle finger on the other hand — leaving about 1 inch (3 centimeters) to floss your first tooth.


Take it one tooth at a time. Use your thumbs and forefingers to gently pull the floss from the gumline to the top of the tooth to scrape off plaque. Rub the floss against all sides of the tooth. Unwind to fresh floss as you progress to the next tooth.


Keep it up. If you have trouble getting floss through your teeth, try the waxed variety. If it's hard to manipulate the floss, use a floss holder or an interdental cleaner — such as a dental pick or stick designed to clean between the teeth.


Other oral health care tips


In addition to daily brushing and flossing, consider using an antimicrobial mouth rinse to help reduce plaque between your teeth.


To remove food particles from your teeth, you might try an oral irrigator — a device that aims a stream of water at your teeth. Resist the temptation to use toothpicks or other objects that could injure your gums. Keep in mind, however, that an oral irrigator doesn't replace daily brushing and flossing, since it doesn't remove plaque.


When to see the dentist


To prevent gum disease and other oral health problems, schedule regular dental cleanings and exams — generally once or twice a year. In the meantime, contact your dentist if you notice any signs or symptoms that could suggest oral health problems, such as:

预防牙龈疾病等口腔问题,应该定期洗牙和检查牙齿—— 一般为一年一到两次。同时,当你发现以下口腔问题的征兆时,都应该与你的牙科医生联系:

Red, tender or swollen gums


Gums that bleed when you brush or floss


Gums that begin pulling away from your teeth


Loose permanent teeth


Changes in the way your top and bottom teeth align with each other


Unusual sensitivity to hot and cold


Persistent bad breath or an unusual taste in your mouth


Remember, early detection and treatment of problems with your gums, teeth and mouth can help ensure a lifetime of good oral health.


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流言: 【教你6招快速美白牙齿】1、食醋含在嘴里1到3分钟后吐掉,刷牙. 2、桔子皮晒干,磨成粉,和牙膏共用. 4、刷完牙后,沾柠檬汁擦每一颗牙齿. 6、墨斗鱼的骨头碾碎放在牙刷上当牙膏使用. 真相: 相信很多人都为牙齿不够白烦恼过. 流言描述的这类“小妙招”恰恰迎合大家的需要,简单易行,指不定还很有效呐.


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流言: 洗牙会造成牙齿松动、酸痛,经常洗牙对牙齿有害. 真相: 关于洗牙的谣言很多,但流传最广的一个还是“会使牙齿变松”. 这虽然是许多人的亲身感受,但其实弄错了背后的真实原因. 洁牙,也就是大家所说的“洗牙”,其实指的是“超声波牙周洁治”,是牙周治疗中最基础的一种. 它的原理是利用超声产生的高频震动配合水雾冲洗,去除附着于牙周,主要是牙龈沟内的细菌、炎症细胞,以及附着于牙面上的牙结石.


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乳牙的离去意味着童年的结束,而恒牙之所以叫做恒牙,是因为对你的一生来说,它是“永恒”的. 如果它先你而去,那么一定是出于各种不正常、不得已的原因. 有哪些比较常见的原因会导致它“先走一步”呢. 先天缺失:牙齿是我们的身体器官中唯一一个在出生后才“长出”的器官,这个过程叫作“萌出”. 每个人口腔里有多少颗牙齿,在当初还是胎儿时,它们(牙胚)就早已各就各位,埋伏在那里了.


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手、脚、身体各个穴位所对应的内脏 (图).  下面这几张图显示了,咱们的手、脚、身体各个穴位所对应的内脏. 按摩的时候,对准穴位下力,才能对我们身体有益.  如图所示,比如我们的脚趾分别代表了我们眼睛和耳朵,而整个脚底就相当于人体身体的主干.  身体是革命的本钱,学会了自己给自己按摩一下吧.  肾是人体重要脏器之一,乃先天之本.


- Marc - 译言-每日精品译文推荐
欢迎关注Mayo健康指南,该项目的宗旨是介绍权威健康知识,共享健康生活. 健康不是一切,但没有健康就没有一切,让我们一起来关注健康知识,自身受益的同时,也造福他人. 所有信息暂时来自Mayo医疗中心官网. Mayo医学中心是美国非盈利性的医疗和科研机构,包含70多家医院和诊所,遍布于明尼苏达州、爱荷华州和威斯康星洲.