译者 MISS宅
Ground Zero: September 11, 2001 - September 11, 2011
One of the most indelible memories in the collective psyche of Americans - and the world - comes from the images of the World Trade Center following the terrorist attacks on the United States, September 11, 2001. Yesterday, Americans and the world collectively remembered those who lost their lives in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania ten years after that unforgettable day. This post (edited by Leanne Burden) shows the transformation, of what became known as Ground Zero, over the last ten years. A memorial rises from the ashes of that day on September 11, 2011. -- Paula Nelson (41 photos total)
美国人以及全世界人民心中最难以释怀的记忆之一莫过于9.11事件中世贸大厦遭遇恐怖袭击轰然坍塌的场景。十年后的昨天,美国人民和世界人民在纽约、华盛顿、宾夕法尼亚一同悼念了那些在难以忘却的9.11事件中的遇难者。这篇帖子(Leanne Burden编辑)就揭示了世贸大厦遗址在过去十年以来的变化。从那一天开始一直到2011.9.11,不断累积的怀念——Paula Nelson(共计41幅图片)
Photos by Space Imaging’s IKONOS satellite showing the World Trade Center complex in Manhattan, New York, collected on June 30, 2011 showing the 110-stories twin towers; on September 15, 2001 showing the remains of the 1,350-foot (411.48-meter) twin towers of the World Trade Center, and the debris and dust that have settled in Ground Zero, four days after the terrorist attacks; and June 8, 2002, showing the progress in the reclamation of Ground Zero where the twin towers of the World Trade Center once stood. AFP/Space Imaging
A man stood in the rubble and called out, asking if anyone needed help, after the collapse of the first World Trade Center Tower on Sept. 11, 2001. More than 2,700 people were killed when Al Qaeda terrorists hijacked US passenger jets and flew them into the twin towers in New York. Doug Kanter/AFP
2001年9月11日,在第一栋世贸中心大楼坍塌之后,一个男人站在废墟上大声疾呼,询问是否有人需要帮助。有超过2700人在基地组织恐怖分子劫持飞机驶向纽约双子塔的恐怖袭击中丧生。Doug Kanter/AFP
An aerial view of the wreckage at the World Trade Center on Sept. 16, 2001. New York City Office of Emergency Management
Workers climbed over the remains of the World Trade Center complex in lower Manhattan, New York, on Sept. 28, 2001. Shawn Baldwin/Associated Press
摄于纽约,2001年9月28日,工人们翻过位于曼哈顿下城区的世贸中心遗址。Shawn Baldwin供图
Firefighters made their way over the ruins of the World Trade Center through clouds of smoke as work continued at ground zero on Oct. 11, 2001, one month after the terrorist attacks. Stan Honda/Associated Press
消防员们正穿越世贸大厦废墟上的层层烟雾。他们的工作一直持续到恐怖袭击一个月后的2001年10月11日。 Stan Honda供图
Sunlight filtered into the still smoldering remains of Tower Two as workers riding in a basket suspended from a giant crane hovered above on Oct. 27, 2001. William C. Lopez/Associated Press
2001年10月27日,工作者们坐于盘旋在高空的巨大吊车的挂篮中,阳光渗过仍在冒烟的双子楼废墟。William C. Lopez供图
A major section of Building 6 collapsed as demolition of the remaining piees of the World Trade Center continued on Dec. 18, 2001. Louis Lanzano/Associated Press
2001年12月18日,当对世贸大厦残楼进行爆破时,六号楼主楼应声坍塌。 Louis Lanzano供图
Recovery workers looked on as heavy machinery helped remove debris on Jan. 12, 2002. Robert Spencer/Associated Press
2002年1月12日,救援人员凝视着重型机械协助移走废墟。 Robert Spencer供图
Workers unfolded an American flag on May, 25, 2002, on top of the last standing beam at the site of the World Trade Center disaster in New York a few days before the official end of the recovery effort. Stephen Chernin/Associated Press
2002年5月25日,官方的救援工作即将进入尾声,工作人员站在世贸大厦遗址中最后一根挺立的梁顶上展开了一面美国国旗。Stephen Chernin供图
The former site of the World Trade Center, known as ground zero, was seen from the southeast in this photo taken on June 4, 2002. Peter Morgan/Reuters
2002年6月4日,从东南角摄下的前世贸大厦遗址,如今的它被称为“归零地”。路透社Peter Morgan供图
At ground zero, a lone police officer sat amid the rubble during a ceremony marking the one year anniversary of the attacks on Sept. 11, 2002. Amy Sancetta/Associated Press
2002年11月11日,在9.11袭击事件的一周年纪念仪式上,一个警察独自坐在世贸大厦遗址的瓦砾中。 Amy Sancetta供图
Lights illuminated ground zero as the sun set over the Manhattan on Sept. 6, 2002. Vincent LaForet/The New York Times
2002年9月6日,当太阳升起的时候,灯光照亮了世贸大厦遗址。《纽约时报》Vincent LaForet提供
The original slurry wall of the World Trade Center, showing steel old cement and the new resh cement, was visible on Nov. 19, 2003. Angel Franco/The New York Times
摄于2003年11月19日的照片上,世贸大厦的老水泥墙上的旧钢化水泥柱和新水泥柱清晰可见。《纽约时报》Angel Franco供图
Workers laid the cornerstone of the Freedom Tower on the location of the World Trade Center on July 4, 2004. James Estrin/The New York Times
2004年7月4日,工作人员在世贸大厦遗址上打下自由大厦的基石。《纽约时报》James Estrin供图
People looked out at the former site of the World Trade Center on May 5, 2005. The construction of the Freedom Tower on the site had run into numerous obstacles. Spencer Platt/Getty Images
2005年5月5日,人们站在世贸大厦前遗址前眺望。在遗址上建立自由大厦的工程可谓障碍重重。Spencer Platt/Getty 供图
On the east side of the World Trade Center bathtub, the old inbound Hudson & Manhattan Railroad tunnels, which also served as truck ramps for the World Trade Center, were visible on July 16, 2005. Andrea Mohin/The New York Times
在世贸大厦水道的东边,是原哈德逊与曼哈顿铁路隧道的入站口。它同时也作为世贸大厦的卡车匝道发挥作用。摄于2005年7月16日 《纽约时报》Andrea Mohin供图
A worker dismantled the T-shaped steel beam, which gained fame as the ground zero cross, on Oct. 5, 2006. The cross was found by a construction worker amid smoking ruins two weeks after the Sept. 11 attacks. Bebeto Matthews/Associated Press
2006年10月5日,工人将闻名的归零地十字架钢梁拆卸。这个十字架是在9.11恐怖袭击两周以后由建筑工人在烟尘围绕的废墟中铸造的。Bebeto Matthews供图
Construction workers watched from a ramp as others raised the first of three 25-ton steel columns into position before it was bolted into place on Dec. 19, 2006, a milestone in efforts to build a new office tower to replace the World Trade Center. Kathy Willens/Associated Press
2006年12月19日,建筑工人站在斜坡上注视同伴将25吨重的三根钢柱中的一根竖起,以利于之后将其归位。此举是建筑新办公大厦取代世贸大厦的工作中的一个里程碑。Kathy Willens供图
Construction at the foundation of the Freedom Towers at the World Trade Center site in New York, September 10, 2007. Shannon Stapleton/Associated Press
2007年9月10日,位于世贸大厦遗址的自由大厦正在拔地而起。Shannon Stapleton供图
Construction continued on the Freedom Tower foundations at the World Trade Center site on June 20, 2008. Mark Lennihan/Associated Press
2008年6月20日,位于世贸大厦遗址的自由大厦的建设正持续进行中。Mark Lennihan供图
The galleria at the World Trade Center, an east-west underground connecting passageway between the Transportation Hub and Battery Park City, was still exposed to daylight during construction on Nov. 18, 2008. David W. Dunlap/The New York Times
2008年11月18日白天,在世贸大厦广场,一条连接炮台公园市东西交通枢纽通道的地铁线正在施工。《纽约时报》David W. Dunlap供图
Friends and relatives of the victims of the Sept. 11 attacks tossed flowers into the Reflecting Pool during a ceremony at ground zero on Sept. 11, 2008. Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg News
2008年9月11日,在世贸大厦遗址举行的一个纪念活动中,9.11事件遇难者的亲人朋友们将鲜花投入倒影池中。博腾资讯社Andrew Harrer供图
The survivors’ staircase at the World Trade Center was moved to its permanent spot on Dec. 11, 2008. The Vessey Street staircase was used by many to evacuate the towers on Sept. 11, 2001. Ozier Muhammad/The New York Times
2008年12月11日,在世贸中心的幸存者阶梯被移到了一个固定地点。2001年9月11日,维西街阶梯曾被很多人作为从大厦逃生的工具。《纽约时报》Ozier Muhammad供图
The sunken pool, which marks the site of One World Trade Center, was almost entirely framed out in structural steel, except for its southwest corner in a January 2009 photo. Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
位于世贸大厦的沉池的结构钢架即将完工,预计在2009年1月完成其西南角的框架。 纽约州和新泽西州港务局供图
Ironworker Eon Mathieson prepared to connect a steel beam on the fourth floor of One World Trade Center on Nov. 17, 2009. The Port Authority changed the name from Freedom Tower to One World Trade Center in 2009. Mark Lennihan/Associated Press
2009年11月17日,铁匠Eon Mathieson正准备将钢梁连接到世贸大厦的四楼。2009年,港务管理局将世贸大厦更名为自由大厦。 Mark Lennihan供图
People watched out the window as construction continued at the World Trade Center site on March 26, 2010, in New York City. A new development agreement was announced after a 16-month stalemate over building at the site. Mario Tama/Getty Images
2010年3月26日,纽约,人们注视着窗外世贸大厦遗址上的建筑进程。针对遗址上的建设事宜在僵持16个月之后,终于发布了新的开发协议。盖荻图库Mario Tama供图
A 19th-century ship that has been buried for over 100 years was found on July 14, 2010, during construction at the former World Trade Center site. Archeologists worked to uncover, measure, and collect artifacts quickly before the ship would be buried again. Fred R. Conrad/The New York Times
2010年7月14日,在前世贸大厦遗址的施工中,一艘被掩埋超过100年的十九世纪的船被挖出。在它被再次掩埋之前,考古学家迅速对其展开了发掘,测量,收集文物的工作。《纽约时报》Fred R. Conrad供图
Work in the memorial pools continued on Aug. 27, 2010. Fred R. Conrad/The New York Times
纪念池的工作一直持续到2010年8月27日,《纽约时报》Fred R. Conrad供图
Looking up at the base of one of the cranes at the One World Trade Center on Aug, 27 , 2010. Fred R. Conrad/The New York Times
2010年8月27日,从位于世贸大厦的其中一个起重机脚下向上看。《纽约时报》Fred R. Conrad供图
Construction continued at the World Trade Center site with the memorial footprints of the twin towers visible on Sept. 7, 2010. Mario Tama/Getty Images
2010年9月7日,世贸中心的建造仍在继续,双子塔的纪念足迹已然可见。Mario Tama/Getty 供图
A trumpeter played Taps at ground zero at the end of the ninth annual commemoration ceremony on Sept. 11, 2010. Chris Hondros/Getty Images
2010年9月11日,一位号手在世贸大厦遗址上举行的第九个纪念仪式的尾声上吹奏曲目。 盖荻图库Chris Hondros供图
People stood on the 20th floor restaurant terrace of the World Center Hotel as construction continued on One World Trade Center and the National September 11 Memorial & Museum on July 8, 2011. The memorial features two reflecting pools on the footprints of the twin towers. Mario Tama/Getty Images
2011年7月8日,新世贸大厦和9.11国家纪念馆正在建造中,人们站在世界中心酒店20层的餐厅看台上眺望。层盖荻图库Mario Tama供图
Clouds were reflected in the glass of One World Trade Center on May 11, 2011. The base of the tower was supposed to be covered by prismatic glass panels to cover the bomb-proof concrete, but plans were scrapped. Todd Heisler/The New York Times
2011年5月11日,云朵映照在新世贸大厦的窗户上。原计划将大厦用附在防爆混凝土上的分光玻璃来包裹,但最后未能成形。在《纽约时报》Todd Heisler供图
Tourists looked on as the Fire Department of New York's Ladder Company 3 fire truck, which was responsible for evacuating civilians from the North Tower of the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001, was lowered 70 feet by crane to its exhibition space of the National September 11 Memorial Museum on July 20, 2011. Timothy A. Clary/AFP/Getty Images
2011年7月20日,在游客们的注视下,纽约云梯救火队消防署的三辆消防车被吊车驾着降下70英尺,放置在9.11国家纪念馆。早在2001年9月11日,它们曾负责疏散世贸大厦北楼的人员。 盖荻图库Timothy A.Clary供图
Construction workers lowered the Sept. 11 cross by crane into a subterranean section of the National September 11 Memorial and Museum on July 23, 2011. The cross is an intersecting steel beam discovered in the World Trade Center rubble which served as symbol of spiritual recovery in the aftermath of 9/11. Mark Lennihan/Associated Press
2011年7月23日,建筑工人们用吊车将9.11十字架植入9.11国家纪念馆地下。9.11十字架是在世贸大厦的废墟中发现的一个交叉的钢柱,它原来是9/11余波后的精神恢复标志。Mark Lennihan供图
Two steel beams known as the tridents from the original World Trade Center tower were visible inside the National September 11 Museum during construction on July 28, 2011. Mike Segar/Reuters
2011年7月28日,两根取自原世贸大厦的三叉戟钢柱在9.11国家纪念馆展出,此时,新世贸大厦的建造正在进行中。路透社Mike Segar供图
A flag flies over Ground Zero before the start of ceremonies marking the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center, September 11, 2011. Gary Hershorn/Reuters
2011年9月11日,9.11事件十周年纪念仪式即将开场之际,一面旗帜飘扬在归零地上空。路透社Gary Hershorn供图
The World Trade Center ceremony marking the 10th anniversary of the attacks takes place at the National September 11 Memorial, Sept. 11, 2011 in New York. Mark Lennihan/Associated Press
2011年9月11日,在世贸大厦举行的仪式标志着纪念9.11袭击事件十周年的仪式在国家纪念馆举行。 Mark Lennihan供图
A flag flies over ground zero before the start of the ceremony marking the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Eduardo Munoz/Reuters
9.11袭击事件十周年纪念仪式即将开场之际,一面旗帜在归零地上空飘扬。路透社Eduardo Munoz供图
A framed photo of the Twin Towers sits against a curb in honor of a 9/11 victim near Ground Zero during the 10th anniversary ceremony, September 11, 2011, in New York. Tom Fox/The Dallas Morning News
一幅镶框照片上面显示着高耸的双子塔。而街道上正值第十个9.11事件遇难者纪念仪式。摄于2011年9月11日,纽约。Tom Fox《达拉斯早报》供图
